Adiponektin je hormon tukové tkáně, který je přítomen v krvi v poměrně vysokých koncentracích. Působí jako protektivní faktor při iniciaci a progresi aterosklerózy díky svým protizánětlivým a protiaterogenním vlastnostem. Jeho sérové hladiny jsou sníženy u obézních jedinců, pacientů s diabetem 2. typu, u pacientů s onemocněním koronárních arterií atd. Hladina adiponektinu pozitivně koreluje s hladinou HDL cholesterolu, negativně naopak s markery zánětu, inzulinové rezistence, triacylglyceroly a markery metabolismu na triacylglyceroly bohatých lipoproteinových částic, a dalšími adipokiny. Adiponektin působí jako ochranný faktor v rozvoji onemocnění spojených s obezitou. Protizánětlivý efekt může být hlavní složkou jeho kladného působení při potlačování kardiovaskulárních a metabolických onemocnění včetně aterosklerózy a inzulinové rezistence. Navíc se zdá, že vykazuje přímou biologickou aktivitu, a to mj. indukcí klasické cesty aktivace komplementu. Gen pro adiponektin je polymorfní a v jeho blízkosti leží také susceptibilní lokusy pro DM 2. typu a metabolický syndrom. Tato přehledná práce se zabývá adiponektinem a jeho vztahem k ateroskleróze, popisuje některé polymorfi smy na genu pro adiponektin a všímá si jeho protizánětlivého účinku., Adiponectin is an adipose tissue-derived hormone which circulates at relatively high concentrations in blood. Adiponectin has protective actions in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis through anti-infl ammatory and anti-atherogenic effects. Adiponectin serum levels are decreased in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and patients with coronary artery disease, etc. The level of circulating adiponectin correlates positively with HDL cholesterol, and negatively with infl ammatory markers, markers of insulin resistance, triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles, and other adipokines. Adiponectin displays protective actions on development of various obesity-linked diseases. The anti-infl ammatory properties may be the major component of its benefi cial effects on cardiovascular and metabolic disorders including atherosclerosis and insulin resistance. In addition, adiponectin displays a direct biological activity through the induction of a classical pathway of complement activation. The polymorphic gene for adiponectin is located in the close proximity of susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. This review deals with adiponectin and its relationship to atherosclerosis, describes some adiponectin gene polymorphisms and focuses on its anti-infl ammatory effects., Novotný Dalibor, Vaverková H., Karásek D., Halenka M., and Lit.: 28
Insulin resistance associated with dyslipidemia enhances cardiovascular risk. Several atherogenic indexes have been suggested to give more precise information about the risk. The aim of our study was to estimate, which atherogenic index correlates better with parameters of insulin resistance. Furthermore, we compared the parameters of lipid metabolism and insulin resistance between smokers and non-smokers. In our cross-sectional study we enrolled 729 patients with dyslipidemia which were divided into two groups - non-smokers (586) and smokers (143). We measured lipid profile, parameters of insulin resistance (fasting glycemia, insulin, HOMA-IR, C-peptide, proinsulin) and calculated atherogenic indexes - atherogenic index of plasma (log (TAG/HDL-C), AIP), ApoB/ApoA1 index and nonHDL-C. AIP was found out to show stronger correlations with parameters of insulin resistance (p<0.001, correlation coefficients ranging between 0.457 and 0.243) than other indexes (ApoB/ApoA1 or nonHDL cholesterol). AIP correlated with parameters of insulin resistance both in smokers and nonsmokers, but after adjustment (for age, body mass index, waist circumference) persisting only in non-smokers. Smokers had a wider waist circumference and a proatherogenic lipid profile. Smoking increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. AIP can be used in daily praxis for predicting insulin resistance in patients with dyslipidemia, predominantly in non-smokers., L'. Cibičková, D. Karásek, K. Langová, H. Vaverková, J. Orság, J. Lukeš, D. Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
