Empagliflozin je zástupcem nové skupiny antidiabetik, které způsobují glykosurii blokováním zpětné resorpce glukózy v proximálním tubulu ledviny. Ztráta 50–100 g glukózy/24 hod močí vede ke snížení glykemie na lačno, a především pak glykemie postprandiální, ztrátě energie 200–400 kcal/den a snížení krevního tlaku. Účinnost léčby neklesá v čase, protože není závislá na vlastní produkci inzulinu. Práce je zaměřena na hodnocení bezpečnosti moderní léčby empagliflozinem, který se v nejbližší době objeví v portfoliu antidiabetik v ČR. Rozborem studií, které byly provedeny za účelem hodnocení bezpečnosti a účinnosti léčby empagliflozinem se ukazuje, že se jedná o velmi účinný, ale zároveň bezpečný a dobře snášený lék. Při léčbě je popisován vyšší výskyt genitálních infekcí, zvláště u žen, které mají většinou lehký průběh. Lék nezpůsobuje hypoglykemie. V kombinaci se sulfonylureou však může k hypoglykemiím docházet. Empagliflozin u osob okolo 60 let věku nevyvolává klinicky významnou dehydrataci ani hypotenzi, nicméně určité opatrnosti s léčbou empagliflozinem je třeba u velmi starých, křehkých pacientů. Velkou výhodou empagliflozinu jsou klinicky nevýznamné interakce s léky a velmi jednoduché dávkování 1 tableta/den per os. Závěrem lze konstatovat, že je empagliflozin velmi účinné perorální antidiabetikum s možnosti širokého použití prakticky ve všech stadiích diabetu 2. typu v monoterapii nebo kombinaci s jakoukoliv zavedenou medikací. Léčba je spojena s poklesem hmotnosti a poklesem krevního tlaku. Lék je účinný a bezpečný až do eGF 0,75 ml/s, při nižší hodnotě je třeba léčbu empagliflozinem ukončit. Výskyt vedlejších účinků je minimální s výjimkou zvýšeného výskytu genitálních infekcí především u žen a zvýšeného rizika hypoglykemie, pokud je empagliflozin kombinován se sulfonylureou., Empagliflozin is agent of new antidiabetic drugs that cause glycosuria blocking the glucose reuptake in the proximal tubule. The loss of 50-100 g of glucose / 24 hours in the urine results in a reduction of fasting glucose, especially post-prandial glucose, the energy expenditure of 200-400 kcal / day and blood pressure lowering. Treatment efficacy does not decrease over time, as it is not dependent on its own insulin production. The work evaluates the safety of modern treatment with empagliflozin which will soon appear in the portfolio of antidiabetic agents in the Czech Republic. The conducted studies with a special focus on empagliflozin treatment have shown high efficacy, safety and good tolerability of drug. It has been described a higher incidence of genital infections with non-severe course, especially in women. The drug does not cause hypoglycaemia. In combination with sulfonylurea hypoglycaemia may occur. Empagliflozin does not cause clinically significant dehydration or hypotension in patients about 60 years of age, but some caution in empagliflozin treatment should be in elderly and fragile patients. The big convenience of empagliflozin is its clinically non-significant interactions with other drugs and simple dosage of 1 tablet / day orally. In conclusion, empagliflozin is highly effective oral antidiabetic agent with a potential of wide application in all stages of type 2 diabetes in monotherapy or combined with other medication. The treatment is associated with weight loss and blood pressure lowering. The drug is effective and safe until eGFR 45 ml / s, in lower values the treatment should be discontinued. The occurrence of side effects is rare, except increased incidence of genital infections especially in women and increased risk of hypoglycaemia when empagliflozin is combined with sulfonylurea., and Zdeněk Rušavý
The oxidative stress plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In CVD progression an aberrant redox regulation was observed. In this regulation levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in cellular signaling, where Nrf2 is the key regulator of redox homeostasis. Keap1-Nrf2-ARE system regulates a great set of detoxificant and antioxidant enzymes in cells after ROS and electrophiles exposure. In this review we focus on radical-generating systems in cardiovascular system as well as on Nrf2 as a target against oxidative stress and a key player of redox regulation in cardiovascular diseases. We also summarize the current knowledge about the role of Nrf2 in pathophysiology of several CVD (hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyopathies) as well as in cardioprotection against myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury., M. Barančík, L. Grešová, M. Barteková, I. Dovinová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Disorders of ATP synthase, the key enzyme of mitochondrial energy provision belong to the most severe metabolic diseases presenting as early- onset mitochondrial encephalo- cardiomyopathies. Up to now, mutations in four nuclear genes were associated with isolated deficiency of ATP synthase. Two of them, ATP5A1 and ATP5E encode enzyme’s st ructural subunits α and ε , respectively, while the other two ATPAF2 and TMEM70 encode specific ancillary factors that facilitate the biogenesis of ATP synthase. All these defects share a similar biochemical phenotype with pronounced decrease in the content of fully assembled and functional ATP synthase complex. However, substantial differences can be found in their frequency, molecular mechanism of pathogenesis, clinical manifestation as well as the course of the disease progression. While for TMEM70 the number of reported patients as well as spectrum of the mutations is steadily increasing, mutations in ATP5A1, ATP5E and ATPAF2 genes are very rare. Apparently, TMEM70 gene is highly prone to mutagenesis and this type of a rare mitochondrial disease has a rather frequent incidence. Here we present overview of individual reported cases of nuclear mutations in ATP synthase and discuss, how their analysis can improve our understanding of the enzyme biogenesis., K. Hejzlarová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Combination of numerical models of deformations and repeated geodetic measurement results provide reliable information on the state of the rock mass in a mining area and support planning and control of the mining operation. The paper describes the concept of integrated monitoring and analysis of rock mass deformation in the Kvannevann iron ore mine (Norway) using sub-level caving (SLC) method. Geodetic control network developed for periodic measurements of surface subsidence and a source of geometrical data for numerical modelling of deformations using finite element method (FEM) has been characterised. Focus is given to the results of initial numeric al analyses with FEM of rock mass deformations due to SLC mining. The results of the modelling provided information on possible extent of deformation zones on the mining ground surface once mining with new method commences., Jan Blachowski and Steinar Ellefmo., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Regionální úkol "Nutriční hodnota školního stravování – výsledky regionálního úkolu Krajské hygienické stanice Středočeského kraje se sídlem v Praze" byl realizován v roce 2013 v návaznosti na pilotní etapu úkolu "Laboratorní stanovení výživové a energetické hodnoty pokrmů školního stravování" z roku 2011. V rámci regionálního úkolu byl proveden odběr pokrmů v zařízeních školního stravování ve Středočeském kraji v 5 po sobě následujících dnech. Celkem byl odběr proveden ve 12 stravovacích zařízeních – 4x ve školní jídelně základní školy, 4x ve školní jídelně mateřské školy a 4x ve stravovacím zařízení poskytujícím celodenní stravu. U vzorků byl stanovován obsah sacharidů, bílkovin, tuků, soli, vlákniny a vitaminu C, dále byla stanovována energetická hodnota a trojpoměr bílkovin, tuků a sacharidů. Z výsledků provedených analýz vyplynulo, že průměrné energetické hodnoty pokrmů ve sledovaném období po započítání nejistoty měření ve většině případů odpovídaly daným referenčním hodnotám pro danou skupinu strávníků. Většina stanovovaných ukazatelů však neodpovídala referenčním hodnotám pro dané živiny. U analyzovaných pokrmů převládalo především nadměrné zastoupení bílkovin a soli a nízký obsah vitaminu C. Dle výsledků analýz tedy děti a žáci přijímají dostatečné a přiměřené množství energie, ovšem zastoupení živin, které tuto energii vytvářejí, není zajištěno ve správných poměrech dle současných výživových doporučení., The Regional task "Nutritional value of school meals" was performed following the pilot phase of the task called "Laboratory determination of nutritional and energy value of school meals" performed in 2011. The Regional task comprises sampling of meals served within school catering in the Central Bohemian Region in 5 consecutive days. Sampling was performed at 12 catering establishments – 4 school canteens in elementary schools, 4 school canteens in kindergartens and 4 school canteens in establishments providing daily diet. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, salt, fiber and vitamin C content were determined in the analysis of the samples as well as the energy value and ratio of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. The results of the analyses revealed that the average energy value of meals within the observed period in most cases corresponded to the reference values for the group of diners. Most of the indicators, however, did not correspond to the reference values determined for individual nutrients. Most of the samples reported a high content of proteins and salt and a low content of vitamin C. According to the analysis results, children and students receive an adequate and reasonable amount of energy, but the ratio of the nutrients that make this energy is not provided in the right proportions according to current dietary recommendations., Iveta Devátá, Lilian Rumlová, Jana Tomicová, and Literatura
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. In addition to the genetic, epigenetic and immunological components, various other factors, e.g. unhealthy dietary habits, play a role in the MS pathogenesis. Dietary intervention is a highly appealing approach, as it presents a simple and relatively low risk method to potentially improve outcomes in patients with brain disorders in order to achieve remission and improvement of clinical status, well-being and life expectancy of patients with MS. The importance of saturated fat intake restriction for the clinical status improvement of MS patients was pointed for the first time in 1950s. Recently, decreased risk of first clinical diagnosis of CNS demyelination associated with higher intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids particularly originating from fish was reported. Only few clinical trials have been performed to address the question of the role of dietary intervention, such is e.g. low saturated fat diet in MS treatment. This review summarizes current knowledge about the effect of different dietary approaches (diets low in saturated fat and dietary supplements such as fish oil, lipoic acid, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, seeds oils, high fiber diet, vitamin D, etc.) on neurological signs, patient’s well-being, physical and inflammatory status. So far the results are not conclusive, therefore much more research is needed to confirm and to understand the effectiveness of these dietary interventions in the long term and well defined studies., A. Penesová, Z. Dean, B. Kollár, A. Havranová, R. Imrich, M. Vlček, Ž. Rádiková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A new species of Nybelinia Poche, 1926, N. queenslandensis sp. n. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is described from sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824) from the coast of northeastern Queensland, Australia. Morphological features of the 46 known species of Nybelinia Poche, 1926 are tabulated and the new species is differentiated from all known taxa that are adequately described on the basis of having a homcomorphous armature, metabasal hooks 20-25 pm long, tentacles 0.07-0.09 mm in diameter, short bulbs (0.38-0.45 mm) and craspedote segments with the testes encircling the female genital complex. The fine structure of the scolex microtriches, frontal and rhynchodeal glands, tentacles and hooks, sheath and retractor muscle is described and compared with that of other trypanorhynchs.
Unfed nymphs of Ixodes ricinus (L.) can be divided into two morphological groups according to the length of idioso-ma, scutum, hypostome and palpal segment III, and the number of dorsal alloscutal setae. Specimens of greater body dimensions and more numerous dorsal alloscutal setae moulted predominantly into females. The frequency of different nymphal length categories in field-collected ticks followed a normal distribution. The length of unfed nymphs correlates well with the length (r = 0.7248 ± 0.0711, P < 0.001) and weight (r = 0.6519 ± 0.0782, P < 0.001) of engorged nymphs, however, it varies in ticks of different origin. In field-collected ticks, freshly engorged female nymphs were 2.30-2.94 mm long, male nymphs 2.14-2.46 mm long. Feeding period (P < 0.05) and premoulting period (P < 0,001 ) were significantly longer in female nymphs both in field-collected and laboratory-derived I. ricinus. The engorgement weight was found to be the best criterion for differentiation of male and female nymphs of ixodid ticks. In field-collected nymphs engorged on BALB/c mice, 98.6 % of females moulted from nymphs weighting more than 3.60 mg, while in laboratory-derived ticks, 98.4 % of females emerged from nymphs of 3.42 mg body mass or more.