The study confronts the election results with the ethnical affiliation and rethinks the question, to what extent the different electoral codes could have influenced the political and national split in Bohemian Crown Lands prior to the World War I. and Článek zahrnuje odkazy pod čarou
Podle recenzenta se volby v Československu do zastupitelských orgánů v době od potlačení pražského jara 1968 do demokratické revoluce 1989 na první pohled jeví jako formální rituál, avšak autor ve své důkladně empiricky založené práci ukázal, že plnily řadu důležitých funkcí, byť jiných než v demokratickém státě. Zachytil společné rysy i odlišnosti jednotlivých volebních aktů, odehrávajících se v pětiletých cyklech, a prozkoumal související aktivity bezpečnostních složek. V rámci výkladu o volbách přitom popsal důležité aspekty fungování komunistického režimu, všímal si různých forem odporu proti němu a vylíčil také příběhy obyčejných lidí, které se nějakým způsobem vázaly k volbám. Sedmdesátá a osmdesátá léta představil ve své knize z nového úhlu a nemálo přispěl k jejich lepšímu poznání., According to the reviewer, the elections to representative bodies in Czechoslovakia between the suppressionof the Prague Spring in 1968 and the democratic revolution in 1989 may at first sight seem to be a formal ritual. However, the author´s empirically well-founded work "All Communists to the polls!" Elections in Czechoslovakia in 1971-1989 as a phenomenon of society, politics and state security demonstrates that they had a number of important functions, albeit different from those in a democratic state. The author captured common features and differences of different election acts taking place in five-years cycles, and examined related activities of security forces and elements. In his account of the elections, he described impotant aspects of the operation of the Communist regime, noticed different forms of the opposition against it, and also mentioned stories of ordinary people which were somehow related to the elections. He presented the 1970s and 1980s from a different angle, making a substantial contribution to better knowledge of the period., [autor recenze] Petr Anev., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The article deals with the 2010 parliamentary elections in Myanmar, the first in more than twenty years. The author examines the Myanmar’ s pre-election political scene, the conduct and results of the elections and the situation after the elections. His main finding
is that while the elections provided some contesting parties with the representation in the new legislative bodies, they were basically designed to ensure the perpetuation of the leading role of the military in the post-election Myanmar.
This article examines the relationship between voter turnout (or, precisely, turnout intention) and variables related to the perception of the election campaign in the broader context of the other types of variables such as basic socio-demographic or political characteristics. The data used in this analysis are from surveys conducted during the period of three month before elections in 2010. All of the surveys were designed as public opinion polls and approximately 1000 Czech adults were interviewed nationwide at the beginning of each month. To explain the relationship between voter turnout (or rather a kind of readiness to vote) and the perception of the campaign, the binary logistic regression was chosen and three models were created. In relation to voter turnout, in addition to basic socio-demographic characteristics, the variables related to the perception of the election campaign are statistically significant, too. In the extended model, however, it is showed that behind the effects of most of them stands the rate of interest in politics. The only variable, which draws on a basis other than the interest in politics, proved to be awareness and acceptance of campaign influence on own voting behaviour. The frequency of consumption of media content proved to be more important than age, education and living standards. However, again behind these variables stands the interest in politics. Therefore, the interest in politics appears to be essential in relation to voter turnout in our analysis., Paulína Tabery, Gabriela Šamanová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The study focuses on the relationships between political liberalization and democratization and the public activities of women's associations. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The degree of party polarization is a significant analytical measure contributing to our understanding of the party system development and it’s dynamic in time. It influences the government formation and indirectly also its stability. Moreover, the party polarization affects electoral choice and thus the voter decision-making process. Despite these it has been wrongfully neglected in the Czech political science literature so far. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap and present empirically backed data on the intensity and change of the party polarization in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on the data sets of CVVM which monthly records the voter self-placement on the left-right scale in the long term. By analysing these data and using Dalton’s index of party system polarization it is proved that party polarization in the Czech Republic has generally increased since 1993 and that it was usually higher during General election campaign. Within the period under review (1993-2013) the polarization index reached its lowest value in 2001, while the highest value was found in June 2010., Eva Lebedová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury