Michal Bauer, Jana Cahlíková, Dagmara Celik Katreniak, Julie Chytilová, Lubomír Cingl, and Tomáš Želinský., Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy, and České a anglické resumé
Medicínské technologie dokáží udělat rodiče i z člověka v pozdním seniu. Odborné debaty se soustřeďují nejen na to, jaké metody asistované reprodukce jsou eticky přijatelné, ale i na to, pro jaké skupiny lidí a za jakých okolností jsou přijatelné. Moje analýza je inspirována úmyslem státních orgánů a) zvýšit věkovou hranici pro přístup k léčbě placené ze zdravotního pojištění (ZP), b) zvýšit počty cyklů placených ze ZP; c) zrušit zákonem danou horní věkovou hranici pro samoplátce. Pro rozsáhlost tématu je text rozdělen do dvou samostatných článků. V této první části analyzuji věk pro platbu léčby ze ZP, relevantní argumenty nacházím pouze pro platbu léčby ženám do 40 let., Medical technology can make parents from persons in their late senium. Bioethical debates focus not only on what methods of assisted reproduction are ethically acceptable, but also for which of group of people and under what circumstances are they acceptable. My analysis is inspired by the intention of government a) to increase the age for access to treatment paid by health insurance (HI), b) to increase the number of cycles paid by HI, c) to abolish the upper age limit, given by law, for paying cash. The analysis is divided into two separate articles, because the topic is very broad. In this first part I analyze the age limit for payment of treatment by HI, I find relevant arguments onlxy for payment of treatment to women up to 40 years., Hana Konečná, and Literatura
Druhá část do dvou článků rozdělené analýzy věkových limitů v asistované reprodukci (ART). V této části se zaměřuji na hledání věkových limitů pro přístup k ART u samoplátců, zvažuji přitom zájmy čtyř z pěti zúčastněných členů systému: žadatele/lů o léčbu, dárce gamet, budoucího dítěte a společnosti, a rizika s tím spojená. Pro potvrzení současné zákonné věkové hranice pro ženu (den před 50. narozeninami) ani pro její zvýšení či odstranění nenacházím dostatečné důvody. Naopak se domnívám, že by měla být určena věková hranice i pro muže., The second part of analysis of age limits in assisted reproductive technology (ART), divided into two articles. In this section, I focus on defining age limits for access to ART for self-payers, I am considering the interests of four of the five participating members of the systém: ART applicant/s, gametedonor/s, child to-be-born, society, and the associated risks. I did not find sufficient grounds to confirm the current legal age limit for women (the day before the 50th birthday), nor for the increase or the elimination of the limit. On the contrary, I believe that should be addressed age limit for men., Hana Konečná, and Literatura
The analysis of data of 97 children with brain tumors of supratentorial localization was carried out. To estimate treatment efficacy was used a rating scale of quality of life. It was determined that the quality of life of patients with brain gliomas depends on localization of neoplastic process, histological properties of tumor, preoperative neurologic deficit and the patient’s compensated condition., Jamshid Ashrapov, and Literatura
Ilona Hromadnikova, Lenka Dvorakova, Katerina Kotlabova, Andrea Kestlerova, Lucie Hympanova, Veronika Novotna, Jindrich Doucha, Ladislav Krofta and Literatura
The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between various clinical aspects of schizophrenia and seropositivity against Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908). We selected 94 patients with schizophrenia and investigated the seropositivity rate for anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies by ELISA. Clinical parameters of schizophrenic patients such as illness type and status, clinical course, awareness of the illness and need for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) were compared with their serological status. Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were detected in 43 (46%) of schizophrenic patients. Chronic patients had a rate of 34 (72%) seropositivity, whereas 9 (22%) of the patients with partial remission showed evidence of latent toxoplasmosis. Of continuous patients, 35 (81%) were found to be seropositive and this rate was significantly more than in the other groups. The rate of latent toxoplasmosis was detected significantly higher in patients who lack awareness of schizophrenia (36, i.e. 72%) than the patients who were aware of their illnesses (7, i.e. 16%). Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were detected in 38 (70%) of ECT performed patients while this percentage was 13% in the ones who had never been treated with ECT. This difference was also statistically significant. We showed that Toxoplasma-infected subjects had 15× higher probability of having continuous course of disease than Toxoplasma-free subjects. Our results put forth the possibility of latent toxoplasmosis to have a negative impact on the course of schizophrenia and treatment response of schizophrenic patients., Tuncay Çelik, Şükrü Kartalci, Özgür Aytaş, Gülay Aral Akarsu, Harika Gözükara, Süheyla Ünal., and Obsahuje bibliografii