Kromě dokonale provedeného morfologického vyšetření se stanovením diagnózy, grade, stage a radikality chirurgického zákroku je pro rozhodnutí o nejvhodnější systémové léčbě nádoru nezbytné vyšetření mutačního stavu genů KRAS a NRAS patologem. Jeho úkolem je výběr optimálního vzorku tkáně a odpovídající metody i kontrola všech fází vyšetření (preanalytické a analytické fáze i interpretace výsledku)., For an appropriate therapeutic decision about optimal tratment of colorectal carcinoma oncologist needs in addition to complete histopathological data summarizing morphological diagnosis, grade, stage and radicality of surgery also the mutation status of KRAS and NRAS genes. It is a pathologist's task to select the appropriate tissue block, optimal testing method as well as to control all phases of the testing process (pre-analytical and analytical phases and interpretation of results)., Aleš Ryška, and Literatura
Přehledový text klasifikace a tkáňové diagnostiky maligních kostních nádorů vyjma hemopoetických, se zaměřením na současné metody, které umožňují přesnou histotypizaci a případně určení stupně malignity. Určení histopatologické diagnózy a eventuálně odpovědi na léčbu má esenciální význam pro plánování další terapie a je nositelem významné prognostické informace., An introduction to a classification and tissue diagnostics of malignant bone tumors except haematopoietic neoplasms is presented. Current options of the accurate histotyping and grading are discussed including molecular biology methods. The exact diagnosis is essential for planning further therapy and determination of prognosis., Karel Veselý, and Literatura 10
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the histopathological effects of the monogenean Macrogyrodactylus clarii Gussev, 1961 on the gills of the catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Suction generated during attachment created 'footprints' on host surfaces in which the host tissues were elevated above the general gill surface. 'Footprints' were bordered by four clefts caused by the muscular flaps on the anterior, lateral and posterior margins of the haptor. The hamuli points penetrate the gill tissue but no evidence was found for the insertion of the marginal hooklets. At the site of attachment, host cells adjacent to the lateral flaps often appeared compressed and widely spaced with large intercellular spaces. Desquamation of these surface epithelia was also apparent and some of the widely spaced epithelial cells had pseudopodium-like processes. Cells within the upper surface epithelial layer of the host were vacuolated and necrotic. Ruptured blood capillaries (blood spaces) in the secondary gill lamellae contained atypical compressed erythrocytes, agranular and granular leucocytes and evidence of haemorrhaging. Cells with fibrotic cytoplasm, putative phagocytes and host mucous cells were evidence of a host response at the site of parasite attachment. The possible role of these cells is discussed in relation to host resistance against infection., Mohammed Mohammed El-Naggar, Joanne Cable, Safaa Zaky Arafa, Samir Ahmed El-Abbassy, Graham C. Kearn., and Obsahuje bibliografii