Cílem této studie je ověřit psychometrické vlastnosti české adaptace zkrácené osmipoložkové Škály vytrvalosti (Grit-S) na základě analýzy položek, reliability ve smyslu vnitřní konzistence, obsahové a souběžné validity. Výzkumný soubor čítal 338 respondentů, z nichž bylo 209 (61,8 %) ženského a 129 (38,2 %) mužského pohlaví ve věkovém rozpětí 15-76 let (M = 28,39; sd = 10,5). Výsledky svědčí o uspokojivé reliabilitě i validitě škály. Zároveň byl nalezen signifikantní pozitivní vztah skóru této škály s věkem. Výsledky jsou konfrontovány s psychometrickými vlastnostmi originální škály a diskutovány ve světle zahraničních výsledků. Česká adaptace Grit-S je součástí tohoto příspěvku. and The aim of this study is to test the psychometric properties of Czech adaptation of 8-item Short Grit Scale based on item analysis, internal consistency, content and convergent validity. The sample of 338 respondents included 209 (61.8 %) female and 129 (38.2 %) male participants between 15 and 76 years of age (M = 28.39; sd = 10.5). The results suggest satisfactory reliability and validity. Comparative analyses of demographic factors (age and gender) revealed a significant positive relationship between age and grit. The results are compared with the psychometric properties of the original scale and related studies. The Czech version of Grit-S is attached.
Snow production results in high volume of snow that is remaining on the low-elevation ski pistes after snowmelt of natural snow on the off-piste sites. The aim of this study was to identify snow/ice depth, snow density, and snow water equivalent of remaining ski piste snowpack to calculate and to compare snow ablation water volume with potential infiltration on the ski piste area at South-Central Slovak ski center Košútka (Inner Western Carpathians; temperate zone). Snow ablation water volume was calculated from manual snow depth and density measurements, which were performed at the end of five winter seasons 2010–2011 to 2015–2016, except for season 2013–2014. The laser diffraction analyzes were carried out to identify soil grain size and subsequently the hydraulic conductivity of soil to calculate the infiltration. The average rate of water movement through soil was seven times as high as five seasons’ average ablation rate of ski piste snowpack; nevertheless, the ski piste area was potentially able to infiltrate only 47% of snow ablation water volume on average. Limitation for infiltration was frozen soil and ice layers below the ski piste snowpack and low snow-free area at the beginning of the studied ablation period.
Objectives. In recent years, interpersonal forgiveness has become a focus in psychology research. The Enright Forgiveness Inventory-30 (EFI-30) was developed to assess situational forgiveness toward someone who has hurt us deeply and unjustly. The goal of this study is to validate the Slovak version of the EFI-30, which was translated by the authors, on a representative sample of the Slovak population (in terms of gender and age).Sample and settings. Data were collected on a representative Slovak sample (n=1209 participants: 50.4% women and 49.6% men) in the productive age from 18 to 65 years (M=41.22, SD=12.78).Statistical analyses. The data obtained from the 30-item scale were subjected to a factor analysis using the Maximum Likelihood method. The internal consistency of the subscales and the EFI-30 was measured. Criterion validity was assessed by correlations with the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory–18-Item Version and the Forgiveness of Others subscale from the Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Construct validity was assessed by correlations with well-being, happiness, depression, anxiety, and anger.Results. Items relating to the affective, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of forgiveness were saturated with a single common factor. The short pseudo-forgiveness subscale formed a specific factor that correlated negatively with forgiveness. The EFI-30 results obtained by persons scoring high on the pseudo-forgiveness scale were therefore excluded from the analysis. The questionnaire had high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α>0.9), good criterion validity (high correlations with other forgiveness scales) and good construct validity (positive relationships with well-being and happiness, negative ones with anxiety, depression, and anger). and Ciele. Vedecká psychológia sa posledné roky čo-raz viac zameriava na skúmanie interpersonálneho odpustenia. Enrightov dotazník odpustenia-30 (EFI-30) bol vytvorený s cieľom hodnotenia situačného odpustenia človeku, ktorý nás hlboko a nespravodlivo zranil. Cieľom tejto štúdie je overiť slovenskú verziu EFI-30 na reprezentatívnom súbore slovenskej populácie (z hľadiska pohlavia a veku).Výskumný súbor. Údaje boli zozbierané na reprezentatívnom súbore slovenskej populácie (n == 1209 participantov: 50,4 % žien a 49,6 % mužov) v produktívnom veku od 18 do 65 rokov (M = 41,22, SD = 12,78).Štatistické analýzy. Údaje získané pomocou 30-položkovej škály boli podrobené faktorovej analýze metódou Maximum Likelihood. Reliabilita subškál i celej škály EFI-30 bola overená výpočtom koeficientov vnútornej konzistencie. Kritériová validita bola hodnotená koreláciami so škálou Interpersonálnych motivácií súvisiacich s previnením-18 a subškálou odpustenia druhým z Heartlandského dotazníka odpustenia. Konštruktová validita škály bola hodnotená koreláciami so škálami zameranými na hodnotenie subjektívnej pohody, šťastia, depresie, úzkosti a hnevu.Výsledky. Položky týkajúce sa afektívnej, behaviorálnej a kognitívnej dimenzie odpustenia sú sýtené jedným spoločným faktorom. Krátka subškála pseudoodpustenia tvorí špecifický faktor, ktorý s odpustením koreluje negatívne. Výsledky EFI-30 získané participantmi s vysokým skóre pseudoodpustenia boli preto z analýzy vylúčené. Dotazník má vysokú vnútornú konzistenciu (Cronbachova α > 0,9), dobrú kritériovú validitu (vysoké korelácie s inými škálami na meranie odpustenia) i konštruktovú validitu (pozitívne vzťahy so subjektívnou pohodou a šťastím, negatívne vzťahy s úzkosťou, depresiou a hnevom).
The concept of decent minimum of health care is broadly discussed in foreign countries. In the Czech Republic, nevertheless, the concept of decent minimum of health care is practically unknown. Although there is general agreement that health, in its definition of complete physical, mental and social well-being, is fundamental to a dignified human life, the extent of health care that meets the criterion of a decent minimum of health care necessary to ensure a dignified human life is the subject of professional debate. This article critically evaluates the arguments for the implementation of the concept of a decent minimum of health care into current legislation of the Czech Republic. and Slušné minimum zdravotní péče je v zahraničních státech široce diskutované téma. V prostředí České republiky je však pojem slušného minima zdravotní péče prakticky neznámý. Ačkoliv panuje obecná shoda v tom, že zdraví je ve své definici úplné tělesné, duševní a sociální pohody fundamentální pro důstojný lidský život, rozsah zdravotní péče, který by splňoval kritérium slušného minima zdravotní péče nutného pro zajištění důstojného lidského života, je předmětem odborné debaty. Předkládaný článek kriticky hodnotí argumenty pro implementaci pojmu slušného minima zdravotní péče do platné legislativy České republiky.
The Lama forest is the largest natural forest in southern Benin, and one of the last remnant forests within the Dahomey Gap. It harbours several species of major importance in terms of conservation. Small mammals are known to represent more than 80% of the African mammalian species diversity but they have received little attention in Benin. In this article we present the results of the first terrestrial small mammal species inventory (murid rodents and shrews) in the Lama forest. In September and October 2007, we captured 280 small mammals belonging to 12 species, identified by morphological and genetic analysis. We also provide detailed cytogenetic data for six of the 12 captured species. For five of them, we compare our data with previously published karyotypes, and for the sixth one (Hylomyscus pamfi), the karyotype is published here for the first time. Two of the captured species are closed-forest specialists (Praomys misonnei, H. pamfi), and H. pamfi is endemic to the Dahomey Gap region. Our results are congruent with those obtained on other animal groups, and highlight the importance of the Lama forest for the conservation of the country's forest biodiversity.
In the context of food self-sufficiency, the River Senegal Valley has been undergoing profound environmental changes for several decades. Rice production has increased due to the development of vast irrigated perimeters, which has been accompanied by recurrent proliferations of rodent populations that are crop pests and reservoirs of zoonoses. The aim of our study was to determine the factors underlying these phases of increased rodent abundance over a ten-year (2008 to 2019) sampling period during the hot dry season (February-May). A total of 1,867 rodents of four species were captured, among which Arvicanthis niloticus and Mastomys huberti dominated. Our results showed that, during this season, rodent abundance (i) increases significantly with rainfall from the previous year, (ii) is higher in cultivated than in uncultivated plots, (iii) increases with plant cover, (iv) increases, for M. huberti, with the presence of open water. We showed that in an area that was first sparsely cultivated and then impacted by hydro-agricultural rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure, the abundance of A. niloticus changed following this program, reaching the level of a nearby area that has been intensively cultivated for decades. Moreover, we showed that the proportion of adults among the captured individuals was lower in rice plots than in vegetable gardening fields and uncultivated plots. The breeding pattern of adult individuals was also affected by land use. Results suggest that uncultivated areas and vegetable gardening fields constitute refuge and breeding ground hotspots and would thus form a starting point for the invasion of rice fields. Following these results, we advocate for regular monitoring of rodent breeding and abundance patterns, with a special focus on these refuge areas, particularly during the hot dry season. We recommend implementing effective and sustainable science-based control strategies at national and community levels to keep rodent populations within tolerable limits.
In order to mitigate vineyard degradation, we study different soil management to obtain the most suitable practices. To study the effects of water erosion on vineyards, a rainfall experiment (58 mm h-1 for 30 min) was applied on Anthrosols in humid conditions to assess the impact of treatment (Tilled, Straw and Grass) and season (Spring and Summer). Higher bulk density (BD) and soil water content (SWC) were on the Straw treatment in the Spring period. Also, the Tilled and Grass treatment noticed higher mean weight diameter (MWD) and water-stable aggregates (WSA). In the Summer, BD, SWC and MWD were significantly higher on the Grass treatment. Higher values of time to ponding (TP) and time to runoff (TR) in Spring were recorded on the Grass treatment, Runoff was higher on the Straw treatment. Higher sediment concentration (SC) and soil loss (SL) were noticed during the Tilled treatment. In the Summer period, TP was higher on the Straw treatment, while TR and Runoff were higher on the Straw, SC and SL on the Tilled treatment. This study confirms the positive effects of grass cover and straw mulching as a sustainable agricultural practice in sloped vineyards of north-western Croatia.
Apoptosis plays crucial role in the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis, as it limits further development of the disease. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of different concentrations of soluble total antigen (STAg) of Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) on the apoptotic and anti-apoptotic pathways. PMA-activated THP-1 cell line was sensed by T. gondii STAg and the expression patterns of caspase-3, -7, -8, -9, Bax, Bcl-2, and Mcl-1 genes were evaluated. The results showed statistically significant concentration-dependent overexpression of both Bcl-2 (P-value < 0.0001) and Mcl-1 (P-value = 0.0147). The cas-7 showed overexpression in all concentrations (P-value < 0.0001). The cas-3 was suppressed in concentrations 100, 80, and 40 µg, but statistically significant downregulated in concentrations 10 and 20 µg. The Bax was suppressed in concentrations 100 to 20 µg, while it slightly downregulated 1.42 fold (P-value = 0.0029) in concentration 10 µg. The expression of cas-8 and -9 was suppressed in all concentrations. Our results indicated that T. gondii STAg downregulated and suppressed apoptotic and upregulated anti-apoptotic pathways. The upregulation of cas-7 in this study may indicate the role of T. gondii STAg in activation of inflammatory responses.
Twenty species (sixteen adult and four larval) of parasitic nematodes belonging to the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Cosmocercoidea, Dioctophymatoidea, Habronematoidea, Oxyuroidea, Seuratoidea, and Thelazioidea were collected from freshwater fishes of the Congo River basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Based on light and scanning electron microscopical examination, many species are redescribed in detail. This material also contained four previously unknown species, Labeonema longispiculatum sp. n. from Synodontis acanthomias Boulenger, Gendria longispiculata sp. n. from Schilbe grenfelli (Boulenger), G. sanghaensis sp. n. from Schilbe marmoratus Boulenger, and Cucullanus congolensis sp. n. from Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Valenciennes). The new species L. longispiculatum is mainly characterised by conspicuously long (210-228 µm) spicules, approximately twice as long as those in other congeners, the length (45-48 µm) of the gubernaculum and the host family (Mochokidae), whereas G. longispiculata by very long (1.2 mm) spicules, the shape of the oesophagus and cephalic vesicle, distribution of postanal papillae and the host family (Schilbeidae). Main characteristic features of G. sanghaensis are the presence of a hexagonal oral aperture surrounded by lip-like structures, the posterior portion of the oesophagus moderately expanded, spicules and the gubernaculum 414-438 µm and 54-57 µm long, respectively, deirids located at the level of the posterior end of the oesophagus and the absence of cervical alae. Cucullanus congolensis differs from congeneric species parasitising African freshwater and brackish-water fishes mainly in the absence of a ventral precloacal sucker and lateral preanal papillae, the presence of a large median precloacal papilla-like formation, spicules 480-489 µm long and the location of the excretory pore in the regio, František Moravec, Miloslav Jirků., and Obsahuje bibliografii