We have proposed a probabilistic quantum amplifier, which is capable of amplifyzing weak light signals in such a way that phase of the light is not only preserved, but its resolution is improved as well! Surprisingly, this "noise-free" amplification is achieved by addition of incoherent thermal noise followed by a photon subtraction scheme. The amplifier, which has been already experimentally implemented, might in the future become a valuable tool for quantum metrology of quantum communication., Petr Marek, Radim Filip., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper comprises a systematic survey of larval nematodes collected from fishes from cenotes (= sinkholes) of the Peninsula of Yucatan, southern Mexico, in 1993-1994. Larvae of the following nine species were recorded: Physocephalus sexa-lalus, Acuariidae gen. sp., Spiroxys sp., Falcausira sp., Hysterothylacium cenotae, Contracaecum sp. Type 1, Contracaecum sp. Type 2, Goezia sp., and Eustrongylides sp. Larvae of P. sexalatus are recorded from fishes (Rhamdia guatemalensis) for the first time. The larvae are briefly described and illustrated and problems concerning their morphology, taxonomy, hosts and geographical distribution are discussed. Adults of these larvae are parasitic in piscivorous fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals (definitive hosts). Fishes harbouring the larvae of these parasites serve as paratenic hosts, being mostly an important source of infection for the definitive hosts.
The present paper comprises a systematic survey of adult nematodes collected from fishes from cenotes (= sinkholes) of the Peninsula of Yucatan, southeastern Mexico, in 1993-1994. Examinations of a total of 533 fishes (17 species) originating from 39 cenotes from the Mexican states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo revealed the presence of the following nine nematode species: Rhabdochona (Rhabdochona) kidderi, Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae, P. (S.) neacaballeroi, Philome-trnides caudata, Hysterothylacium cenotae, Pseudocapillaria yucatanensis, Paracapillaria rhamdiae, P. teixerafreitasi and Capillostrongyloides sp. (only females). Four species (R. kidderi, P. rebecae, P. neacaballeroi and Capillostrongyloides sp.) are briefly described and illustrated and some problems concerning their morphology, taxonomy, hosts and geographical distribution are discussed. Taxonomic changes include Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) neacaballeroi (Caballero-Deloya, 1977) comb. n. and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (Andrade-Salas, Pineda-López ct Garcfa-Magana, 1994) comb. n. The nematode fauna of fishes in cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula shows its appurtenance to the Neotropical fauna with close affinities with that of fish nematodes from South America, but with a considerable degree of endemism.
Cíl: Cílem sdělení je prezentovat případ 55leté pacientky s teplotami nejasného původu, u které byla pomocí 18F-FDG PET/CT vyšetření zjištěna izolovaná sarkoidóza tracheobronchiálního kmene bez jakéhokoliv postižení hilových či mediastinálních lymfatických uzlin nebo plicního parenchymu. Metodika: Pacientka vyhledala lékaře pro několik týdnů trvající teploty. Následovalo celé spektrum laboratorních a zobrazovacích vyšetření, které nezjistilo příčinu febrilního stavu. Bylo indikováno 18F-FDG PET/ CT vyšetření, které bylo provedeno v rozsahu od baze lební do poloviny stehen, a to 60 minut po i. v. aplikaci 18F-FDG (406 MBq -5,2 MBq/kg). V identickém rozsahu bylo provedeno monofázické CT zobrazení, s předcházející per os a i.v. aplikaci bolusu kontrastní látky. Výsledky: PET/CT zobrazilo symetrickou difuzní intenzivní akumulací 18F-FDG. Zcela atypicky v mediastinu, v plicích a ani jinde ve vyšetřeném rozsahu nebylo zastiženo ložisko patologicky zvýšené akumulace 18F-FDG. Na základě tohoto nálezu bylo vysloveno vážné podezření na sarkoidózu, která poněkud atypicky postihovala pouze tracheobronchiální kmen, bez postižení lymfatických uzlin mediastina a parenchymu plic. Následná biopsie skutečně prokázala přítomnost sarkoidózy. Pacientka podstoupila léčbu kortikoidy a došlo ke zlepšení klinického stavu a ústupu febrilní. Závěr: 18F-FDG PET/CT vyšetření správně detekovalo neobvyklé izolované postižení tracheobronchiálního kmene sarkoidózou u pacientky s febriliemi nejasného původu a umožnilo zvolit efektivní léčbu, která vedla ke klinickému zlepšení stavu pacientky. Klíčová slova: sarkoidóza, tracheobronchiální kmen, PET/CT, fiuordeoxyglukóza, Aim: To present a rare case report of the unexpected finding of the isolated tracheobronchial sarcoidosis atypically without pulmonary, mediastinal or extrapulmonary impairment on 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging in a 55-year-old woman with the fever of unknown origin (FUO). Methods: The patient was examined for a few weeks for fever of unknown origin. Conventional diagnostics and imaging modalities didn't reveal the cause of the FUO. The woman underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging, which was obtained 60 minutes after intravenous injection of 18F-FDG (406 MBq - 5.2 MBq/kg). The PET scan acquisition time was 2.5 minutes per bed position and seven bed positions were necessary. Contrast-enhanced CT (venous phase) provided both full CT evaluation (including intravenous and oral contrast) and PET attenuation correction. Results: The examination revealed the unexpected intense 18F-FDG uptake in the wall of the tracheobronchial tree without the pulmonary, mediastinal lymph nodes or extrapulmonary 18F-FDG uptake. The PET finding was evaluated as a suspicion on the sarcoidosis which was subsequently proven by biopsy. Conclusion: 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging is an effective diagnostics method in a patient with FUO. In our case report PET-CT detected an isolated tracheobronchial sarcoidosis atypically without pulmonary, mediastinal or extrapulmonary impairment, which resulted in a subsequent successful anti-inflammatory treatment and improved patients management. Key words: tracheobronchial sarcoidosis, positron emission tomography, fluorodeoxyglucose, Doležal J., Slanina M., Kriegler T., Krčálová E., and Literatura
Obstrukční spánková apnoe (OSA) je soubor příznaků a chorobných stavů, které vznikají na základě opakovaných zástav dechu (hypopnoických a/nebo apnoických pauz) během spánku. Příčinou zástav či útlumu dechu ve spánku je obstrukce horních cest dýchacích, nejčastěji pak patologie v oblasti dutiny nosní, zúžení velofaryngeálního či retrolinguálního prostoru, kraniofaciální deformity, obezita ale i jiné velmi vzácné příčiny. V příspěvku je prezentován případ těžké OSA (AHI 32, saturace pod 90 % pozorována v 8,4 % celkového času spánku) způsobené pseudocystou spodiny dutiny ústní zužující retrolinguální prostor. Po její exstirpaci z intraorálního přístupu došlo k výraznému zmírnění chrápání, normalizaci AHI na 4,2 a vyléčení pacienta., Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a group of symptoms and disease stated that occur as a consequence of repetitive pauses in breathing (hypopnoic and/or apnoic pauses) during sleep. Hypopnoea and/or apnoea is usually caused by an obstruction of the upper airways, most commonly by pathological lesion of the nose, narrowing of retroglosal and retropalatal space, craniofacial abnormalities and obesity. This case report presents a rare cause of severe OSA (AHI 32, saturation under 90% observed in 8.4% of the total sleep time) due to pseudocyst of the floor of the mouth that obstructed the retroglosal space. Excision of the pseudocyst led to significant improvement in snoring, normalization of AHI a patient cure. Key words: obstructive sleep apnoea – floor of the mouth – retroglosal space – pseudocyst The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and J. Hybášková, V. Babiarová, V. Novák, P. Matoušek, P. Komínek
Hypoglycaemia factitia znamená i v dnešnej dobe v medicínskej klinickej praxi závažný diagnostický a terapeutický problém, pričom mnohokrát sa opakujúce epizódy závažnej hypoglykémie u pacientov s diabetes mellitus, ale aj u nediabetikov môže byť veľmi náročné objasniť. Prvotná neúspešná diagnostika, vyplývajúca z nesprávne zvoleného vyšetrovacieho algoritmu, môže vyústiť k neindikovaným chirurgickým intervenciám, ako sú laparotómia, resp. pankreatektómia. Hypoglycaemia factitia je považovaná za jednu z mnohých manifestácii tzv. Münchhausenovho syndrómu, pre ktorý je napr. typické konanie diabetického pacienta s cieľom úmyselného navodenia hypoglykémie alebo v rámci suicidálneho pokusu dôsledkom psychického ochorenia s úmyslom upútania pozornosti okolitého prostredia, či už s pomocou aplikácie inzulínu alebo požitím derivátov sulfonylurey. Diagnostický a s ním spätý terapeutický proces môže byť v prípade hypoglycaemia factitia extrémne náročný, tak ako z časového, tak i zo zdravotného a ekonomického hľadiska, a preto je potrebné k nemu pristupovať maximálne zodpovedne. Kľúčové slová: diabetes mellitus – hypoglycaemia factitia – Münchhausenov syndróm, Hypoglycaemia factitia means also in recent time serious diagnostic and therapeutic problem in medical clinical practice, whereby often repeating episodes of serious hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes mellitus, but also in patients without diabetes mellitus could be very difficult do resolve. First unsuccessful diagnosis implicit from wrong chose of examination algorithm, can lead to unidentified surgical interventions as are laparotomy and pancreatectomy, respectively. Hypoglycaemia factitia is considered to be one of many manifestations of so called Münchhausen’s syndrome for that is typical acting of diabetic patient with goal to intentionally making hypoglycaemia or within suicidal attempt of patient on the basis psychological disease with intention to attract attention of surrounding community to himself due to application of insulin or sulfonylurea drugs. Diagnostic and therapeutic process could be in the case of hypoglycaemia factitia extremely difficult as from time side, than from health and also from economical side and that why necessary to approach with maximum responsibility. Key words: diabetes mellitus – hypoglycaemia factitia – Münchhausen’s syndrome, and Michal Mokáň, Peter Galajda, Marián Mokáň