With the increasing prevalence of obesity and especially abdominal obesity, a simple clinical tool is needed that identifies the cardiometabolic risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The aim of our study was to evaluate a broad spectrum of metabolic variables and IMT in subjects with and without hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTGW) and compare it with the harmonized definition of metabolic syndrome (MS) with both a higher (MS- I) and lower waist circumference (MS -II) for Europids. We enrolled 607 asymptomatic dyslipidemic subjects (295 men and 312 women) into our cross -sectional study. The subjects with HTGW had an atherogenic lipid profile (significantly higher triglycerides, AIP, non -HDL -C, lower HDL -C and ApoA -1, and the women also higher TC and ApoB), increased markers of insulin resistance (insulin, HOMA, C -peptide, proinsulin), inflammation (hsCRP), thrombosis (fibrinogen, PAI -1), SBP and DBP, and lower adiponectin (p<0.05 -0.001 for all). These risk factors were entirely similar in HTGW, MS- I and MS -II. Age -adjusted IMT was significantly higher only in the women with HTGW but this significance disappeared after further adjustment for TC, SBP, and smoking. Our results support the routine use of HTGW as a simple and inexpensive screening tool to detect subjects at increased cardiometabolic risk in clinical practice., H. Vaverková, D. Karásek, D. Novotný, M. Halenka, J. Orság, L. Slavík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cíl: Gen pro adiponektin bývá označován jako kandidátní gen inzulinové rezistence (IR). V naší práci byl sledován možný vztah mezi jednonukleotidovým polymorfi smem (SNP) +276 G > T a markery inzulinové rezistence včetně lipidového a lipoproteinového profi lu u 355 dyslipidemických pacientů lipidové ambulance III. interní kliniky Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc a jejich prvostupňových příbuzných. Metody: SNP genu pro adiponektin byl detekován metodou polymerázové řetězové reakce v reálném čase s hybridizačními fl uorescenčními sondami. Rozdíly mezi genotypy ve spojitých proměnných byly analyzovány metodou ANOVA (upraveno na věk, pohlaví a obvod pasu). Výsledky: Nosiči genotypu GG měli významně vyšší hladiny celkového cholesterolu (GG: 6,54 ± 1,74 mmol/l, GT: 6,18 ± 1,45 mmol/l, TT: 6,25 ± 1,64 mmol/l, p < 0,05) a LDL cholesterolu (GG: 4,12 ± 1,49 mmol/l, GT: 3,78 ± 1,31 mmol/l, TT: 3,70 ± 1,34 mmol/l, p < 0,05) než jedinci s alelou T. Přítomnost alely T na pozici 276 byla u heterozygotů naopak spojena s vyšší koncentrací inhibitoru aktivátoru plasminogenu 1 (PAI-1) (GG: 71,50 ± 41,0 μg/l, GT: 81,0 ± 38,7 μg/l, TT: 70,14 ± 44,4 μg/l, p < 0,05). Závěr: Ve studii byla zjištěna slabá asociace heterozygotů-nosičů T alely polymorfi smu +276 G > T genu pro adiponektin a jedním markerem inzulinové rezistence, avšak nebyl nalezen vztah k sérovému adiponektinu, inzulinu, body mass indexu a dyslipidemickým fenotypům., Aim: The adiponectin gene has been proposed as a potential candidate gene for IR. We analysed possible relationship between +276 G > T SNP and IR markers together with lipid and lipoprotein profi les in 355 Czech dyslipidemic patients of Lipid Center, University Hospital Olomouc, and their fi rst degree relatives. Methods: The +276 G > T SNP of adiponectin gene was detected by real time PCR method with hybridization fl uorescence probes in LightCycler. Between-genotype differences in continuous variables were analyzed by ANOVA after adjustment for age, sex and waist circumference. Results: Subjects with GG genotype were associated with higher total cholesterol (GG: 6.54 ± 1.74 mmol/l, GT: 6.18 ± 1.45 mmol/l, TT: 6.25 ± 1.64 mmol/l, p < 0.05) and LDL cholesterol (GG: 4.12 ± 1.49 mmol/l, GT: 3.78 ± 1.31 mmol/l, TT: 3.70 ± 1.34 mmol/l, p < 0.05) in comparison with T allele carriers. On the contrary, the presence of T allele in position 276 in heterozygotes was associated with higher levels of plasma inhibitor of activator of plasminogen 1 (PAI-1) (GG: 71.50 ± 41.0 μg/l, GT: 81.0 ± 38.7 μg/l, TT: 70.14 ± 44.4 μg/l, p < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, the poor association between carriers- heterozygotes of T alelle of +276 G > T polymorphism of gene for adiponectin and one marker of insulin resistance was found. However, no relationship was detected with plasma adiponectin, insulin, body mass index and dyslipidemic phenotypes., Novotný Dalibor, Vaverková H., Karásek D., Halenka M., Lukeš J., Slavík L., Bartková M., Schneiderka P., and Lit.: 11