Syria changed from a seemingly stable and slowly modernising country to the site of a regional conflict in a matter of months. The factors of escalation are to be sought in three interrelated aspects: in the power structures of the Asad regime, that choose to deal with the reverberations of the Arab Spring through intensified security alone; in the transformation of social protest into a sectarian conflict; in the unconditional support that all sides receive from abroad. As a result, Syria ceased to be what it was three years ago: a country, a state, and a society., Zora Hesová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Understanding the history of coniferous forests and their natural changes over time is critical for proper and effective forest management. The text describes the origin and disturbance history of the mountain Norway Spruce (Picea abies) forests in the Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest) using tree-ring and archival documents analyses. Severe and extensive natural disturbances play and have played a fundamental role in forest structure and dynamics. Part of the territory has been shaped by forest management. and Vojtěch Čada ... [et al.].
[Zprávy Československé společnosti pro dějiny věd a techniky při ČSAV 9-10, 29-66 (1968)] and I. Bernard Cohen ; úvod redakce společný i pro předchozí článek je uveden na straně 220.
Dospívající dívky vyhledávají gynekologa nejčastěji při poruchách menstruačního cyklu. V ideálním případě by se dívka měla obracet na dětského gynekologa, který ovšem není všude dostupný. Proto často řeší tento problém gynekologové specializovaní na dospělé pacientky. Ti většinou problém řeší předepsáním hormonální antikoncepce, jejíž podávání cyklus upraví. To však není kauzální řešení problému tzv. juvenilní metroragie. Její řešení patří do rukou dětského gynekologa, a pokud je nucen tento problém řešit gynekolog dospělých, měl by mu tento článek poskytnout základní informace., Adolescent girls most frequently seek a gynecologist’s advice in relation to menstrual cycle disorders. Ideally, they should visit a pediatric gynecologist, whose care, however, is not always within easy reach. Therefore this problem is often treated by gynecologists specialized in adult patients. In most cases they deal with it by prescribing hormonal contraception, whose administering will regulate the cycle. However this is not a causal solution of the issue of juvenile metrorrhagia. Its solution should be in the hands of pediatric gynecologists, and if gynecologists treating adults have to deal with this problem, this paper should give them some basic information., and Hana Kosová
The DØ Experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research of the fundamental nature of matter. The experiment is located at the world´s premier high-energy accelerator, the Tevatron Collider, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, USA. The research is focused on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. It involves and intense search for subatomic clues that reveal the character of the building blocks of the universe. and Alexander Kupčo, Miloš Lokajíček.