Úvod: Kombinace monoklonální antiCD20 protilátky rituximabu s chemoterapií je vysoce účinná v léčbě chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL). Hlavním nežádoucím účinkem rituximabu jsou infuzní reakce, např. syndrom uvolnění cytokinů (cytokine release syndrome – CRS), který zpravidla doprovází první podání rituximabu. Cílem naší retrospektivní analýzy bylo zhodnotit četnost výskytu infuzních reakcí v rutinní klinické praxi, jejich vztah k parametrům nádorové nálože a zjistit možnou spojitost infuzních reakcí s účinností léčby. Dále byla posouzena bezpečnost rychlé infuze s rituximabem u nemocných s CLL. Charakteristika souboru: Hodnoceno bylo 108 nemocných s CLL léčených chemoimunoterapií s rituximabem od května roku 2005 do března roku 2011 v našem centru. V rámci 1. linie (n = 66, 71 % mužů, věkový medián 63 let) byly použity tyto léčebné režimy: fludarabin, cyklofosfamid, rituximab – FCR (n = 43) a nízkodávkovaný FCR (n = 13); 10 nemocných bylo léčeno jinými protokoly. 42 nemocných (76 % mužů, věkový medián 65 let) podstoupilo 2. linii: rituximab-dexametazon (n = 18), FCR/nízkodávkované FCR (n = 14) a 10 nemocných jiný režim. Součástí premedikace před infuzí rituximabu byl metylprednisolon 80 mg i.v., paracetamol 1 000 mg p. o. a bisulepin 1 mg i. v., všichni nemocní měli nitrožilní hydrataci minimálně 2 000 ml/den a alopurinol 300–600 mg/den. V 1. cyklu byl rituximab podáván frakcionovaně v celkové dávce 375 mg/m2 a od 2. cyklu formou rychlé infuze v dávce 500 mg/m2. Výsledky: K rozvoji infuzní reakce po rituximabu došlo u 32 % nemocných v 1. linii a 19 % v 2. linii. Jednalo se převážně o mírné reakce a k závažné toxicitě (stupeň III/IV dle NCI CTCAE – National Cancer Institute – The Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events) došlo výjimečně (3 % nemocných v 1. linii a 2 % v 2. linii). Reakce se nejčastěji projevila třesavkou, zimnicí, dušností, horečkou či hypotenzí. U všech nemocných bylo možné dokončit infuzi rituximabu v plánované dávce ve stejný den. Hodnocení léčebné odezvy (overall response rate – ORR) neprokázalo statisticky významné rozdíly mezi nemocnými s reakcí či bez infuzní reakce. Nemocní s infuzní toxicitou měli vyšší absolutní počet lymfocytů (1. linie, 87 vs 56 × 109/l, p = 0,21; 2. linie, 101 vs 14 × 109/l, p = 0,043). Při mediánu sledování 36 měsíců nebyl prokázán statisticky významný rozdíl v PFS (doba přežití bez progrese – progression-free survival) a OS (celkové přežití – overall survival) mezi oběma skupinami. Závěry: Výskyt infuzních reakcí u nemocných s CLL léčených rituximabem je poměrně běžný (32 %), avšak při pečlivé premedikaci jsou reakce velmi dobře zvladatelné a těžká forma je vzácná. Potvrdili jsme velmi dobrou snášenlivost rychlé infuze rituximabu. Naše data neprokázala statisticky významnou souvislost mezi výskytem infuzních reakcí a efektem léčby., Background and Aims: Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy is an effective treatment of patients (pts) with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The most frequent adverse event of rituximab is infusion-related toxicity, e.g. cytokine-release syndrome that occurs usually during the first infusion. However, there is scarce data on feasibility and tolerability of rituximab infusions in CLL outside clinical trials. Therefore, we performed a single-center retrospective analysis of the frequency of rituximab infusion-related adverse events during the first- and the second line CLL treatment administered in the routine practice. We also analyzed its relation to parameters of tumor load and possible association with treatment efficacy. The safety of rapid infusion of rituximab in CLL pts was also evaluated. Patients and Methods: We analyzed 108 pts with CLL treated with rituximab-containing regimens between March 2005 and May 2011 at our institution. The most common first-line regimens (n = 66, 47 males, median age 63 years) were FCR (43 pts) and low-dose FCR (13 pts); 10 pts were treated by other protocols. Forty-two pts (32 males, median age, 65 years) underwent second line treatment: 18 pts rituximab-dexamethasone, 7 pts FCR, 7 pts low-dose FCR and 10 pts other regimens. Intravenous hydration (2 000 ml daily on days 0 and 1 of cycle), allopurinol 300–600 mg p. o. daily and premedication with methylprednisolone 80 mg i. v., acetaminophen 1 000 mg p. o. and bisulepine 1 mg i. v. were administered before rituximab infusion. Rituximab was given by fractionated infusion (100 mg for 2 hours, then if tolerated well, the rest of the dose with infusion rate escalation from 100 mg/hour up to 400 mg/hour) at the dose of 375 mg/m2 in the first cycle. Subsequent doses (500 mg/m2) were administered by rapid-infusion protocol. Results: Rituximab infusion-related toxicity occurred in 32 % pts (n = 21) during the first line treatment and 19% pts (n = 8) during the second line treatment. Adverse events were predominantly mild and NCI CTCAE grade III/IV occurred rarely (3% in the first line, 2% in the second line). Infusion toxicity manifested predominantly as rigors, chills, fever and hypotension. All patients with adverse events could finish rituximab infusion as initially planned on the same day. Treatment response analysis did not demonstrate statistically significant differences between patients with and without rituximab infusion toxicity. Patients who developed rituximab infusion toxicity had higher absolute lymphocyte count (first line, 87 vs 56 × 109/l, p = 0.21; second line, 101 vs 14 × 109/l, p = 0.043). At the median follow-up of 36 months, there were no statistically significant differences in PFS or OS in both cohorts. Conclusions: Rituximab infusion-related toxicity in pts with CLL is relatively frequent (32%). However, occurrence of infusion-related symptoms can be reduced by proper premedication and severe adverse events are uncommon. In our experience, all patients were able to receive the planned dose of rituximab. Subsequent doses of rituximab could be safely administered by rapid-infusion protocol. We did not find statistically significant association between rituximab infusion toxicity and effectiveness of treatment., and Martin Šimkovič, Pavel Vodárek, Monika Motyčková, Pavel Žák, Lukáš Smolej
V současné době jsou jak celosvětově (alirokumab byl prvním lékem této skupiny na světě registrovaným americkou lékovou agenturou FDA), tak v Evropě registrována zcela nová hypolipidemika, která se v mnoha směrech odlišují od léků do současnosti podávaných. Přinášejí přitom další významný posun v léčbě poruch tukového metabolizmu i v preventivní kardiologii. Alirokumab je plně humánní monoklonální protilátka proti enzymu PCSK9 (proprotein konvertáza subtilizin/kexin typu 9). Enzym PCSK9 hraje významnou roli v metabolizmu LDL-cholesterolu tím, že ovlivňuje odbourávání, a posléze pak i počet a aktivitu LDL receptorů. Z klinického hlediska je podstatné, že se léky této skupiny podávají parenterálně, subkutánní injekcí. V případě Praluentu? je interval podání 1krát za 2 týdny. Dávka je potom 75 mg nebo 150 mg v injekci s obsahem 1 ml. Z klinického hlediska je významné především to, že alirokumab snižuje koncentraci LDL-cholesterolu o 50–60 %, snižuje hladinu lipoproteinu a o 25–30 %, pozitivně ovlivňuje i další složky lipidového metabolizmu a především má velmi pravděpodobně potenciál ke snížení kardiovaskulárního rizika. I když výsledky morbiditně-mortalitních studií jsou očekávány až v příštích letech, první analýzy vyznívají výrazně ve prospěch klinicky významného snižování KV-příhod. Alirokumab (Praluent?) je možno podávat v monoterapii (zejména u nemocných se statinovou intolerancí), zejména však bude podáván v kombinaci s dalšími hypolipidemiky (zejména statiny) u nemocných, u kterých se nedaří dosáhnout cílových hodnot. Klíčová slova: alirokumab – familiární hypercholesterolemie – hypercholesterolemie – hypolipidemika – Praluent?, At the present time there are novel hypolipidemics registered globally (alirocumab was the first drug of this group in the world registered by an American drug agency FDA) and in Europe, which in many ways differ from the medicines administered until now. They are bringing another advancement in the treatment of disorders of lipid metabolism and in preventive cardiology. Alirocumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody to PCSK-9 enzyme (proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin-9). PCSK-9 enzyme plays an important role in the metabolism of LDL-cholesterol through affecting the breakdown and eventually the amount and activity of LDL-receptors. From the clinical point of view it is essential that drugs from this group are administered parenterally, as a subcutaneous injection. In the case of Praluent? the interval between administration is two weeks. The dose is then 75 or 150mg in a 1ml injection. From the clinical point of view it is particularly important that alirocumab decreases LDL-C concentrations by 50–60%, it decreases Lp/a/ levels by 25–30%, and it also positively influences other components of lipid metabolism and, above all, is very likely to have a potential to decrease a cardiovascular risk. Although the resuIts of morbidity and mortality studies are expected in the coming years, initial analyses strongly indicate a clinically significant reduction of CV events. Alirocumab, Praluent can be administered as monotherapy (mainly to statin-intolerant patients), however it will be primarily administered in combination with the other hypolipidemic drugs (in particular statins) where the effort to reach target values has not succeeded. Key words: alirocumab – familial hypercholesterolemia – hypercholesterolemia – hypolipidemics – Praluent?, and Richard Češka
Podán historický přehled mortalitních studií s inhibicí systému angiotenzin-aldosteron u nemocných s chronickým srdečním selháním. Od studie CONSENSUS po studii PARADIGM-HF se ukazuje, že zlatým standardem léčby jsou inhibitory ACE/blokátory AT1 receptorů pro angiotenzin II – sartany, spolu s blokátory mineralokortikoidních receptorů. Přímý blokátor reninu aliskiren a duální blokátor enalapril s inhibicí neprilysinu se ukázaly jako neúčinné, na druhé straně nový duální inhibitor valsartan + inhibitor neprilysinu LCZ 696 je novým nadějným léčebným přípravkem pro budoucnost léčby chronického srdečního selhání., An historical survey is presented of mortality trials on angiotensin-aldosteron system inhibition in patients with chronic heart failure. From the CONSENSUS trial up to the PARADIGM-HF trial, ACE inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT1-blockers, ARBs, sartans), along with mineralocorticoid receptor blockers, have been the gold standard of treatment. Both direct renin blocker aliskiren and dual blocker enalapril + neprilysin proved ineffective; on the other hand, the new dual inhibitor valsartan + neprilysin LCZ 696 is a new and promising therapeutic agent for future treatment of chronic heart failure., and Jiří Vítovec, Jindřich Špinar, Lenka Špinarová
Inhibin B is a gonadal dimeric polypeptide hormone that regulates synthesis and secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in a negative feedback loop. The aim of the present study was to determine changes in serum inhibin B, gonadotropins and testosterone concentrations during childhood and puberty in males. We studied the relationship between circulating inhibin B, gonadotropins and testosterone in serum of healthy boys during the first two years of life and then in pubertal development. Using a recently developed two-side enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), inhibin B levels were measured in the serum of 78 healthy boys divided into eleven age groups from birth to the end of pubertal development. In addition, serum levels of gonadotropins and testosterone were measured. Serum inhibin B, gonadotropins and testosterone increased during the first months of postnatal life. A peak in serum inhibin B and gonadotropins concentrations was observed around 3-4 months of age. There was a significant positive correlation between serum inhibin B and gonadotropins and testosterone levels during the first 2 years of life. After this early increase, serum inhibin B, gonadotropins and testosterone levels decreased significantly and remained low until puberty followed by an increase beginning with the onset of puberty. Serum levels of inhibin B reached a peak at stage G3 of puberty. Around midpuberty, inhibin B lost its positive correlation with luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone from early puberty, and developed a strong negative correlation with FSH, which persisted into adulthood. We conclude that inhibin B plays a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis during male childhood and pubertal development. Inhibin B is a direct marker of the presence and function of Sertoli cells and appears to reflect testicular function in boys., M. Chada, R. Průša, J. Bronský, K. Kotaška, K. Šídlová, M. Pechová, L. Lisá., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Inhibin B, produced by granulosa cells in the ovary, is a heterodimeric glycoprotein suppressing synthesis and secretion of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The aim of the present study was to determine hormone profiles of inhibin B, FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol in girls during childhood and puberty and to evaluate whether inhibin B is a marker of follicle development. We examined the correlation between inhibin B and gonadotropins and estradiol during the first two years and across the pubertal development. Using a specific two-side enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), inhibin B levels were measured in the serum of 53 healthy girls divided into 8 groups according to age. In addition, serum FSH, LH, and estradiol were measured by chemiluminescent immunoassay in all serum samples. A rise in serum levels of inhibin B (55.2±7.3 ng/l, mean ± S.E.M.) and FSH (1.78±0.26 UI/l), concomitant with a moderate increment of serum LH (0.36±0.09 UI/l) and estradiol (45.8±12.2 pmol/l) concentrations was observed during the first three months of life and declined to prepubertal concentrations thereafter. A strong positive correlation between inhibin B and FSH (r = 0.48, p<0.05), LH (r = 0.68, p<0.001) and estradiol (r = 0.59, p<0.01) was demonstrated during the first 2 years of life. A rise in serum levels of inhibin B, FSH, LH, and estradiol was found throughout puberty. Inhibin B had a strong positive correlation with FSH (stage I of puberty: r = 0.64, p<0.05; stage II of puberty: r = 0.86, p<0.01), LH (I: r = 0.61, p<0.05; II: r = 0.67, p<0.05), and estradiol (II: r = 0.62, p<0.05) in early puberty. From pubertal stage II, inhibin B lost this relationship to gonadotropins and estradiol. Serum inhibin B and FSH levels increased significantly during pubertal development, with the highest peak found in stage III of puberty (133.5±14.3 ng/l), and decreased thereafter., a2_In conclusion, inhibin B is produced in a specific pattern in response to gonadotropin stimulation and plays an important role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis during childhood and puberty in girls. Inhibin B is involved in regulatory functions in developing follicles and seems to be a sensitive marker of ovarian follicle development., M. Chada, R. Průša, J. Bronský, M. Pechová, L. Lisá., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We reported previously that the nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor Nv-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) decreases cardiac output. Several studies have shown that inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis decreases the heart rate. In the present study, we investigated the effect of a single bolus administration of L-NAME on blood pressure and heart rate monitored for one hour in anesthetized rats and the influence of vagotomy and b1-receptor blocker metoprolol on the L-NAME induced bradycardia. After L-NAME treatment, the blood pressure rose immediately after the injection of the drug (peak response in the third minute: +24 %, p<0.001) and fell to the control level in the 20th minute. The heart rate decreased immediately after L-NAME administration, the lowest value being reached in the 10th minute (-14 %, p<0.001). However, bradycardia was sustained even after the blood pressure had returned to the control level. Bilateral vagotomy failed to influence the negative chronotropic effect of L-NAME, but bradycardia was completely abolished by metoprolol pretreatment. We concluded that the bradycardia evoked by L-NAME is mainly due to the withdrawal of sympathetic tone upon the heart rate. However, the cause of sustained bradycardia after normalization of blood pressure cannot be elucidated., J. Vág, C. Hably, J. Bartha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The nitric oxide/cGMP system has been shown to play a crucial role in the mechanism of learning and memory. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the inhibition of NO synthase in brain regions leads to alterations of spontaneous behavior in rats. Male Wistar rats were treated with NO synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) at the dose of 40 mg/kg/day. After 4 weeks of L-NAME treatment, NO synthase activity was significantly decreased by 75 % in the cerebellum, by 71 % in the cerebral cortex and by 72 % in the thoracic spinal cord. Decreased NO synthase activity in the nervous tissue was associated with decreased motor horizontal and vertical activities as well as by lowered frequency of sniffing, cleaning and defecation. It is concluded that the inhibition of NO synthase activity has a suppressive effect on spontaneous behavior of rats., L. Halčák, O. Pecháňová, Z. Žigová, L. Klemová, M. Novacký, I. Bernátová., and Obsahuje bibliografii