The article focuses on the standards of health care and their mutual relationship. Firstly, the article deals with different types of standards, i.e. with the medical standard, civil law (liability) standard and with the standard for the purposes of public health insurance law. The second part of the paper is aimed at their mutual relationship, primarily with an emphasis on the relationship between the civil law standard and standard for the purposes of public health insurance law, where there could evidently exist tension between them. and Článek je zaměřen na problematiku standardů při poskytování zdravotních služeb a jejich interakci. Nejprve se v článku pojednává o jednotlivých druzích standardů, tedy o standardu medicínském, civilněprávním (deliktním) a standardu zdravotních služeb pro účely práva veřejného zdravotního pojištění. Druhá část článku se věnuje jejich vzájemnému vztahu, a to s důrazem na vztah standardu civilněprávního a standardu práva veřejného zdravotního pojištění, kde může docházet k jejich vzájemné kolizi.
Sourozenectví je jedním z nejvýznamnějších vztahů v lidském životě. Tento vztah může být velmi specifický, má-li jeden ze sourozenců vývojové postižení. Zdraví sourozenci potom, stejně jako jejich rodiče, bývají konfrontováni s řadou stresových a náročných situací, které u nich vedou ke zvýšenému výskytu psychických obtíží. Za účelem podpory a naplnění potřeb této skupiny byl vytvořen program STEPS – Skupinový terapeuticko-edukační program pro sourozence dětí s postižením. Pilotním během intenzivní alternativy tohoto programu prošlo pět sourozenců dětí s Williamsovým syndromem. Cílem článku je podat základní informace o prvním běhu programu a poskytnout tak podnět pro další rozvoj podpory rizikové a v naší zemi doposud opomíjené skupiny – sourozenců dětí s postižením. and Sibship is one of the most important relationships in life. However, this relationship may be very specific if one of the siblings suffers from a developmental disorder. In such a case healthy siblings are confronted with a similar number of stressful and challenging situations as their parents. These stressors lead to an increased incidence of mental health problems in this population. In order to support and fulfil the needs of healthy siblings, STEPS program (Group Therapeutic Program for Siblings of Children with Disabilities) was developed. Five siblings of children with Williams syndrome have participated in piloting of an intensive alternative of this program. The aim of this article is to provide basic information on the pilot of this program and provide suggestions for further development of support for at-risk and in our country neglected population – siblings of children with disabilities.
In this study, the value of proxy data was explored for calibrating a conceptual hydrologic model for small ungauged basins, i.e. ungauged in terms of runoff. The study site was a 66 ha Austrian experimental catchment dominated by agricultural land use, the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory (HOAL). The three modules of a conceptual, lumped hydrologic model (snow, soil moisture accounting and runoff generation) were calibrated step-by-step using only proxy data, and no runoff observations. Using this stepwise approach, the relative runoff volume errors in the calibration and first and second validation periods were –0.04, 0.19 and 0.17, and the monthly Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.88, 0.71 and 0.64, respectively. By using proxy data, the simulation of state variables improved compared to model calibration in one step using only runoff data. Using snow and soil moisture information for model calibration, the runoff model performance was comparable to the scenario when the model was calibrated using only runoff data. While the runoff simulation performance using only proxy data did not considerably improve compared to a scenario when the model was calibrated on runoff data, the more accurately simulated state variables imply that the process consistency improved.
The determination of steroid hormones and subsequent interpretation of results is accompanied by a range of difficulties. The amount of information that current technology can provide on the circulating concentrations of more than a hundred various steroid compounds can lead to problems with interpretation. The aim of this study is to help provide orientation in this maze of data on steroid hormones. First we focus on specific aspects arising from the pre-analytical phase of steroid determination that need to be considered when planning sampling, whether for diagnostics or research. Then, we provide a brief summary of the characteristics and diagnostic relevance of several steroid hormones and/or their metabolites: pregnenolone, 17α-hydroxypregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone, hydroxyderivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, estrone, estradiol, estriol, cortisol, cortisone, which in our institute are determined with validated LC-MS/MS methods. For these steroids, we also provide newly calculated reference values in fertile women according to the phase of their menstrual cycle and Obsahuje bibliografii
Spiders are generalist predators that contribute to the control of pests in agroecosystems. Land use management determines habitats including refuges for hibernation and aestivation. The availability of shelters on the ground can be crucial for maintaining populations of spider within crops. We studied the effect of the number of stones on the surface of the soil on the spider community in selected olive groves in Trás-os-Montes (northeastern Portugal). The number of stones significantly influenced the overall diversity of spiders, abundance of immature individuals and abundance of ground hunters. Agricultural management practices aimed at the conservation of soil microhabitats such as hedgerows, stonewalls and stones on the ground should be promoted in order to maintain or increase the number of shelters for potential natural enemies of pests., Jacinto Benhadi-Marín, José A. Pereira, José A. Barrientos, José P. Sousa, Sónia A.P. Santos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Faecal samples were collected from cats kept as pets (n = 120) and stray cats (n = 135) in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia) and screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia intestinalis (Kunstler, 1882), Encephalitozoon spp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi Desportes, Le Charpentier, Galian, Bernard, Cochand-Priollet, Lavergne, Ravisse et Modigliani, 1985 by PCR analysis of the small-subunit of rRNA (Cryptosporidium spp. and G. intestinalis) and ITS (microsporidia) genes. Sequence analysis of targeted genes revealed the presence of C. felis Iseki, 1979, G. intestinalis assemblage F, E. cuniculi Levaditi, Nicolau et Schoen, 1923 genotype II, and E. bieneusi genotype D. There was no correlation between the occurrence of detected parasites and sex, presence of diarrhoea or drug treatment (drug containing pyrantel and praziquantel). Compared to pet cats (7%), stray cats (30%) were statistically more frequently infected with protist parasites and overall may present a greater risk to human health., Martin Kváč, Lada Hofmannová, Ynes Ortega, Nikola Holubová, Michaela Horčičková, Marta Kicia, Lenka Hlásková, Dana Květoňová, Bohumil Sak, John McEvoy., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Povolání profesionálního řidiče patří mezi vysoce stresující zaměstnání s negativními dopady na zdravotní a psychickou stránku. Řidič je denně vystaven celé řadě náročných požadavků a stresorů, se kterými se musí vyrovnávat. Situace vyrovnávání se se stresem při řízení je popisována pomocí transakční teorie řidičského stresu spolu s copingovými strategiemi při řízení, které mají vliv na kvalitu řízení, a jejichž identifikace a náprava ukazují na možnosti intervence. Důležitou skupinou profesionálních řidičů jsou řidiči autobusů. Významnými stresory pro tyto řidiče jsou časový tlak, nadměrná pracovní zátěž, vysoká environmentální stimulace, problematická interakce s dalšími účastníky dopravního provozu, nedostatek sociální opory a nepravidelné směny. Mezi nejdůležitější preventivní opatření na snížení míry stresu patří eliminace nebo modifikace situací vytvářejících stres, přizpůsobení organizace práce individuálním charakteristikám řidičů a posílení osobní odolnosti řidičů vůči stresu. Jsou zde uvedeny některé konkrétní příklady realizovaných programů, ve kterých jsou použity principy vedoucí ke snížení míry stresu u těchto řidičů, zvýšení životní pohody a snížení negativních zdravotních důsledků. and The group of professional drivers belongs to high demanding jobs with high risks in health status and psychical wellbeing. Drivers are daily exposed to high demands and stressors they have to face. The situation of coping with stress is described by the transactional model of driver stress and coping strategies while driving. These strategies influence driving performance and their identification could be one of the possible interventions for stress reduction. This study focuses on the group of bus drivers, which is a significant subgroup of professional drivers. The main stressors for them are time pressure, high work demands, high environmental stimulation, problematic interactions with other road users, lack of social support and irregular shifts. The most important preventive strategies are elimination or modification of stress-producing situations, the adaptation of work organization to the individual characteristics of the driver and strengthening the driver’s resilience to stress. We describe some programs using the principles of stress reduction by professional drivers, which increase wellbeing and decrease negative health consequences.
On the ventral tube of males of Onychiuroides granulosus (Stach, 1934) there is a male ventral organ, which consists of two groups of four setae that are thickened, slightly flattened and bent. All setae of the male ventral organ are inserted in a richly sculptured cuticle. At the base of each seta there are a few large cells (basal cells) that have large irregular nuclei that contain a large amount of heterochromatin. In the cytoplasm of the basal cells there are numerous mitochondria, ribosomes and a rich system of endoplasmic reticulum. The plasma membrane of the basal cells forms richly folded, deep invaginations, filled with a dense material, which also occurs in particular setae and on their surface. The present study indicates that the male ventral organ is secretory and does not confirm its previously suggested sensory function., Bożena Simiczyjew, Dariusz Skarżyński, Adrian Smolis, Romuald J. Pomorski, Marta Mazurkiewicz-Kania., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Identifying patterns with sufficient predictive power is a constant challenge for ecologists to address ecological problems related to species conservation, pollution or infectious disease control. During the last years, the amounts of parasitological studies in this sense increased, but they are still scarce in urban environments. The main aim of this study was to investigate if the helminth communities of urban rodents are structured within host assembly (compound community) or they are a result of random events occurring at each individual host scale (infracommunity). A total of 203 rodents belonging to four species, Rattus rattus (Linnaeus), Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout), Mus musculus Linnaeus and the native Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse) and captured in different landscape units of the City of Buenos Aires (industrial-residential neighbourhoods, shantytowns and parklands) were analysed. The results showed that infracommunities could be grouped according to composition and relative abundances and that they respond to the structure of the host community. Thus, the component communities defined in this study could be identified as subsets of the compound community (rodent assemblage) and infracommunities (each host) as random samples within each one. Quantitative differences among component communities were denoted by comparing the infection levels of helminths described as central species. Therefore, infracommunities of R. norvegicus and O. flavescens were the most predictable because of the high abundance of the nematodes Heterakis spumosa Schneider, 1866 and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Travassos, 1914), and Stilestrongylus flavescens (Sutton et Durette-Desset, 1991), respectively. Several mechanisms contribute to complexity of the structure of parasite communities, where specific parasites, definitive and intermediate hosts, and environmental and anthropogenic factors all play a role in the dynamics of the compound community., Diego Hancke, Olga Virginia Suárez., and Obsahuje bibliografii