The article describes automation of 2-dimensional surface analysis in the aparature for laser spectroscopy (LIBS). Such analysis give us 2D map of presented chemical elements. The main part is dedicated to algorithm choosing suitable for evaluation of the image sharpness. Digital camera and ablation laser share the same focusing optics, so knowing the exact image sharpness it is possible to set sample object to focal plane. There are theoretically described and experimentaly tested different kinds of methods how to obtain a relative sharpness number: gradient based method and methods working in frequency domain. Digital noise phenomenon is also discussed. As an output a selection of suitable method has been made with respect to its speed, accuracy and durability against digital noise. and Článek popisuje řešení automatizace dvourozměrné povrchové analýzy v zařízení pro laserovou spektroskopii (LIBS), jejímž výsledkem je 2D mapa přítomnosti chemických prvků. Hlavní část je věnována výběru algoritmu pro opětovné nastavení mapovaného vzorku do ohniskové roviny objektivu, který zároveň slouží k fokusaci laserového svazku. Děje se tak pomocí analýzy ostrosti snímku vzorku. Teoreticky jsou rozebrány a experimentálně otestovány různé metody vyhodno cení ostrosti snímku, a to metoda gradientní a metody pracující s frekvenčním spektrem obrazu. Článek se zabývá také problematikou filtrace digitálního šumu. Výstupem je volba vhodného algoritmu s ohledem na rychlost, přesnost a odolnost vůči digitálnímu šumu.
Lase Induced Brakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) were utilized for microspatian nallyses of a fossil bear (Ursus arctos) tooth dentine. The distribution of selected trace elemnts (Sr, Ba, Fe) was measured on a 26 mm x 15 mm large and 3 mm thick transversal cross section of canine tooth, The Na and Mg content together with the distribution of matrix elemnts (Ca, P) was aslo monitored within this area. It is shown that LIBS, similarly to LA-ICP-MS can be successfully utilized for fast, spatially-resolved analysis of fossi teeth samples. Rate of Sr and Ca, Sr and Ba tracers were recognized and it is possible to say, thet these elemnts are changing its concentration in according to the seasonal increments of dentine. The concetration is lower in winter, when the bear is in his hibernation, contrary to summe, which is affuent for its substances. Secondly,concentration of Sr. shows us a seasonal migration between the place of hibernating and territory where bear searched for feed. From measurement of concentrations it is possible to claim, that the bear was hunted in his season of searching for feed, when he was ensuring his fat reserfe for winter. From archaeological pint of iew, on the base of these measurements it was possible to reconstract the ehtology of the fossil brown bear, i.e the nutrition, health and migration., Miriam Nývltová Fišáková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The question of the relation of embodiment and subjectivity in Husserl might be posed, for example, by asking what role and in what form and to what extent is embodiment basic for the subjective character of experience in the narrower, most elementary sense of the term “inner consciousness” or inwardness, which Husserl initially analyses independently of embodiment, in the framework of inner temporal consciousness. It would seem that in the later genetico phenomenological reflections which treat temporal con¬sciousness in the context of affectivity in the broad sense of the word and ki¬naesthetic experiencing (at least according to the interpretation of L. Land grebe, which is the basis of the presentation of this topic) bodily inward nessand “mineful” inward experiencing are two closely connected, yet different, fundamental characteristics of the life of consciousness, and that the ques¬tion of their mutual relation in Husserl remains open.
Historie spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu se začíná psát již rokem 1962, tedy zanedlouho po zkonstruování prvního laseru. V tomto roce byla tato technika atomové emisní spektrometrie s novým typem buzení poprvé popsána. Rozvoji ovšem bránila nedostupnost vysoce výkonných pulsních laserů, takže praktické práce se objevují až o více než dvacet let později. Od té doby počet aplikací i publikací v odborných časopisech neustále roste, což ukazuje, že se jedná o metodu velice populární a perspektivní., Karel Novotný, Jozef Kaiser, Aleš Hrdlička, Radomír Malina, Tomáš Vémola, David Prochazka, Jan Novotný, Viktor Kanický., and Obsahuje bibliografii
„The body as a subject – this paradox which is a phenomenon at the same time,“ writes Patočka in the article entitled „Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Movement“. In this article, Patočka develops the given paradox on the phenomenological basis, presenting the theses concerning the non-objectifi able foundation of the constitution of the world and its givenness. According to Patočka, the world conforms, in a certain sense, to the intentions of subjective movement. Thus, the subjective movement of the body and the movement of the apparition of the world, i.e. the entry of the invisible to the realm of the apparition, correspond to each other. In diff erent contexts, Patočka goes even further and interprets the subjective movement of the body from the perspective of vital structures. The primary „feeling“ of fi nitude takes place in the instinctive-aff ective motricity of the body, in the so-called fi rst movement of existence. It is here, in the sensory perception and aff ectivity, below the threshold of consciousness and understanding of being that the resonance with the world takes place, as well as the perception of this world as a strange and destructive power. In this sense, it is already the body and its anxiety rather than the anticipation of death in the understanding of being that represents the basis of our feeling of fi nitude. and „Der Leib als Subjekt, diese Paradoxie ist zugleich ein Phänomen,“ schreibt Patočka in seinem Artikel „Phänomenologie und Metaphysik der Bewegung“ und entwickelt diese Paradoxie vor dem Hintergrund der Phänomenologie bis hin zu den thesen über die nicht objektivierbare Grundlage der Konstitution der Welt, ihre Gegebenheit. Die Welt passt sich laut Patočka in gewissem Sinne den Intentionen der Bewegung des Leibes an. Die subjektive Bewegung des Leibes und die Bewegung der Off enbarung der Welt, das Eintreten des nicht Off enbarten in die Off enbartheit, stehen so in einer gegenseitigen Beziehung. Patočka geht in anderen Zusammenhängen noch weiter und interpretiert die subjektive Bewegung des Leibes hinsichtlich der Lebenszusammenhänge. Zum ursprünglichen „Gefühl“ der Endlichkeit kommt es in der instinktivaff ektiven Beweglichkeit des Leibes, in der sog. ersten Bewegung der Existenz, in der es in der Sinneswahrnehmung und in der Aff ektivität unterhalb der Bewusstseinsschwelle und der Seinserkenntnis sowohl zum Einklang mit der Welt als auch dazu kommt, dass die Welt als fremde, kalte und zerstörerische Macht wahrgenommen wird. In diesem Sinne ist bereits der Leib und seine Furcht und nicht erst das Vorlaufen zum Tode im Verständnis des Seins, die Grundlage des Gefühls der Endlichkeit.