V nejbližší době projedná Poslanecká sněmovna PČR novelu zákona o ochraně přírody, kterou připravilo ministerstvo životního prostředí. Novela mění dosavadní systém zonace národních parků, například tím, že místo stávajících tří navrhuje zóny čtyři. Obzvláště v souvislosti s NP Šumava vzbudila tato novela živou diskusi. Komise pro životní prostředí AV ČR proto uspořádala odborný seminář s cílem nahlédnout otázku zonace NP Šumava z nejrůznějších pohledů: od legislativního přes sociálně-ekonomický, obecně přírodovědecký až po ryze ochranářský. Důležitou součástí úvah o zonaci NP Šumava představovala i fundovaná analýza jejích potenciálních vlivů na obyvatele žijící uvnitř NPŠ či v blízkém okolí. and Pavel Cudlín.
The paper presents the results of monitoring study undertaken during the period 2008 - 2010. The study recorded the displacement of tectonic structures in the Strašín Cave (SW Bohemian Massif). The derived results were compared, among others, with data recorded over the same time period across the Bohemian Massif in the EUTecNet (tectonic displacement monitoring net - see www.tecnet.cz), which is managed by IRSM ASCR. The rate of recorded displacement is mostly in order of hundredths mm/year with maximal value recorded in vertical component at site Strašín 2, about 0,16 mm/2,5 years. Whilst recorded displacement can indicate blocks subsidence into the cave empty space, the periods when displacement occurred correspond to periods of increased movement activity recorded for example at the opposite side of the Bohemian Massif, along the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Moreover, both periods are simultaneous with extraordinary earthquakes that affected western and southern part of the Bohemian Massif in 2008 and 2009., Josef Stemberk and Filip Hartvich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A detailed geomorphological mapping was performed in the valley of the Losenice R., which is situated on the NE slopes of the Šumava Mts. nearby the Kašperské Hory town. The dominant characteristics of the studied area are steep slopes of the deeply incised, narrow valleys, strong fragmentation of the bedrock composed of various types of gneisses and obvious structural influence on the valley network plan. Based on the analysis of the occurrence, parameters and relative position of selected landforms, which have significance for documenting certain processes, as well as other inputs, the relief of the studied area was divided into eight genetic types of relief segments: structural, erosional, erosional-structural, structuraldenudational and erosional-denudational slopes, flat denudational ridges and planation surface remnants and finally the valley floors with the floodplain., Filip Hartvich and Vít Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Lake Quillwort (Isoëtes lacustris) and Spring Quillwort (I. echinospora) are submerged Lycopods and critically endangered species of Czech flora, each living in a sole lake in the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest). Our 15-year scientific research has been focused on the resistance of these living fossils to the strong acidification of the lakes. Both populations were unable to reproduce for decades and are responding in a quite specific way to the current recovery of the lakes, although this does not quarantee the successful restoration of the quillwort stands. and Martina Čtvrtlíková.