Motto: "Pevnolátkové osvětlování je dnes tam, kde byl Internet v 80. letech. Stejně jako jsme tehdy nemohli předpovědět, jaký bude Internet, dnes, o 30 let později, nedokážeme předvídat, co všechno se stane se světelnou technikou a osvětlováním v příštích dekádách. Víme jen, že to bude úžasné a krásné." Roland Haitz, During its long evolution, techniques for artificial lighting used four main principles: combustion, incandescence, gas discharge and luminescence. The injection electroluminescence (taking place in light-emitting diodes, LED) is probably the most efficient way of converting electricity into light. In this paper we describe the main advantages and disadvantages of LED based light sources, as well as some topics of current research such as laser based light sources. Finally, the possible health effects of artificial lighting are briefly discussed., Jan Valenta, Ivan Pelant., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Starting with the basic principles of light emitting diodes (LED), the history of blue LED development is briefly described in order to justify and explain the awarding of the Nobel Prize for physics in 2014 to I. Akasaki, H. Amano and S. Nakamura. Exploitation of blue LEDs in lighting techniques enables a substantial decrease in energy consumation and enables emerging smart applications, which could be considered as the most important lighting revolution after the introduction of incandescent bulbs more than a century ago., Jan Valenta, Ivan Pelant., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper highlighs the contribution of Philipp Lenard (Nobel Prize winner 1905) to the understanding of luminescence and reviews his main results in the field. In particular, the experimental spectroscopic technique introduced by Lenard and the properties of the so-called Lenard phosphors are discussed., Ivan Pelant, Jan Valenta., and Obsahuje seznam literatury