The ascarid nematodes Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) and Toxocara cati (Schrank, 1788) may infect humans resulting in toxocariasis. A prior study associated species of Toxocara Stiles, 1905 with cognitive deficits in children. To determine if a similar association between toxocariasis and cognition exists in adults, we analysed a large dataset from the United States' Center for Disease Control's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. We used linear-regression and multivariate models to examine the association between toxocariasis as assessed by the presence of anti-Toxocara IgG antibodies and three measures of cognitive function - simple reaction time (SRT), symbol-digit substitution (SDS) and serial-digit learning (SDL) in 4 279 adults aged 21 to 59 years. Toxocara seroprevalence did not vary with age or blood-lead concentration but did vary with gender, ethnicity, educational attainment and poverty-to-income ratio. Controlling for gender, age, blood-lead concentration, educational attainment, ethnic background and the poverty-to-income ratio, we found that toxocariasis predicted worse performance on the SDS but not on the SRT or the SDL. Moreover, there were significant interactions between toxocariasis and age, gender and educational attainment. In conclusion, toxocariasis appears to be associated with decreased cognitive function. Interactions between toxocariasis and gender, age and educational attainment further suggest that certain groups may be more susceptible than others to the cognitive dysfunction associated with toxocariasis in adults., Lance D. Erickson, Shawn D. Gale, Andrew Berrett, Bruce L. Brown, Dawson W. Hedges., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A recently discussed cardiovascular risk factor, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), is known to act as an endogenous inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. The aim of this study was to establish 1) the relationship between ADMA and ultrasonographically or biochemically determined endothelial dysfunction in children, and 2) the effect of folate supplementation on these parameters. The study cohort included 32 children with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), 30 with diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) and 30 age-matched healthy children as the control group. Furthermore, twenty-eight randomly selected FH and DM1 children were re-examined after 3-months supplementation with folic acid. Baseline levels of ADMA and oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDL) were significantly higher in FH group than in DM1 and healthy children. Children in DM1 group had significantly lower concentration of homocysteine, but ADMA levels were normal. Folic acid supplementation significantly lowered homocysteine and hsCRP levels in both FH and DM1 group; however, ADMA and oxLDL concentrations remained unaltered. In conclusion, ADMA and oxLDL appear to be associated with endothelial dysfunction in children with FH. Administration of folic acid did not influence these markers in both FH and DM1 children., P. Jehlička ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Aerosolové částice se vyskytují všude okolo nás v mnoha různých formách, například jako prach, mlha, kouř, dým nebo smog. Tyto částice ovlivňují dohlednost, klima, zdraví obyvatel a jejich kvalitu žvota. Atmosférický aerosol je v současné době jedním z největších problémů znečištění ovzduší. Tento článek dokumentuje vznik aerosolu, formy jeho výskytu a depozice. Dále popisujeme nejužívanější metody jeho odběru a monitorování. V závěrečné části jsou ukázány první výsledky získané pomocí nového zařízení na zkoumání resuspenze aerosolu - resuspenzní komory., Martin Civiš, Jan Hovorka, Devraj Thimmaiah., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effects of the atomic ratio of N to P (N:P) on the response of Alexandrium tamarense to UV radiation (UVR) were investigated in this study. Artificial sea water of 5 different N:P ratios for indoor culture and with 3 different N:P ratios for outdoor culture were used for a period of 14 and 9 d, respectively. The short-term response of cells to UVR was analyzed using a fluorometer. Cells that acclimated to nutrient conditions at the Redfield value (16:1) showed the fastest growth rate and highest pigment concentrations in both indoor and outdoor conditions, compared to those acclimated to the non-Redfield conditions. Moreover, these physiological parameters were functions of the N:P ratio according to a two-order equation (y = a + bx + cx2, R2>0.95). The fluorescence data of indoor cultures showed that A. tamarense grown at 16:1 (N:P) exhibited the greatest ratio of repair rate/damage rate (r/k) and minimum level of UVR-induced inhibition. among those grown at all of the N:P ratios following UVR exposure. Outdoor cultures had the same patterns of fluorescence as indoor cultures, but the less UVR-induced inhibitions were detected compared the former with the latter. The following three parameters, the r/k, level of inhibition caused by the two radiation treatments following 60 min of exposure (PAR and PAB, respectively), and level of UVR-induced inhibition, were also functions of the N:P ratio according to the two-order equation (R2>0.96). Further, there was a negative correlation between
UVR-induced inhibition and the r/k ratio. In summary, the Redfield value (16:1) was the optimal nutrient stoichiometry for the protection of A. tamarense against the deleterious effects of UVR. Results were not impacted by previous light history experienced by cells., W. C. Guan, L. Li., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Moths are frequently used as indicators of biodiversity or habitat quality. Light traps are the most effective and widely used method for gathering data on moth communities. Knowing the distance from which moths are drawn to a light trap is therefore essential for the ecological interpretation of such data. Two community-wide mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out in forest habitats in central Europe in order to investigate whether the percentage of marked moths recaptured at weak artificial light sources (2 × 15 W UV-light tubes) is dependent on the distance they were released from the light source. Altogether 2,331 moths belonging to 167 species were caught at light traps and released at distances of 2–100 m. Of these moths 313 returned to the light trap within 5 min of release. Percentage recapture was generally low (gross rate 13.4%) and strongly decreased with increase in the distance at which they were released. Percentage recapture was not significantly affected by ambient temperature or the sex of the moths. Only for the Geometroidea was the percentage recaptured slightly greater for the larger species. We found no significant differences between moth super-families with regard to the distance dependence of their attraction to light. Our data confirm that the radius of attraction of low powered light traps for moths is very small often even below 10 m. Thus, moths are good indicators of habitat quality and fragmentation as they are rarely attracted from distant habitats to such light traps., Christine Truxa, Konrad Fiedler., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Fitzroy Island byl vyhlášen národním parkem v roce 1992. Celý ostrov ležící u severovýchodního pobřeží Austrálie (stát Queensland) má plochu 339 ha, přičemž zdejší národní park zaujímá 329 ha. Původem jde o ostrov kontinentální, nikoli korálový. Ale podél břehů lze obdivovat korálové útesy s charakteristickou faunou, které jsou součástí známého Velkého bariérového útesu. Toto území je od r. 1986 součástí dlouhodobého monitorovacího programu Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef. V národním parku Fitzroy Island nalezneme rozmanité typy vegetace včetně zapojeného lesa (deštný les). Řada druhů rostlin a živočichů nachází využití u domorodých obyvatel kmene Gurabana – Gungganji, jako zdroj obživy, léčivých látek nebo pro výrobu různých předmětů, i se symbolickým významem. Fitzroy Island hostí mnoho ochranářsky významných rostlin a živočichů. Oblast nabízí příležitost pro výzkumné aktivity v širokém spektru přírodních, kulturních i sociálních témat. Vědecké studie a monitorovací programy přitom mohou poskytnout cenné informace pro zlepšení ochrany území., Fitzroy Island was declared a national park in 1992. It is a high continental island within the Cairns Regional Council area, situated approximately 4.5 km from the mainland and ca 35 km from Cairns. The national park and marine management area have high scenic appeal and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. A giant clam research station remains in operation on Welcome Bay. The NP has a high diversity of vegetation types, including closed forest (rainforest). Many plant and animal species have significance to the Gurabana Gunggandji people who use them for their totemic values, artefact resources, food and medicine. Fitzroy Island hosts a number of plants and animals of conservation significance. Coral reefs are situated around the island with typical fauna. The area offers a range of research opportunities in natural, cultural and social themes. The marine management area has been part of the Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef long-term monitoring program since 1986. Scientific research and monitoring programs can provide valuable information to improve management., and Jana Hanelová, Lubomír Hanel.
To investigate the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on physiology and autumnal leaf phenology, we exposed 3-year-old sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings to 800 (A8), 600 (A6), and 400 μL(CO2) L-1 (AA) in nine continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) chambers during the growing season of 2014. Leaf abscission timing, abscised leaf area percentages, leaf number, light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (PNmax), leaf area, accumulative growth rates, and biomass were determined and assessed. The results suggested the following: (1) no significant differences were found in the timing of leaf abscission in the three CO2-concentration treatments; (2) PNmax was continuously stimulated to the greatest extent in A8 at 319% and 160% in A6 until the end of the growing season, respectively; and (3) leaf number, leaf area, and accumulative height growth all significantly increased by elevated CO2, which led to a 323% increase in A8 biomass and 235% in A6 biomass after 156-d fumigation. In summary, the results suggest, the timing of leaf abscission of sugar maple in fall was not modified by CO2 enrichment, the increased carbon gain by elevated CO2 was mainly due to increased leaf area, more leaves, and the continuously enhanced high photosynthesis throughout the growing season instead of the leaf life span., L. Li, W. J. Manning, X. K. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is an attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine. We performed a series of co-infection experiments with BCG-Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi Landau, 1965 AS using C57BL/6 mice to analyse whether BCG can affect the development of protective immunity to infection with Plasmodium spp. and the mechanism of this protection. We divided mice into four groups: BCG-inoculation 4 weeks prior to P. c. chabaudi AS infection (B-4w-Pc); simultaneous BCG-inoculation and P. c. chabaudi AS infection (Pc+B); BCG-inoculation 3 days post P. c. chabaudi AS (Pc-3-B) infection; and mono-P. c. chabaudi AS infection as control (Pc). The parasitemia level in the B-4w-Pc group was noticeably higher than control group at 6-19 days post infection (dpi). Compared with the control group, the proportion of CD4+CD69+ T cells was significantly reduced 5, 8 and 12 dpi, but the proportion of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs was significantly increased in the B-4w-Pc group on 5 and 8 dpi. The B-4w-Pc group also demonstrated reduced levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α on 5 and 8 dpi and significantly elevated level of IL-10 on 12 dpi. There were significantly fewer mDCs (CD11c+CD11b+) and pDCs (CD11c+B220+) in the B-4w-Pc group than the control group at all the time points post infection and the expression of MHC II was noticeably reduced on day 8 pi. Our findings confirmed that BCG inoculation prior to Plasmodium infection resulted in excessive activation and proliferation of Tregs and upregulation of anti-inflammatory mediators, which inhibited establishment of a Th1-dominant immune response during the early stages of Plasmodium infection by inhibiting dendritive cells response. BCG inoculation prior to P. c. chabaudi AS infection may contribute to overgrowth of parasites as well as mortality in mice., Dong-Hua Cao, Ji-Chun Wang, Jun Liu, Yun-Ting Du, Li-Wang Cui, Ya-Ming Cao., and Obsahuje bibliografii