Saranče horská (Miramella alpina) patří mezi glaciální relikty, tedy živočichy osídlující velká území střední Evropy během dob ledových (glaciálů) v pleistocénu. Dnes je však jejich rozšíření většinou sporadické. Tyto druhy jsou přizpůsobeny k životu v extrémních podmínkách a u nás se vyskytují např. v horách nad hranicí lesa, v alpínských ekosystémech. Zde se musejí vypořádat s rychlou proměnlivostí prostředí (teplota nebo vítr) a s omezenou délkou vegetačního období. Saranče horská představuje jediný glaciální relikt ze skupiny rovnokřídlého hmyzu (Orthoptera) žijící v České republice. Vyskytuje se u nás v alpínském bezlesí Hrubého Jeseníku, kde může osídlovat i horské louky a paseky ve smrkových porostech, a dále obývá několik rašelinišť v jižních Čechách (např. Chlum u Třeboně, Vltavský luh - Mrtvý luh). Jde o evropský horský mezotopní druh rozšířený v Pyrenejích, Alpách a Karpatech, jenž nachází optimální podmínky pro život v subalpínském a alpínském stupni. K přežívání v podmínkách rašelinišť a horských bezlesých stanovišť od 500 do 2 200 m n. m. se výborně přizpůsobil a využívá hned několik strategií. Kvůli své potravní biologii a výskytu v alpínském bezlesí se saranče horská již několik let využívá při výzkumu vlivu zvýšeného množství oxidu uhličitého na bionomii herbivorního hmyzu v horských ekosystémech. Změny v koncentraci CO2 ve vzduchu vyvolávají totiž rozdíly v kvalitativním i kvantitativním zastoupení prvků a sloučenin v rostlinném těle a vedou k odchylné distribuci látek v listech. Herbivorové jsou tudíž těmito změnami prostřednictvím potravy ovlivňováni., Miramella alpina is a glacial relict, which occurred in large areas of central Europe during the ice ages in the Quaternary. This montane species lives in subalpine and alpine habitats, and is considered rare in the Czech Republic. Cryptic colouration, adaptation of the tarsi, food preferences and the onthogenetic cycle help the species to survive under extreme conditions. Due to its specific foraging biology it has been used as an excellent model in research on the effects of increased carbon dioxide concentration on the bionomics of herbivorous insects in mountain ecosystems., and Kateřina Kuřavová.
Opakovaný a nezávislý vznik i následná rozmanitost šavlozubých predátorů náležejí mezi nejpozoruhodnější jevy historie života na Zemi. Ti tak představují jedinečný příklad konvergentní evoluce, který zahrnuje celou řadu sdílených, velmi efektivních adaptací, vedoucích k jejich mimořádnému evolučnímu úspěchu. Důvod jejich zániku, ač k tomu v průběhu kenozoika došlo vícekrát, zůstává nejasný a poskytuje tím vděčný námět k četným spekulacím. Naposledy tento zajímavý ekomorfotyp vymizel z přírody zhruba před deseti tisíci lety. Snad ne navždy., Multiple independent origins and great diversity of sabre-tooth predators are one of the most remarkable phenomena in the natural history of life. Sabre-tooth predators provide a unique example of the convergent evolution that involved many kinds of very efficient functional adaptations leading to their unprecedented evolutionary success. The reason for their demise, although occurring repeatedly during the Tertiary, remains unclear and offers a broad matter of speculation. Nevertheless, this interesting ecomorphotype completely disappeared from nature roughly 10,000 years ago, but may be not for ever., and Stanislav Knor.
V průběhu neogénu byli s výjimkou jihoamerických vačnatých thylakosmilidů po celém světě jedinými představiteli šavlozubého ekomorfotypu již pouze šelmy barbourofelidi (Barbourofelidae) a příslušníci čeledi kočkovitých (Felidae). Někteří z nich pak dosahovali značné velikosti a mimořádně robustní stavby těla, přičemž v těchto ohledech překonávali ty největší zástupce dnešních velkých koček. Zvláště šavlozubé kočky na dlouhou dobu obsadily pozici na vrcholu potravní pyramidy, než nakonec definitivně vymizely ke konci pleistocénu ze Severní a Jižní Ameriky. Ve Starém světě však vyhynuly již o něco dříve během čtvrtohor, zřejmě následkem zesílené vzájemné konkurence s velkými kočkami, především pak se lvy a tygry., During the Neogene, with the exception of thylacosmilids, barbourofelids and felids were the only representatives of the sabre--tooth ecomorphotype worldwide. Some of them attained tremendous size and were of very robust somatic constitution, exceeding in these aspects the largest contemporary cats. Especially the sabre-tooth felids occupied the top of the trophic chain for a long time before their demise at the end of the Pleistocene in both North and South America. But in the Old World these predators disappeared somewhat earlier, probably due to the strength of mutual competition with other large felids, namely the lions and tigers., and Stanislav Knor.
Sazná nemoc kůry je méně známé onemocnění způsobené houbou Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), s ostrůvkovitým výskytem v Evropě. Postihuje zejména javory kleny (Acer pseudoplatanus) a jejich hromadná vymírání byla zaznamenána u stromů oslabených stresem, především po nadprůměrně suchých a horkých letních měsících. Nedávný výskyt onemocnění v České republice podnítil studium druhu C. corticale a jeho rozšíření v Praze. Výsledek naší čtyřleté studie prokázal, že napadena je minimálně čtvrtina klenů v pražských parcích., Sooty bark disease is a less known disease caused by fungal species Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), with patchy incidence in Europe. It mainly affects Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), and its mass dieback was observed in trees weakened by stress, especially after the exceptionally dry and hot summer months. Recent record of the disease in the Czech Republic prompted the research of C. corticale and its occurrence in Prague. The results of our four-year study showed that at least 25 % of Sycamore trees in Prague parks are infected., and Ivana Kelnarová, Ondřej Koukol, Karel Černý.
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the histopathological effects of the monogenean Macrogyrodactylus clarii Gussev, 1961 on the gills of the catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Suction generated during attachment created 'footprints' on host surfaces in which the host tissues were elevated above the general gill surface. 'Footprints' were bordered by four clefts caused by the muscular flaps on the anterior, lateral and posterior margins of the haptor. The hamuli points penetrate the gill tissue but no evidence was found for the insertion of the marginal hooklets. At the site of attachment, host cells adjacent to the lateral flaps often appeared compressed and widely spaced with large intercellular spaces. Desquamation of these surface epithelia was also apparent and some of the widely spaced epithelial cells had pseudopodium-like processes. Cells within the upper surface epithelial layer of the host were vacuolated and necrotic. Ruptured blood capillaries (blood spaces) in the secondary gill lamellae contained atypical compressed erythrocytes, agranular and granular leucocytes and evidence of haemorrhaging. Cells with fibrotic cytoplasm, putative phagocytes and host mucous cells were evidence of a host response at the site of parasite attachment. The possible role of these cells is discussed in relation to host resistance against infection., Mohammed Mohammed El-Naggar, Joanne Cable, Safaa Zaky Arafa, Samir Ahmed El-Abbassy, Graham C. Kearn., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A comparative study of the scoleces of monozoic tapeworms (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of catostomid and cyprinid fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) in the Nearctic Region, was carried out using light and scanning electron microscopy. Scoleces of 22 genera of North American caryophyllideans were characterised and their importance for taxonomy, classification and phylogenetic studies was critically reviewed. Nearctic genera exhibit a much higher variation in the shape and form of scoleces compared with taxa in other biogeographical regions. The following basic scolex types can be recognised in Nearctic caryophyllideans: monobothriate (Promonobothrium Mackiewicz, 1968), loculotruncate (Promonobothrium, Dieffluvium Williams, 1978), bothrioloculodiscate (Archigetes Leuckart, 1878, Janiszewskella Mackiewicz et Deutsch, 1976, Penarchigetes Mackiewicz, 1969, Pseudoglaridacris Oros, Uhrovič et Scholz, 2018), fixomegabothriate (Capingens Hunter, 1927), bulbate and bulboacuminate (Atractolytocestus Anthony, 1958), cuneiloculate (Hypocaryophyllaeus Hunter, 1927, Rowardleus Mackiewicz et Deutsch, 1976, Spartoides Hunter, 1929), biacetabulate, bulboloculate, bothrioloculodiscate (Biacetabulum Hunter, 1927), tholate (Hunterella Mackiewicz et McCrae, 1962), cuneifimbriate (Khawia Hsü, 1935), cuneiform (Calentinella Mackiewicz, 1974, Caryophyllaeides Nybelin, 1922, Edlintonia Mackiewicz, 1970), hastate (Pseudolytocestus Hunter, 1929), loculotholate (Bialovarium Fischthal, 1953, Pliovitellaria Fischthal, 1951), and cuneiformoloculate (Glaridacris Cooper, 1920, Isoglaridacris Mackiewicz, 1965). The same type of scolex may be shared by species of different genera or families and species of the same genus can have a scolex of conspicuously different morphology, e.g. in Promonobothrium. Scolex morphology may be therefore of limited use in generic designation., Mikuláš Oros, Dalibor Uhrovič, Anindo Choudhury, John S. Mackiewicz and Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Most scorpion species are iteroparous, breeding more than once during their life. Some of these species are parthenogenetic. The other reproductive strategy (RS) semelparity, when scorpions breed only a single time during their life, is rare and has been documented only once. The mass allocated by the female to produce either a litter or a single offspring is the reproductive allocation (RA). It is difficult to calculate RA since the difference in female mass before and after parturition is difficult to obtain. In addition, the litter size is hardly ever accurate because of maternal cannibalism. An attempt was made to calculate RA in Nebo hierichonticus (E. Simon, 1872). Based on litter size, on breeding frequency and on longevity of the female, it is possible to estimate the reproductive potential (RP). These aspects of scorpion reproduction are reviewed and the difficulties involved in this study are discussed. and Michael R. Warburg.
