Fekálna mikrobiálna terapia (FMT) je liečebná metóda, pri ktorej sa prenesie fekálna mikroflóra chorému jedincovi od zdravého darcu, a tým sa obnoví normálne mikrobiálne zloženie čreva. V súčasnosti vzrastá záujem o využitie FMT pri liečbe rôznych chorôb, avšak neexistujú štandardné terapeutické protokoly. Postupy pri realizácii FMT sa líšia vo viacerých aspektoch, ako je výber darcu, príprava fekálnych materiálov, príprava príjemcu a spôsob aplikácie. FMT sa zdá byť najúspešnejšia v liečbe rekurentnej infekcie Clostridium difficile, randomizované kontrolované štúdie dokázali úspešnosť približne 90 %. Existujú aj obmedzené výsledky pre liečbu ulceróznej kolitídy, publikované boli malé série prípadov, ktorých výsledky však nie sú jednotné. Využitie FMT sa skúma aj v liečbe iných chorôb, pri ktorých je narušená črevná mikroflóra, ako sú napr. kardiovaskulárne, autoimunitné a metabolické ochorenia. Nateraz je pri FMT veľa nezodpovedaných otázok, a preto je nevyhnutný ďalší výskum v tejto oblasti., Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a therapeutic method, in which the fecal microflora from healthy donors is transmitted to the patient to restore the healthy microbial composition of the gut. In the recent years, there is a growing interest in the therapeutic potential of FMT in various diseases. The standard FMT protocols do not exist. Procedures of FMT vary in several aspects such as donor selection, preparation of fecal material, preparation of the recipient and administration way. FMT appears to be the most successful in the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), randomized controlled studies reported 90 % success rate. There is a limited evidence for FMT as a treatment of ulcerative colitis. FMT has been also studied as treatment of diseases with impaired gut microbiota, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Many unanswered questions with regard to FMT remain and further research is needed., and Igor Šturdík, Tibor Hlavatý, Juraj Payer
Building on historical narrative and social-theoretical analysis, Fraser explores the place of second-wave feminism in relation to three specific moments in the history of capitalism. The first point refers to the movement’s beginnings in the context of ‘state-organized capitalism’. The second point refers to the process of feminism’s evolution in the dramatically changed social context of rising neoliberalism. And the third point refers to a possible reorientation of feminism in the present context of capitalist crisis and US political realignment, which for her could mark the beginning of a shift from neoliberalism to a new form of social organization. Orienting her analysis around four key points of feminist critique-androcentrism, economism, étatism and Westphalianism-Fraser charts a fascinating journey of second-wave feminism since the 1960s to identify a “dangerous liaison” second-wave feminism developed with capitalism. She concludes that in order to reclaim second-wave feminism as a robust critique conjoining both claims for recognition and redistribution- which were unlinked during the period of rising neoliberalism-eminism needs to become more historically self-aware., Nancy Fraser ; přeložila Marcela Linková., and Přeloženo z : New Left Review 56/2009
The article introduces feminist political economy as an analytical tool or interpretative frame for exploring current economic crisis. In the beginning of the article, the authors focus on the wider context of feminist theories and approaches to capitalism within their development. The point is to show that contemporary feminist critiques of global capitalism tie in with the earlier tradition of feminist thought. In the next part, the authors introduce the theoretical grounds and basic theses of feminist political economy through the work of V. Spike Peterson and J. K. Gibson-Graham. The last part of the article focuses on specific issues linked to the current crisis of global capitalism and on the questions raised by this approach. The main questions are: how can we describe the crisis and what solutions can we search for? Is it a crisis of the hegemonic capitalist mode of production, a crisis of the capitalocentrist order, or just a crisis of certain institutions? Is the current economic crisis only a negative phenomenon, or does it open the way to establishing alternative paradigms to that of the global hegemony of capitalism?, Veronika Šprincová, Miroslav Jašurek., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé