In his late philosophy, Levinas finds that the human being, along with his body, is constituted by “sensibility as proximity, as signification, as one-for-the-other, which signifies in giving”; otherwise he or she is not human. For Levinas, therefore, it is also an affectivity, which, in its bind to the Other, opens up as a sensitivity to the Other. The Other is what animates affectivity. In Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, “the passage to the physico-chemico-physiological meanings of the body”, that is prepared by “sensibility as proximity, as signification, as one-for-the-other”, as the materialization of the body, is now exclusively reabsorbed in ethical signification. Nevertheless, the article shows some other figures of incarnation in the earlier works of Levinas as well: the position and the enjoyment.
The first stage of the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) setup development for the mobile remote sensing of chemical elements is presented. In this stage the laboratory test setup has been built using Nd:YAG laser (radiation wavelength 532 nm, ''at-top'' beam profile), custom built Galilean focusing optics together with the off-axis Newtonian collection optics for plasma radiation detection. The capability of the setup has been tested in the distance of 6.2 m on selected samples with different matrices (metal, bone, paving stone, glass). The measured concentrations have been compared to results acquired by reference LA-ICP-MS setup. These test measurements have shown that the setup is capable of semiquantitative analysis at the level of mg·kg-1. and Článek popisuje první fázi stavby mobilní sestavy pro dálkovou laserovou spektroskopii (Remote LIBS) v laboratorním uspořádání na ÚFI, FSI, VUT v Brně. Sestava využívá pulzní laser o vlnové délce 532 nm s ''at-top'' profilem svazku, fokusační optiku Galileova typu a sběrnou optiku v podobě mimoosého Newtonova teleskopu. První testování aparatury proběhlo na vzdálenost 6,2 m se vzorky různých materiálů - kovové vzorky, sklo, keramický střep, dlažební kostka a lidská kost. Naměřené koncentrace vybraných prvků byly porovnány s daty získanými metodou LA-ICP-MS. Výsledky měření ukázaly, že aparatura je dostatečně citlivá pro detekci matričních (Al, Ca, P, Mg) i některých minoritních a stopových prvků (Na, Zn, Ti, Sr) a je schopna semikvantitativní analýzy v řádech mg·kg-1.