Resistance to anthelmintic medication of equid strongyles is a worldwide phenomenon and for this reason systematic investigations of resistant parasite populations are necessary. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence and distribution of equid strongyles resistant to the anthelmintics used in Romania, as well as the pre-treatment and post-treatment prevalence of species of strongylid nematodes. The Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test was performed between 2010 and 2013 on a total number of 588 horses and 23 donkeys from 26 locations (subgroups). Animals of the first group (I) consisting of subgroups no. 1-11 were treated with Albendazole (ABZ), those of the second group (II) consisting of subgroups no. 12-23 with Fenbendazole (FBZ), while Ivermectin (IVM) was used on animals of the third group (III) consisting of subgroups no. 24-26. Resistant strongyles have been found in 82% (average lower limit of the 95% confidence interval, LCL95%, was 65) of the total equids from the group treated with ABZ. In the group of horses treated with FBZ, resistant strongyles were identified in 75% of the subgroups (LCL95% = 44). No resistant strongyles have been identified in IVM-treated horse groups (LCL95% = 98). The pre-treatment prevalence of the species of the Strongylinae Müller, 1780 was 22%, whereas that with nematodes of the subfamily Cyathostominae Molin, 1861 78%. Post-treatment reduction of strongyline nematodes was observed (5%), which demonstrates the sensitivity of large strongyles to common anthelmintics. The post-treatment prevalence of cyathostomes was of 95%, which proves their resistance, especially to ABZ- and FBZ-based anthelmintics., Mihai Cernea, Romeo T. Cristina, Laura C. Ştefănuţ, Luís M. Madeira de Carvalho, Marian A. Taulescu, Vasile Cozma., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ecosystem photosynthetic characteristics are of utmost importance for the estimation of regional carbon budget, but such characteristics are not well understood in alpine regions. We collected CO2 flux data measured by eddy covariance technique over an alpine dwarf shrubland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during years 2003-2010; and we quantified the temporal patterns of ecosystem apparent quantum yield (a), saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax), and ecosystem dark respiration (RDe). Results showed that the strong seasonality of a and RDe was driven mainly by air temperature (Ta), whereas that of Pmax was much more determined by leaf area index rather than abiotic factors. Diurnal thermal fluctuation inhibited significantly the daytime photosynthetic capacity. Stepwise regression revealed that the seasonal deviations of a, Pmax, and RDe were significantly controlled by Ta. The annual a was regulated mainly by annual growing season Ta, which indicated that the response of ecosystem a was instant. The annual variations of Pmax correlated positively with soil temperature 5 cm below ground (Ts) of the annual nongrowing season and those of RDe related negatively with the annual nongrowing season precipitation. We suggested that a lagged response regulated the annual Pmax and the annual RDe. Annual deviations of a and RDe were both significantly controlled by annual Ts, and those of Pmax were marginally determined by annual PPFD. Thus, the future warming scenario, especially significant for nongrowing seasonal warming in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, would favor ecosystem photosynthetic capacity in the alpine dwarf shrubland., H. Q. Li, F. W. Zhang, Y. N. LI, G. M. Cao, L. Zhao, X. Q. Zhao., and Obsahuje bibliografii