Ilona Hromadnikova, Lenka Dvorakova, Katerina Kotlabova, Andrea Kestlerova, Lucie Hympanova, Veronika Novotna, Jindrich Doucha, Ladislav Krofta and Literatura
Cíl studie: Doposud používaný ABI PRISM 7700 sekvenční detekční systém se již přestal vyrábět, řada laboratoří je proto nucena převést dosavadní neinvazivní prenatální diagnostiku na nové přístrojové vybavení. V této studii se zaměřujeme na testování použití 7300 real-time PCR systému pro účely rutinního neinvazivního určení pohlaví, RHD a RHCE genotypu plodu. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Laboratoř buněčné biologie, Pediatrická klinika, 2. LF UK a FN Motol Praha. Materiál a metody: Hodnotíme amplifikaci paternálních alel na extracelulární DNA izolované z mateřské periferní krve pomocí QIAamp DSP Virus kitu (c a E alely RHCE genu) a QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kitu (SRY, RHD a C alela RHCE genů) u 22 těhotných žen v rozmezí 10.–38. týdne gravidity. Výsledky: SRY (n = 6), RHD (exon 7 a exon 10, n = 7) a RHCE (C alela, n = 3; c alela, n = 3; E alela, n = 3) genotypizace plodu provedené na 7300 real-time PCR systému byly ve shodě s pohlavím a Rh fenotypem plodu či narozeného dítěte u všech vyšetřených těhotných žen. Závěr: Prokázali jsme, že 7300 real-time PCR systém je dostatečně citlivý pro detekci paternálních alel na fetální DNA přítomné v extracelulární DNA izolované z mateřské plazmy. Tímto způsobem můžeme nadále i po vyřazení ABI PRISM 7700 sekvenčního detekčního systému z provozu zajišťovat spolehlivé neinvazivní určení pohlaví plodu u těhotenství s rizikem X-vázaných onemocnění u plodu a neinvazivní RHD a RHCE genotypizaci plodu u aloimunizovaných těhotenství s rizikem fetální erytroblastózy., Objective: Since ABI PRISM 7700 sequence detection system has not already been commercially available, quite a number of laboratories are obliged to perform actual non-invasive prenatal diagnosis from maternal peripheral blood on new equipment. The purpose of this study was to test the usage of 7300 real-time PCR system for the purpose of routine non-invasive fetal sex determination and fetal RHD and RHCE genotyping. Settings: Cell Biology Laboratory, Paediatric Clinic, 2nd Medical Faculty and University Hospital Motol Prague. Material and Methods: We evaluated paternal allele amplification on extracellular DNA isolated from maternal peripheral blood by using QIAamp DSP Virus kit (c and E alleles of RHCE gene) and QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kit (SRY, RHD and C allele of RHCE gene) in a cohort of 22 pregnant women within 10th and 38th week of pregnancy. Results: The results of fetal SRY (n = 6), RHD (exon 7 and exon 10, n = 7) and RHCE (C allele, n = 3; c allele, n = 3; E allele, n = 3) genotyping performed on 7300 real-time PCR system corresponded to sex and/or Rh phenotype of the foetus or the newborn in all tested pregnant women. We showed that 7300 real-time PCR system is sensitive enough for paternal allele detection performed on fetal DNA fraction within extracellular DNA isolated from maternal plasma. Conclusion: After ABI PRISM 7700 sequence detection system would be completely taken out of service, we would be able henceforth to provide reliable non-invasive fetal sex determination in pregnancies at risk of X-linked disorders and non-invasive fetal RHD and RHCE genotyping in alloimmunized pregnancies at risk of haemolytic disease of newborn., Ilona Hromadníková, K. Veselá, R. Schrollová, and Lit. 18
Aims: This is the first study carried out to describe the role of fetal microchimerism (FM) in the pathogenesis of uterine cancer. The prevalence and concentration of male fetal microchimeric cells (FMCs) were examined in endometrial tissues in relation to subtypes of uterine cancer, and the histological grade and stage of the tumor. FM occurrence was analyzed in relation to risk factors including hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, age at cancer diagnosis and patient pregnancy history. The prevalence and concentration of FMCs were examined in endometrial tissues using real-time polymerase chain reaction, SRY and b-globin sequences as markers for male fetal FMCs and total DNA. The studied group involved 47 type 1 endometrial cancers, 28 type 2 endometrial cancers and 41 benign uterine diseases. Results: While the prevalence of FM was decreased only in type 1 endometrial cancer, compared to benign uterine disorders (38.3% vs.70.7%; OR = 0.257, 95% CI: 0.105 to 0.628, p = 0.003), FMC concentrations did not differ within examined groups. The lower FM prevalence was detected in low grade (grade 1 and grade 2) endometrioid cancer (38.3% vs. 70.7%, OR = 0.256, 95% CI: 0.105 to 0.627, p = 0.003) and in FIGO 1 tumors (40.7% vs. 70.7%, OR= 0.285, 95% CI: 0.120 to 0.675, p = 0.004). No correlation between FM prevalence or FMC concentrations and risk factors was demonstrated. Conclusions: A lower prevalence of male FM seemed to be associated with better prognoses in uterine cancer based on tumor subtype, histological grade and stage of the tumor. and Ilona Hromadnikova, Katerina Kotlabova, Petra Pirkova, Pavla Libalova, Zdenka Vernerova, Bohuslav Svoboda, Eduard Kucera