The Sequoia corpus is a set of 3,099 linguistically-annotated French sentences, originating from four sources (Europarl, European Agency Reports, French regional journal L'Est Républicain, and French wikipedia).
Several types of annotations were added over the years.
The current release comprises:
- parts-of-speech (SEQUOIA ANR-08-EMER-013 project)
- syntactic dependency trees
- deep syntactic dependency graphs (Deep sequoia project)
- multi-word expressions and named entities (PARSEME COST project and PARSEME-FR ANR-14-CERA-0001 project)
- coarse semantic tags for nouns (FrSemCor project)
See the deep sequoia page for a detailed description:
Universal Segmentations (UniSegments) is a collection of lexical resources capturing morphological segmentations harmonised into a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme consists of simple tab-separated columns that stores a word and its morphological segmentations, including pieces of information about the word and the segmented units, e.g., part-of-speech categories, type of morphs/morphemes etc. The current public version of the collection contains 38 harmonised segmentation datasets covering 30 different languages.