EVALD 3.0 for Foreigners is a software for automatic evaluation of surface coherence (cohesion) in Czech texts written by non-native speakers of Czech.
EVALD 4.0 for Beginners is a software that serves for automatic evaluation of Czech texts written by non-native speakers of Czech – language beginners.
EVALD 4.0 for Foreigners is a software for automatic evaluation of surface coherence (cohesion) in Czech texts written by non-native speakers of Czech.
Annotation of extended textual coreference and bridging relations in the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 and project LINDAT-Clarin LM2010013, grant GAČR GA405/09/0729
KUK 0.0 is a pilot version of a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts designated as data for manual and automatic assessment of accessibility (comprehensibility or clarity) of Czech legal texts.
GeCzLex 1.0 is an online electronic resource for translation equivalents of Czech and German discourse connectives. It contains anaphoric connectives for both languages and their possible translations documented in bilingual parallel corpora (not necessarily anaphoric). The entries have been interlinked via semantic annotation of the connectives (taken from monolingual lexicons of connectives CzeDLex and DiMLex) according to the PDTB 3 sense taxonomy and translation possibilities aquired from the Czech and German parallel data of the Intercorp project. The lexicon is the first bilingual inventory of connectives with linkage on the level of individual pairs (connective + discourse sense).
Migrant Stories is a corpus of 1017 short biographic narratives of migrants supplemented with meta information about countries of origin/destination, the migrant gender, GDP per capita of the respective countries, etc. The corpus has been compiled as a teaching material for data analysis.
Netgraph is a graphically oriented client-server application for searching in linguistically annotated treebanks. The query language of Netgraph is simple and intuitive, yet powerful enough for treebanks with complex annotations schemes. The primary purpose of Netgraph is searching in the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0, nevertheless it can be used for other treebanks as well.