Alveolární echinokokóza je vzácné parazitární onemocnění, zejména jater, způsobené larválním stadiem tasemnice Echinococcus multilocularis. Zatímco ke konci minulého století bylo toto onemocnění nejčastěji pozorováno ve Francii, Německu, Rakousku a Švýcarsku, v současné době je tato infekce diagnostikována i na našem území. Popisujeme případ onemocnění 25letého muže s nespecifickými příznaky a hepatomegalií, u kterého jsme diagnózu stanovili na základě výsledků zobrazovacích metod a laboratorních vyšetření. Vzhledem k inoperabilitě je pacient v současnosti dispenzarizován infektologem, dlouhodobě léčen albendazolem a je klinicky stabilní, zařazen v čekacím listu k transplantaci jater., Alveolar echinococcosis is a rare parasitic disease, especially of liver, caused by larval stage of tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. At the end of the last century France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland were the most often regions with this disease, these days is this infection diagnosed also in our territory. We describe the case of the disease of the twenty-five years old male with nonspecific signs and hepatomegaly, who was diagnosed on the basis of imaging and laboratory sampling. Due to inoperability the patient is now in infectologist follow-up on a long-term treatment with albendazole. He is clinically stable, included in waiting list for liver transplantation., and Tomáš Kupka, Peter Baľa, Lubomíra Hozáková, Jaroslav Havelka, Martina Bojková, Bohdana Břegová, Arnošt Martínek, Petr Dítě
This paper considers forms of cultural transfer in decorative design in Central Europe in the second half of the 18th century, focussing on works that combine aspects of both free creative art and artisan craftsmanship. Based on a detailed analysis of a number of works (or parts thereof), the authors show that trends in decoration that had hitherto been broadly interpreted as a somewhat uninventive adoption of fashionable French graphic pattern-books and picture albums in the "goût grec" style (Jean-François de Neufforge, Jean-Charles Delafosse et al.) in fact represented an innovative quest for an original modern synthesis taking its inspiration from classical Roman art (Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Giocondo Albertolli, Carlo Antonini) and developing ideas emerging from the recently introduced teaching of artistic design at the Vienna Academy and from circles close to the imperial court (Johann Baptist Hagenauer, Ignaz Josef Würth et al.). The whole phenomenon in considered within the wider context of official cultural policy at the time of Maria Teresa’s and Joseph II’s economic and administrative reforms and is interpreted as one of a number of processes and strategies which, for various reasons, led to a reduction in transcultural transfer. Decorative design in Central Europe in the latter half of the 18th century thus paid more than lip-service to the ideal of universal culture in the sense of transculturality, interpreting it in a specifically local, middle-European and to some extent "nationalized" way - and, from a historical perspective, with extraordinary success., Pavel Suchánek a Tomáš Valeš., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Recently, the genetic cause of several syndromic forms of glycemia dysregulation has been described. One of them, MEHMO syndrome, is a rare X-linked syndrome recently linked to the EIF2S3 gene mutations. MEHMO is characterized by Mental retardation, Epilepsy, Hypogonadism/hypogenitalism, Microcephaly, and Obesity. Moreover, patients with MEHMO had also diabetes and endocrine phenotype, but detailed information is missing. We aimed to provide more details on the endocrine phenotype in two previously reported male probands with MEHMO carrying a frame-shift mutation (I465fs) in the EIF2S3 gene. Both probands had a neonatal hypoglycemia, early onset insulindependent diabetes, and hypopituitarism due to dysregulation and gradual decline of peptide hormone secretion. Based on the clinical course in our two probands and also in previously published patients, neonatal hypoglycemia followed by earlyonset diabetes and hypopituitarism may be a consistent part of the MEHMO phenotype., J. Staník, M. Škopková, D. Staníková, K. Brennerová, L. Barák, L. Tichá, J. Hornová, I. Klimeš, D. Gasperiková., and Seznam literatury
To test the hypothesis that neonatal GLP-1 exposure may program myosin heavy chain (MyHC) composition in adult skeletal muscle, two-day-old rats were transfected intramuscularly with vacant vector plasmid (VP), or recombinant plasmid expressing secretory GLP-1 at the doses of 60 μg (LG) and 120 μg (HG), respectively. Expression of GLP-1 mRNA was detected in muscles of both LG and HG rats 7 days after transfection, with more abundant GLP-1 transcript seen in LG rats. In accordance with the GLP-1 expression, LG rats demonstrated more significant responses to neonatal GLP-1 exposure. Small yet significant growth retardation was observed in LG rats, which is accompanied with significantly reduced serum insulin concentration at 8 weeks of age compared to VP rats. The responses of skeletal muscle were dependent on muscle type. Significant increase of PGC-1α and GLUT4 mRNA expression was detected in soleus of LG rats, whereas a MyHC type switch from ⅡB to Ⅰ was seen in gastrocnemius. These results indicate that neonatal exposure of healthy pups to ectopic GLP-1 causes growth retardation with decreased serum insulin as well as muscle type-dependent modifications in MyHC type composition and metabolic gene expression in adult rats., L. Wang ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy