This research aims at quantitative analysis of time perspectives in the Czech society. For this purpose, Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory was used. The battery consists of 56 items comprising five time dimensions (orientations): Past Positive, Past Negative, Hedonistic Presence, Fatalistic Presence and Future. The data was gathered from a representative sample of the Czech population in the years 2003 and 2008. The factor analysis showed evidence for a multifactor structure which, in principal, does not differ from the original American version of ZTPI nor its adaptations in other countries. On the basis of item analysis, we adjusted the model to suit the Czech data as much as possible. In the Czech sample, orientations on the positive past and on the future were comparatively the strongest ones. Relations of time orientation with age, gender, level of education and religious faith were observed., Pavla Homolová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Metoda fázově modulační časově rozlišené konfokální mikrospektrofluorimetrie byla využita v kombinaci s fluorescenčním zobrazováním k monitorování transportu fluorescenčně značeného terapeutického oligonukleotidu do buněk za pomoci kationického porfyrinu. Bylo možné sledovat stabilitu vytvořeného transportního komplexu ve vnitrobuněčném prostředí a interakci transportovaného oligonukleotidu s cílovými molekulárními strukturami v buněčném jádře., Time-resolved phase modulation microspectrofluorimetry in combination with fluorescence microscopy imaging have been applied to monitor the cellular uptake fluorescent-labeled therapeutic oligonucleotide delivered by a cationic porphyrin. Transport complex stability inside the cell and the oligonucleotide interaction with the target molecular structures in the cell nucleus has been monitored., Petr Praus, Eva Kočišová, Josef Štěpánek, Peter Mojzeš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mammalian teeth develop during embryogenesis as epithelio-mesenchymal organs. The primary enamel knot is considered as a signaling center in tooth morphogenesis. After tooth bell formation, this epithelial structure undergoes apoptosis. Activation of caspase 3 represents a crucial step in the intracellular death machinery. Procaspase 3 and caspase 3 molecules were localized in the primary enamel knot of the field vole using immunohistochemistry. Different fixation procedures in cryopreserved and paraffin-embedded tissues and detection systems based on peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase mediated color reactions were applied. Apoptosis was detected using morphological criteria and the TUNEL assay. Procaspase 3 was found in both the epithelial and mesenchymal part of the tooth germ. Active caspase 3 was localized particularly in the primary enamel knot, its distribution correlated with dental apoptosis and showed a similar pattern in the field vole as in the mouse.
Jeden z hlavních výzkumných směrů Ústavu technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT v Praze je zaměřen na částicovou fyziku. Předmětem činnosti pracovníků ÚTEF je fyzika top kvarku studovaná v rámci experimentu ATLAS na nově budovaném urychlovači LHC v CERN, fenomenologie srážek hadronů a atomových jader, vlastnosti málonukleových systémů a výpočty jaderných maticových elementů dvojitého rozpadu beta., Karel Smolek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury