This article considers the fiction of Vítězslav Nezval (1900–1958), which, incomparison with his verse, sometimes seemed to represent a marginal area ofhis work. The lyrical quality of some of his fiction was also emphasized. Thoughthese texts do not constitute an absolute dissolution of the story into lyric verse,they do reveal a number of features of the traditional epic model, which Nezval,however, uses in new contexts, with new functions. The key point is the framelikenature of the fictional world, which oscillates between the “possible” and“impossible.” Subsequently there is a considerable increase in the role of theswitching mechanism from level to level of the text structure, and in the role of the narrator, who highlights the two fundamental levels. A stream of associationsthen moves to the foreground, often expressed in distinctively stylized poeticlanguage. On the other hand, apart from the well-known and often-noted analogieswith the work of Proust, one finds in Nezval’s fiction a number of intertextualreferences to the tradition of the novel from Flaubert to Meyerink; above all it isthe strong, evident inspiration of Trivialliteratur. Nezval, however, employing theschematic approaches of Trivialliteratur, plays a game, often verging on parodyand the absurd, and principally, maintaining tension between verisimilitude andfantasy. This dualism, on the boundary between reality and fiction, to which thereader is led and where the action takes place and the characters move, seems to bea fundamental feature of Nezval’s epic model. and Studie se zabývá prózou Vítězslava Nezvala, která ve srovnání s poesií zdánlivě představovala okrajovou oblast autorovy tvorby; lyričnost také byla zdůrazňována jako klíčový prvek Nezvalova prozaického umění. Příslušné texty přesto nejsou absolutním rozplynutím příběhu v lyrice a vykazují dokonce řadu rysů tradičního epického modelu; Nezval ovšem tyto prvky používá v nových souvislostech a s novými funkcemi. Klíčovým bodem je rámcová povaha fikčního světa, kolísajícího mezi „možným“ a „nemožným“ pólem. Následně zásadně vzrostla role přepínačů mezi jednotlivými vrstvami textové struktury a zároveň i role vyprávěče, který zaujímá pozici reflektoru mezi oběma základními rovinami. Do popředí pak vystupuje proud asociací, vyjadřovaných často osobitě stylizovaným básnickým jazykem. Na druhou stranu lze v Nezvalových prózách – kromě známých a mnohokrát evidovaných analogií s texty Proustovými - nalézt řadu intertextuálních odkazů k románové tradici od Flauberta k Meyerinkovi; silná a zjevná je ale především inspirace triviální literaturou: Nezval ovšem hraje se schematickými postupy pokleslých žánrů hru, která je často dovádí na okraj parodie, stupňuje do absurdity a především udržuje „dvojlomné“ napětí mezi věrohodností a fantastičností příběhu. Ona podvojnost na rozhraní reality a fikce, na kterém je veden čtenář, odehrávají se děje a na němž se pohybují jednající postavy, se zdá být základním rysem Nezvalova epického modelu.
IFN-γ is a pleiotropic cytokine crucial for both innate and adaptive immunity, which also plays a critical role in immunological surveillance of cancer. Genetic defects or gene silencing in the IFN-γ signal transduction pathways as well as in the expression of IFN-γ-regulated genes represent frequent mechanisms by which tumour cells can escape from immune responses. Epigenetic control of the IFN-γ signalling pathway activation associated with epigenetic changes in the corresponding regulatory gene regions, such as chromatin remodelling, histone acetylation and methylation, and DNA demethylation is frequently dysregulated in tumour cells. Epigenetic silencing of the IFN-γ regulatory pathway components, as well as of the IFN-γ-regulated genes crucial for tumour cell recognition or induction of anti-tumour immune responses, has been documented in various cancer models. Expression of both IFN-γ signalling pathway components and selected IFN-γ-regulated genes can be influenced by epigenetic modifiers, namely DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors. These agents thus can mimic, restore, or boost the immunomodulatory effects of IFN-γ in tumour cells, which can contribute to their anti-tumour therapeutic efficacies and justifies their potential use in combined epigenetic therapy with immunotherapeutic approaches. and Corresponding author: Milan Reiniš
The incidence of metabolic syndrome increases in the developed countries, therefore biomedical research is focused on the understanding of its etiology. The study of exact mechanisms is very complicated because both genetic and environmental factors contribute to this complex disease. The ability of environmental fac tors to promote phenotype changes by epigenetic DNA modifications (i.e. DNA methylation, histone modifications) was demonstrated to play an important role in the development and predisposition to particular symptoms of metabolic syndrome. There is no doubt that the early life, such as the fetal and perinatal periods, is critical for metabolic syndrome development and therefore critical for prevention of this disease. Moreover, these changes are visible not only in individuals exposed to environmental factor s but also in the subsequent progeny for multiple generations and this phenomenon is called transgenerational inheritance. The knowledge of molecular mechanisms, by which early minor environmental stimuli modify the expression of genetic information, might be the desired key for the understanding of mechanisms leading to the change of phenotype in adulthood. This review provides a short overview of metabolic syndrome epigenetics., J. Kuneš, I. Vaněčková, B. Mikulášková, M. Behuliak, L. Maletínská, J. Zicha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper presents a new method to automate the process of epileptic seizure detection in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using wavelet transform and an improved version of negative correlation learning (NCL) algorithm. An improved version of NCL is proposed by incorporating the capability of gating network, as a dynamic combining part of the mixture of experts (ME), into the combining outputs of base experts which are trained using negative correlation learning algorithm. The NCL training algorithm encourages the base experts to learn different parts or aspects of data set and the gating network provides the local competence of these base experts. Three types of normal (recorded from five healthy persons with eyes open), seizure-free (recorded from epileptogenic zoon of five patients) and epileptic EEG signals were decomposed into wavelet coefficients using discrete wavelet transform. Then the statistical features of the wavelet coefficients were computed representing them into the classifiers. Experimental results show that our proposed method classifies normal, seizure-free and epileptic EEG signals with the accuracy of 96.92% which is significantly better than previous combining methods.
MV-algebras were introduced by Chang to prove the completeness of the infinite-valued Lukasiewicz propositional calculus. Recently, algebraic theory of MV-algebras has been intensively studied. Wajsberg algebras are just a reformulation of Chang MV-algebras where implication is used instead of disjunction. Using these equivalence, in this paper we provide conditions for the existence of an epimorphism between two finite MV-algebras A and B. Specifically, we define the mv-functions with domain in the ordered set of prime elements of B and with range in the ordered set of prime elements of A, and prove that every epimorphism from A to B can be uniquely constructed from an mv-function.
This paper aims to assess current theoretical findings on the origin of coordination by salience and suggests a way to clarify the existing framework. The main concern is to reveal how different coordination mechanisms rely on specific epistemic aspects of reasoning. The paper highlights the fact that basic epistemic assumptions of theories diverge in a way that makes them essentially distinctive. Consequently, recommendations and predictions of the traditional views of coordination by salience are, in principle, based on the processes related to the agent’s presumptions regarding the cognitive abilities of a co-player. This finding implies that we should consider these theories as complementary, and not competitive, explanations of the same phenomenon.
According to epistemic requirement of scientific realism the truths - or near truths - about objects posited by scientific theories should be knowable. However, the optimistic view that a scientific theoretical system can be shown to be true is blocked by the familiar Hume’s arguments against induction. The paper shall not deal with them primarily but only marginally in order to compare Hume’s conclusions with the Duhem-Quine thesis. For the common reading of this thesis is that it shows the powerlessness of negative instances to disprove scientific theories, just as Hume’s critical arguments against induction have shown the powerlessness of positive instances to prove scientific theories. The paper aims to expose erroneous aspects of the analogy and to explain what the errors imply for the epistemic requirement of scientific realism, even if it is weakened from knowability of truths to knowability of near truths., Podle epistemického požadavku vědeckého realismu by měly být pravdy - nebo blízko pravdy - o věcech postavených vědeckými teoriemi. Optimistický názor, že vědecký teoretický systém lze prokázat jako pravdivý, je však blokován známými Humeovými argumenty proti indukci. Příspěvek se jich nebude zabývat primárně, ale pouze okrajově, aby bylo možné porovnat Humeovy závěry s tezí Duhem-Quine. Pro společné čtení této práce je to, že ukazuje bezmocnost negativních instancí k vyvrácení vědeckých teorií, stejně jako Humeovy kritické argumenty proti indukci ukázaly bezmocnost pozitivních instancí k prokázání vědeckých teorií. Cílem práce je odhalit chybné aspekty analogie a vysvětlit, co tyto chyby znamenají pro epistemický požadavek vědeckého realismu., and Miloš Taliga
According to Keith DeRose, the best argument for epistemic contextualism is supplied by communication intuitions ordinary speakers have when evaluating utterances of sentences of the form ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p''. It is claimed that utterances of ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p'' can both be true with respect to the same S and p because the speakers of the utterances employ different epistemic standards. The aim of the paper is to show that one can accept this claim as true while denying epistemic contextualism. A handful of possible contenders to epistemic contextualism are given. Thus, the alleged best argument for contextualism has to be supplemented by other arguments to show that epistemic contextualism should be given preference to the other approaches., Podle Keith DeRose je nejlepším argumentem pro epistemický kontextualizmus komunikační intuice, které mají obyčejní mluvčí při hodnocení projevů vět ve tvaru ,,S ví, že p'' a ,,S neví, že p''. Tvrdí se, že projevy ,,S ví, že p'' a ''S neví, že p'' mohou být pravdivé s ohledem na stejné S a p, protože reproduktory projevů používají různé epistemické standardy. Cílem příspěvku je ukázat, že toto tvrzení lze akceptovat jako pravdivé, zatímco popírá epistemický kontextismus. Je dána hrstka možných uchazečů o epistemický kontextualismus. Tudíž údajný nejlepší argument pro kontextualismus musí být doplněn dalšími argumenty, které prokazují, že epistemický kontextismus by měl být upřednostňován před ostatními přístupy., and Marián Zouhar