Článek se zabývá vývojem a současnou situací v oblasti infastruktury podpory zdraví v ČR a nabídkou vzdělávacích programů pro zdravotnické profesionály, kteří by se podporou zdraví mohli zabývat a realizovat jí v praxi, a to jak na pregraduální tak na postgraduální úrovni. Kriticky hodnotí situaci v ČR, kde na rozdíl od vyspělých zemí, se v posledních dvaceti letech v rámci veřejného zdravotnictví a zdravotní politiky nevěnovala podpoře zdraví adekvátní pozornost., The article deals with the development and current situation in infrastructure for health promotion in the country and opportunities for relevant educational programs for professionals who would be able to implement health promotion programs in practice. Offer of health promotion educational programmes is analysed on both - graduate and postgraduate levels. Author critically evaluate the situation in the Czech Republic in the last twenty years , where, unlike in other developed countries has not paid adequate attention to health promotion in the context of public health and health policy., and Helena Hnilicová
This study introduces the concept of political disaffection, its measurement and operationalisation. Theoretically, this article builds on a differentiation between four basic types of orientations towards a political regime and its institutions: legitimacy of the regime, institutional disaffection, individual disaffection, and political dissatisfaction. Political disaffection is composed of two dimensions: institutional disaffection refers to beliefs that political institutions are not responsive to the requirements of the people; and individual disaffection reflects citizens‘ perceptions that they are able and willing to participation in politics. Principal axis factoring, reliability analysis along with internal and external validity analysis are used to examine institutional and individual disaffection using the Czech waves within ISSP (1996, 2000, 2004 and 2006). The results indicate that items used for measuring institutional and individual disaffection do measure the two concepts of interest. Moreover, repeated measurement of political disaffection and the stability of the results obtained provide strong arguments for the usage of these measures in future surveys.
V tomto článku se zabýváme koncepčním zakotvením institutu „dříve projevených přání pacienta“. Institut vychází ze tří konceptů, z práva na sebeurčení, práva na ochranu lidské důstojnosti a právo na nedotknutelnost osoby. Člověk je kontextuální bytí. Z faktu kontextuality pak vyplývá požadavek kontextuální interpretace pacientova textu., In this article we reflect upon human rights principles of advance directives. Advance directives come from three concepts: right of self-determination, respect for human dignity and respect to human dignity. Human person is a contextual being. From the fact of contextuality comes demand for contextual interpretation of the patient’s text., Jaromír Matějek, and Literatura