Zinc (Zn) plays an important role in the physiological processes in plants and may mitigate trace element stress. The aim was to evaluate the morphophysiological responses of Alternanthera tenella plants exposed to cadmium (Cd) and Zn under in vitro conditions. Segments of A. tenella were transferred to flasks containing medium supplemented with different combinations of Cd (0, 75, or 150 μM) and Zn (0, 750, or 1,500 μM) concentrations, totalizing nine treatments. We assessed the growth traits, anatomy, chlorophyll a fluorescence by OJIPs, and tolerance index (TI). With exposure only to Cd, the plants showed physiological disorders. Zn supplementation in the medium had a positive effect on the physiological performance of plants. At concentrations ≤ 750 μM, it can partially mitigate the deleterious effects of Cd. Plants grown with Cd and Zn showed intermediate TI. The results proved the potential of Zn as a mitigator of Cd-induced stress in plants.
Výzkum se zabývá obsahem strachů u dětí v období mezi předškolním a středním školním věkem. V rámci longitudinální studie zjišťuje intenzitu strachů z předem určených objektů, jejich proměnu v čase a rozdíly v závislosti na pohlaví. Výzkum je rozdělen na dvě fáze. V první fázi byly zjišťovány intenzity strachů u 40 dětí z mateřských škol a 39 dětí z druhých tříd základní školy. V druhé fázi bylo šetření replikováno u stejných skupin po dvouletém odstupu. Studie prezentuje základní informace o podobách strachu ve výše uvedeném období, předkládá data o proměnách reprezentací strachů v dětských představách, uvádí přímé intenzity strachů z jednotlivých objektů a zasazuje je do vztahů se současnou tuzemskou i zahraniční literaturou., The research is dealing with content of children‘s fear in the period between pre-school and middle school age. In the scope of a longitudinal study it focuses on the intensity of fears from predetermined objects, their change in time and differences according to the gender. The research is divided in two phases. In the first phase, the intensity of fears was investigated within 40 children from nursery schools and 39 children from second classes of primary school. In the second phase, the investigation was replicated in the same groups after two years. The study presents basic information about the forms of fear in the above-mentioned period, presents data about changes in the representation of fears in the child's mind, mentions direct intensities of fears from the individual objects and sets them into relations between current domestic and foreign literature., Martin Brummer, Hana Valentová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Contamination of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Desportes, Charpentier, Galian, Bernard, Cochand-Priollet, Laverne, Ravisse, et Modigliani, 1985 in water sources may cause outbreaks of microsporidiosis. To examine the occurrence of E. bieneusi, 108 raw wastewater samples were collected from three wastewater treated plants in Zhengzhou, China. In total, 46 samples were PCR positive for E. bieneusi. A total of 15 ITS genotypes was identified, including ten known genotypes (D, BEB6, I, J, PigEbIX, PigEBITS5, EbpA, Peru6, Peru8, Type IV) and five novel genotypes (HNWW1, HNWW2, HNWW3, HNWW4, HNWW5). Nine genotypes belonged to a known zoonotic group (group 1) and the other genotypes belonged to potential zoonotic group (group 2). Most of the genotypes had been identified in wildlife or domestic animals in former reports in Zhengzhou. The occurrence of E. bieneusi in wastewater was probably related to the rainfall day before sampling. Of 36 sampling days, 20 days had rainfall on the previous day and 16 days had none. As many as 43 of 60 samples were found to be E. bieneusi-positive in the 20 days which had rainfall on the previous day. Only three of 48 samples were found to be E. bieneusi-positive in the 16 days without rainfall the day before. The significant difference of the occurrence of E. bieneusi was observed between wet days and dry days by t-test (43/60 vs 3/48, p < 0.01). This indicates that the occurrence of E. bieneusi in wastewater in Zhengzhou mainly originated from animals and was probably related to rainfall the day before sample collection. Given the zoonotic genotypes detected in wastewater, animal faeces should be treated appropriately before being drained into the water source., Jianbin Ye, Ji Yan, Jia Xu, Ke Ma, Xuepeng Yang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tento článek se zabývá problematikou způsobilosti nezletilých k udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb. První část článku se věnuje problematice posouzení vyspělosti nezletilých a jejich schopnosti činit samostatná rozhodnutí. Dále článek přináší krátkou komparativní část, která v obecné rovině popisuje přístupy jednotlivých států k problematice udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb. Následně je pak analyzována česká právní úprava způsobilosti nezletilých k udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb a důsledky této úpravy pro praxi., This article is focused on the examination of the law concerning medical treatment of minors, that is, persons under the age of 18. The first part of this article discusses whether persons under the age of 18 may be regarded as being capable of consenting to medical treatment and the problem of the maturity. Further this article brings short comparative overview of the laws concerning medical treatment of minors in different countries. And finally the last part analyzes the capacity to consent of the minors under the current Czech laws., and Tomáš Doležal.