Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology was established in the early 90s in the last century. It followed-up to an activity of the Physiological Section of Czech Botanical Society. Gaining the independence of the Physiological Society, a new professional society was established. In 2008, it was transformed to the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology. Thanks to the great development of methods in the last 20 years, especially of molecular biology used to investigate plants on different levels, the term “physiology” became limited, therefore it is nowadays often replaced by a more exact “experimental plant biology”. Naturally, this worldwide trend asserts oneself also in our countries. The research fields included are not restricted to the pure laboratory or theoretical ones. and Lubomír Nátr, Jana Albrechtová.
The Czech Society for Histo- and Cytochemistry is a successor of The Czechoslovak Society for Histo- and Cytochemistry founded in 1966. The Society provides an interdisciplinary forum to support a study of the relationships among the structure, chemical composition and function in cells and tissues by histochemical, immunohistochemical and cytochemical methods. The Society encourages its members in the development and improvement of histochemical, immunohistochemical, and cytochemical methods used to discover the content and function of the tissue and cellular systems in situ and the application of the methods for diagnostics. and Jaroslav Mokrý.
Článek shrnuje současné názory na vnitrodruhové genetické rozrůznění a taxonomii zmije obecné (Vipera berus). Zvláštní pozornost je věnována genetické příslušnosti populací českých zmijí., This article summarizes contemporary knowledge of the intraspecific genetic differentiation and taxonomy of the Common Adder (Vipera berus). Special attention is paid to the genetic status of the Czech adders., and Jiří Moravec, Jiří Šmíd.
Perloočky rodu Daphnia jsou intenzivně studovaní vodní bezobratlí. Proto byl pro nás velkým překvapením objev pro vědu nového druhu tohoto rodu v tůni na Kokořínsku. Druh byl pojmenován po významném českém hydrobiologovi Jaroslavu Hrbáčkovi, ale jeho jméno odkazuje i na hrbatý tvar těla. Jeho doposud známé lokality jsou pouze v Čechách a na Slovensku., Species of water fleas that belong to the genus Daphnia have been used intensively in studies as “model organisms”. The discovery of a new Daphnia species in a pool in Central Bohemia was, therefore, a surprise. All known localities of this species, which we named after the prominent Czech hydrobiologist Jaroslav Hrbáček, are restricted to Czechia and Slovakia., and Adam Petrusek, Petr Jan Juračka.
Czech botanists have studied the vegetation of Northern Biljefjorden (Central Spitsbergen) since 2007. Their activities include vegetation mapping of the whole area (repeated also after 70 years), assessment of vegetation development in deglaciated areas and analysis of clonal growth forms. and Jitka Klimešová, Karel Prach.