This research paper presents the results of ovarian reserve estimation for 125 women with the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who have undergone various methods of surgical treatment resection of the ovaries, thermokauterisation and drilling by laser (HoYag). Ovarian reserve was estimated according to the amount of antral follicles, level of follitropin and Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), also named antiMüllerian hormone (AMH). Blood flow in ovarian tissue was also examined after various methods of surgical treatment. The study has shown that the gentlest method of surgical treatment is drilling by HoYag laser, which is least likely to injure the tissue of ovaries, and also this method is most effective in enhancing and preserving ovarian reserve., Vasiliy Simrok, Daria Simrok-Starcheva, and Literatura
Surgical treatment of inflammatory diseases of intestine remains actual problem, despite the progress of conservative therapy. In our research it was etablished, applying low and ultralow ileorectal anastomosis with circular stapling apparatus allows to reach reliability of the generated anastomoses, it is essential reduce operation time, reduce number of postoperative complications and reduce duration of patients stay in hospital., Navruzov B. S., Abdujabbarov S. B., Rahmonov S. T., and Literatura
Autoři předkládají kazuistiku „antibiomanie“ u 55leté pacientky s emočně nestabilní poruchou osobnosti a mentální anorexií v anamnéze, nyní dlouhodobě ambulantně léčenou pro úzkostnou a depresivní symptomatologii, související se závažnou somatickou nemocí manžela. Přesmyk do mánie nastal po druhé 500mg dávce klarithromycinu. Nicméně ten byl již třetím podaným antibiotikem v intervalu posledních čtyř měsíců. Manické symptomy dosáhly takové intenzity, že byla nutná nedobrovolná hospitalizace v psychiatrické nemocnici. Zde příznaky odezněly do týdne. Autoři nabízejí hypotézu patogeneze manického zvratu. Předpokládají, že přesmyk mohl nastat primárně v důsledku alterace střevního mikrobiomu antibiotiky. Další patogenetická cesta může vést buď přes přímé vagové dráždění, nebo přes zvýšenou propustnost střevní bariéry pro falešné neurotransmitery., The authors present a case of antibiomania in 55years woman with borderline personality, anorexia nervosa in personal history, and long lasting anxious and depressive symptomatology associated with husband´s serious illness. Switch to mania occured after two 500mg doses of clarithromycin. However, clarithromycin was the third antibiotic administered in the last four months. Manic symptoms were so severe that involuntary hospitalization was required. Signs of mania disappeared within a week on psychiatric ward. The authors submit the hypothesis that the pathogenetic pathway of sudden reversal into mania may be triggered by intestinal dysmicrobia after clarithromycine administration and then proceeded to CNS through either a leaky gut or direct stimulation of the nervus vagus., Honzák R., Strunzová V., Janoušková L., Moravcová M., and Literatura
The influence of neuroprotector cortexin with significant immunomodulating, antiinflammatory, neurotrophic, and neuroprotective effects on subjective and neurological symptoms, as well as immunological parameters (IL1β, TNFa) in chronic brain ischemia is shown in the article., Yakutkhon Madjidova, Durdona Usmanova, and Literatura
Objective: To prevent the possible functional complications after gastrectomy, to improve the quality of life and the process of early rehabilitation. Material and Methods: The study included 165 patients with gastric cancer of stage III (T3N12M0), which, depending on the method of recovery divided into 2 groups: Group 1 n = 80 patients who, after an extensive gastrectomy had reservoir formed, II group n = 85 patients who had gastrectomy performed without forming a reservoir. Results: There were no incidence of reflux esophagitis and dumping syndrome observed in the main group, while in the control group, these complications were respectively 61.2% and 25.8%. Weight gain in the main group was observed in 83.7% of patients, in the control group in 4.7%. Assessment of physical activity on the Karnovsky scale in the study group was 85.0%, while 62.0% in the control group. Within 3 months, physical rehabilitation was observed in 90.0% of patients of the main group, while in the control group it was 25.7%. Threeyear survival rate in the main group was 71.4+0.4%, while in the control group, 57.2+0.3% (P> 0.05). Conclusions: Creation of a stomach replacing reservoir after gastrectomy is adequate way in ridding patients from possible complications. Method improves the quality of life, the process of early recovery and, Khudoyorov S. S., Navruzov S. N., Juraev M. D., Eshonov A. K., and Literatura
Background Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is common in very premature infants. Pharmacological closure of PDA with indomethacin, a prostaglandin inhibitor, has remained the mainstay of treatment in premature infants over the last three decades. Intravenous ibuprofen was recently shown to be as effective and to have fewer adverse reaction in preterm infants. If equally effective, then oral ibuprofen for PDA closure would have several important advantages over the intravenous route. This study was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of oral ibuprofen and intravenous ibuprofen for the early pharmacological treatment of PDA in LBW preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Methods A randomized, single-blinded, controlled study was performed on premature neonates at the neonatal care unit of the University Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology”Koco Gliozheni”, Tirana, Albania, from January 2010 to December 2012. The study enrolled 68 preterm infants with gestational age between 28-32 weeks, birth weight ≤ 2000 g, postnatal age 48-96 h, and had echocardiographically confirmed significant PDA. The preterm infants received either intravenous or oral ibuprofen randomly as an initial dose of 10 mg/kg, followed by 5 mg/kg at 24 and 48 h. After the first dose of treatment in both groups, echocardiographic evaluation was performed, to determine the need for a second or third dose. The rate of ductal closure, adverse effects, complications, and the patient’s clinical course were recorded. Results All patients were born after 28 until 32 weeks’ gestation. 36 patients were treated with oral ibuprofen and 32 with intravenous ibuprofen in this period. After the first course of the treatment, the PDA closed in 30 (83.3%) of the patients assigned to the oral ibuprofen group versus 23 (71.8%) of those enrolled in the intravenous ibuprofen group (p = 0.355). There was no difference between treatment groups in demographics or baseline renal function. In the evaluation of renal tolerance, none of the patients had oliguria. There were no significant differences with respect to complications during the stay. Conclusions In low birth weight infants, the rate of early ductal closure with oral ibuprofen is at least as good as with the intravenous route. Oral ibuprofen is associated with fewer adverse effects, Alketa Hoxha, Ermira Kola, Numila Kuneshka, Eduard Tushe, and Literatura
Cíl: Cílem pilotní studie bylo zjistit, zda dochází v průběhu klokánkování ke snížení srdeční a dechové frekvence u nedonošených novorozenců, zjistit zda klokánkování ovlivní periferní saturaci krve kyslíkem a délku hospitalizace nedonošených novorozenců na Jednotce intenzivní a resuscitační péče o novorozence. Dále zjistit, zda klokánkování ovlivňuje interakci matka - dítě. Metodika: Metodou studie byl experiment. Technikou sběru dat k posouzení efektu klokánkování bylo měření fyziologických funkcí. Interakce mezi matkami a jejich dětmi byly měřeny dotazníkem - Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS). Ke statistickému zpracování byl využit t-test pro dva výběry, neparametrický Wilcoxonův test, chí test a Fisherův exaktní test. Statistické testy byly hodnoceny na hladině významnosti 5 %. Výsledky: Z fyziologických funkcí byl signifikantně potvrzen vzestup tělesné teploty. Při porovnání intervenční a kontrolní skupiny před klokánkováním nebyl v interakcích matek k jejich dětem zaznamenán žádný signifikantní rozdíl. Před propuštěním (resp. po klokánkování) byl zájem o dítě u matek klokánkovaných dětí významně vyšší (p = 0,0354) oproti matkám, které své dítě neklokánkovaly. Ve všech položkách MPAS byla úroveň připoutání ke klokánkovanému dítěti před propuštěním vyšší než u neklokánkovaných novorozenců. Závěr: Klokánkování prokázalo pozitivní efekt na nedonošené novorozence v oblasti vzestupu tělesné teploty, zvýšeného zájmu o potřeby novorozence a silnějšího připoutání matky k novorozenci., Objective: The pilot study aimed at determining whether kangaroo mother care decreases heart and respiration rates in preterm newborns, affects saturation of peripheral oxygen and length of newborns’ hospital stay at a neonatal intensive care unit, and influences mother-child interaction. Methods: The method of study was an experiment. To assess the effect of kangaroo mother care, physiological functions were measured. Mother-child interaction was assessed using the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS). Statistical analyses were carried out with a two-sample t-test, non-parametric Wilcoxon test, chisquare test and Fischer’s exact test. The statistical tests were evaluated at a significance level of 5%. Results: Of the physiological functions studied, only body temperature was confirmed to be significantly increased. There was no significant difference in mother-child interaction prior to kangaroo care between the study and control groups. After kangaroo care (i.e. prior to hospital discharge), interest in their babies was significantly higher (p=0.0354) in mothers providing kangaroo care than in the controls. In all MPAS items, pre-discharge levels of maternal bonding were higher in the group of children provided with kangaroo care than in the controls. Conclusion: Kangaroo mother care was shown to have a positive effect on preterm newborns, as manifested by higher body temperature, increased interest in newborn’s needs and a stronger mother - child bond., Lucie Sikorová, Monika Suszková, and Literatura 19
In the department of coloproctology of NORC MH RUz 17 patients with disseminated forms of colorectal cancer was made the study of oncogenes and complex treatment by 2 protocols using FOLFOX4 regime and FOLFIRI regime. In second protocol there used 2 sessions of endolymphatical polychemotherapy FOLFOX4 regime against EHFhyperthermia. All patients were performed additional investigations directed to study the presence of multiple drug resistance in them where definition of р53, bcl2 oncogene expression. In our observations we followed resistance to FOLFOX4 scheme in 4 patients, and to FOLFIRI scheme in 2 cases. In our studies hyperexpression of oncoproteine р53 was correlated with the effect of conducted therapy whereas hyperexpr, Navruzov S. N., Abdujapparov S. B., Pulatov D. A., Islamov H. D., Matniyazova Sh. Ya., Akbarov E. T., and Literatura
Pseudomyxoma peritonei je vzácný klinický syndrom; nádorový proces, pro který je charakteristické hromadění mucinózního ascitu a peritoneálních implantátů v břišní dutině. Primárním zdrojem je téměř vždy low grade mucinózní tumor apendixu. Jedná se o pomalu progredující, nízce agresivní, ale smrtící onemocnění s častými recidivami. Optimálním léčebným postupem je kompletní chirurgická cytoredukce (CRS) v kombinaci s peroperačně aplikovanou intraperitoneální hypertermickou chemoterapií (HIPEC) – tzv. Sugarbakerova metoda., Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is an uncommon clinical syndrome characterized by the slow and progressive accumulation of peritoneal implants and mucinous ascites, intraabdominal gelatinous collection (jelly belly). PMP is reported to originate from the low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm. Pseudomyxoma peritonei often recurs after treatment and may eventually cause death by abdominal visceral dysfunction via compression with mucinous ascites. Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy comprising hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) with or without postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC) has been regarded as the standard of care in specialized centers. It is often referred to as the „Sugerbaker procedure“. Conventionally, PMP is considered resistant to systemic chemotherapy. Even though complete cytoreduction is associated with prolonged overall survival, recurrence of disease is common and multiple operations are frequently required. Patients may enjoy sustained period of remission, free of symptoms, but long – term disease free survival is distinctly uncommon. The pathologic subtype remains the dominant factor in survival. Patients should be centralized to improve survival by a combination of surgical experience and adequate patient selection., Roman Kocián, and Literatura