Dieser Artikel erforscht die Quellen, analysiert die Sprache, erötert den historischen Kontext und die Umstände der Entstehung der ruthenischen Übersetzung des Liedes der Lieder aus dem tschechischen. Die Handschrift, die ein Bestandteil einer handschriftlichen Sammlung aus den 15.-16. Jahrhunderten ist, liegt heute in dem Staatlichen Historischen Museum in Moskau unter der Nr. 558 in der Abteilung der Handschriften aus der Bibliothek des Heiligen Synods. Die linguistische und textologische Analyse der Übersetzung, wie auch der handschriftlichen Sammlung im ganzen, legt die Hypothese nahe, daß die Entstehung der ruthenischen Übersetzung des Liedes der Lieder mit der Missionsaktivität der Mönchen - Glagoljaši bei der orthodoxen Bevölkerung südwestlichen Rußlands (Ruthenia) verbunden war. Diese waren von Wladyslaw Jagiello aus dem Emmaus-Kloster in Prag eingeladen worden, um hier die slavische Liturgie "nach dem Gesetz des römischen Hofes" einzuführen.
Long periods of regular astronomical latitude-longitude measurements on observatories participating in determination of Earth´s rotation parameters are frequently used for estimation of corrections to star catalogue mean places and proper motions. The proposed method is the extension and generalization of the usually exploited chain method. It is possible to estimate simultaneously the corrections of declinations and right ascensions for instruments which determine both latitude and longitude. Additional unknowns - amplitudes of short-periodic terms (e.g. corrections to nutation amplitudes, tidal variations, nearly diurnal polar motion, instrumental parameters and refraction anomalies) can be included into total adjustment. It is not necessary to fulfil the condition of closing the chain. The constraint for unknown parameters is the minimum of choosen guadratic form. The problem is solved by using the theory of generalized inverse of matrices. The method is demonstrated on determination of the right ascension corrections from observations with visual transit instrument. Another applications of proposed method are outlined.
High resolution (0.C5 A) spectra are used for the determlnatlon of the profiles of the diffuse Interstellar bands 5780 and 5797 orlginatlng in single clouds. It is shown that some of the clouds may contain agents of certain diffuse bands whereas others may not. The proflles of diffuse bands observed in dlstant stars contaln contributions from several clouds, differing In optical properties, which share the Doppler displacements observed in interstellar sodium lines. The Doppler splitting inside the diffuse bands´ profiles is, however, efficlently veiled because of the large intrinslc widths of the bands under consideration.
We develope a kinematic model based on a dynamical model of stellar population synthesis. We compare the model predictions with two proper motion catalogues.
Philosophy of technology was not initially considered a consolidated field of inquiry. However, under the influence of sociology and pragmatist philosophy, something resembling a consensus has emerged in a field previously marked by a lack of agreement amongst its practitioners. This has given the field a greater sense of structure and yielded interesting research. However, the loss of the earlier “messy” state has resulted in a limitation of the field’s scope and methodology that precludes an encompassing view of the problematic issues inherent in the question of technology. It is argued that the heterodox disunity and diversity of earlier philosophy of technology was not a mark of theoretical immaturity but was necessitated by the field’s complex subject matter. It is further argued that philosophy of technology should return to its pluralistic role as a meta-analytical structure linking insights from different fields of research. and Filosofi e techniky nebyla zpočátku považována za ucelenou oblast bádání. Pod vlivem sociologie a pragmatické fi losofi e se však postupně začal utvářet určitý konsensus, který dal fi losofi i techniky větší strukturovanost a nová témata k výzkumů. Ztráta dřívějšího „chaotického“ stavu však vedla k omezení rozsahu a metodiky tohoto oboru a znesnadňuje komplexní pohled, který je pro zkoumání technologie nezbytný. V tomto článku budeme zastávat pozici, že heterodoxní nejednotnost a rozmanitost dřívější fi losofi e techniky nebyla známkou teoretické nezralosti, ale nutným důsledkem složitosti zkoumané oblasti. Filosofi e techniky by se dle nás měla vrátit ke své pluralitní roli metaanalytické struktury, která spojuje poznatky z různých oblastí výzkumu.
I review our series of works on the galactic evoluton putting emphasis on some fundaments of he models instead that on their detailed structure. I show, with some example how the mathematical formulation is produced from the physical input, how it can be modified as physics is enriched, and which kind of results can be provided.