The hormone leptin, which is thought to be primarily produced by adipose tissue, is a polypeptide that was initially characterized by its ability to regulate food intake and energy metabolism. Leptin appears to signal the status of body energy stores to the brain, resulting in the regulation of food intake and whole-body energy expenditure. Subsequently, it was recognized as a cytokine with a wide range of peripheral actions and is involved in the regulation of a number of physiological systems including reproduction. In the fed state, leptin circulates in the plasma in proportion to body adiposity in all species studied to date. However other factors such as sex, age, body mass index (BMI), sex steroids and pregnancy may also affect leptin levels in plasma. In pregnant mice and humans, the placenta is also a major site of leptin expression. Leptin circulates in biological fluids both as free protein and in a form that is bound to the soluble isoform of its receptor or other binding proteins such as one of the immunoglobulin superfamily members Siglec-6 (OBBP1). Although the actions of leptin in the control of reproductive function are thought to be exerted mainly via the hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal axis, there have also been reports of local direct effects of leptin at the peripheral level, however, these data appear contradictory. Therefore, there is a need to summarize the current status of research outcomes and analyze the possible reasons for differing results and thus provide researchers with new insight in designing experiments to investigate leptin effect on reproduction. Most importantly, our recent experimental data suggesting that reproductive performance is improved by decreasing concentrations of peripheral leptin was unexpected and cannot be explained by hypotheses drawn from the experiments of excessive exogenous leptin administration to normal animals or ob/ob mice., M. Herrid, S. K. A. Palanisamy, U. A. Ciller, R. Fan, P. Moens, N. A. Smart, J. R. McFarlane., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mediální dialog ztrácí některé rysy přirozeného dialogu tváří v tvář, který leží v jeho půdorysu, a získává rysy další, neboť komunikace tu přestupuje přes hranice primární řečové situace. Televizní dialog je dialog veřejný, který se vede před diváckým publikem a pro toto publikum. Divák je nejen svědkem, ale pravým cílem, k němuž je dialog směrován. Stať analyzuje komunikační situaci, při níž jsou ve studiu přítomni redaktor a dva hosté, představitelé různých profesí a názorových proudů (ekonom a ekoložka) i různých stanovisek к určité otázce (globalizace). Redaktor se obrací s otázkami střídavě к oběma. aby je vzájemně konfrontoval a spor vyhrotil. Dotazovaní hosté se snaží nejen odpovídat na otázky redaktora (to je jejich základní role v interview), ale i zpochybňovat či přímo vyvracet odpovědi druhého z hostí (role často neméně důležitá). Hosté komunikují nejen s redaktorem, ale komunikují i mezi sebou navzájem, ať už skrytě, či zjevně, s cílem získat diváka na svou stranu. Stať analyzuje toto interview v souvislosti s otázkou typologie debat a debat založených na konfliktu zájmů a konfliktu hodnot.
a1_Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in conjunction with synchronized spirometry we an alyzed and compared diaphragm movement during tidal breathing and voluntary movement of the diaphragm while breath holding. Breathing cycles of 16 healthy subjects were examined using a dynamic sequence (77 slices in sagittal plane during 20 s, 1NSA, 240x256, TR4.48, TE2.24, FA90, TSE1, FOV 328). The amplitude of movement of the apex and dorsal costophren ic angle of the diaphragm were measured for two test conditions: tidal breathing and voluntary breath holding. The maximal inferior and superior positions of the diaphragm were subtracted from the corresponding positions during voluntary movements while breath holding. The average amplitude of inferio-superior mo vement of the diaphragm apex during tidal breathing was 27.3±10.2 mm (mean ± SD), and during voluntary movement while breath holding was 32.5±16.2 mm. Movement of the costophrenic angle was 39±17.6 mm during tidal breathing and 45.5±21.2 mm during voluntary movement while breath holding. The inferior position of the diaphragm was lower in 11 of 16 subjects (68.75 %) and identical in 2 of 16 (12.5 %) subj ects during voluntary movement compared to the breath holding. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to demonstrate that movement of the costophrenic angle and apex of the diaphragm ha d a linear relationship in both examined situations (r=0.876). A correlation was found between the amplitude of diaphragm movement during tidal breathing and lung volume (r=0.876). The amplitude of movement of the diaphragm with or without breathing showed no correlation to each other (r=0.074). The moveme nt during tidal breathing shows a correlation with the changes in lung volumes. Dynamic MRI demonstrated that individuals are capable of moving their diaphragm voluntarily, but the amplitude of movement differs from person to person., a2_In this study, the movements of the diaphragm apex and the costophr enic angle were synchronous during voluntary movement of the diaphragm while breath holding. Although the sample is small, this study confirms that the function of the diaphragm is not only respiratory but also postural and can be voluntarily controlled., P. Kolář, J. Neuwirth, J. Šanda, V. Suchánek, Z. Svatá, J. Volejník, M. Pivec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Water is one of the most important components of the environment, having a direct effect on the maintenance of life on the Earth. In this paper, analysis of groundwater level variations, water balance and all the parameters included in these quantities, i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface run-off and subsurface run-off, were performed in the area of the Sudety Mountains for the period of November 2002 - October 2015. The groundwater level variations were computed on the basis of the mean Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) values determined from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observations and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLD AS). TWS data have been determined with a spatial resolution of one degree and temporal resolution of one month. According to the results, groundwater level variation can be approximately determined by water balance changes (with reverse sign). Specifically, for the Sudety area a high average stability of total water storage over the period of past 13 years and decline in groundwater level by about 13 cm (approximately 1 cm/year) was detected., Zofia Rzepecka, Monika Birylo, Joanna Kuczynska-Siehien, Jolanta Nastula and Katarzyna Pajak., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The potential role of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IELs) in the generation of host protective immunity after helminth infection was investigated using the Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835)/mouse model. In this study we found a significant rise of TCRyô i-IELs (P < 0.001) concurrent with the jejunal goblet cells (GC) hyperplasia in T. spiralis-infected C57BL mice on day 4 p.i. However, no direct relationship between the kinetics of the increase in TCRy5+ i-IELs and T, spiralis expulsion was observed in infected mice. Taken together, these results implicate that γδ i-IELs probably perform a unique functions related to the regulation of the CiC proliferation accompanying T. spiralis gut infection. As is known, these TCRyS* i-IELs may release mediators or growth factors that in turn influence GC differentiation. With the use of dexamethason (DEX), a potent anti-inflammatory agent which also induces apoplotic ceil death in i-IELs, wc have confirmed that the expulsion of T. spiralis from the mouse gut is accompanied by an inflammatory response. Indeed, the GC are clearly involved in these phenomena, apparently under the regulation by TCRy8+ i-lEL-mediated responses, since DEX abrogated GC proliferation in T. spiralis-infected C57BL mice and subsequently augmented adult worm burden. Our data also show that the rejection of adult worms starts concurrently with a significant increase in TCRaß* and CDS* i-IELs (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively), namely by day 7 p.i. At the same time, CD4* cells significantly decreased (P < 0.05) in the intestinal epithelium of T. spira/ir-infected, ví uninfected mice. These results may indicate that the TCRaß4 and CDS* i-IELs act as effectors of anti-7’, spiralis defence reactions. The implications of these findings for the potential role of intestinal intraepithélial CD8 and TCRaß' cells in the pathogenesis of the intestinal lesions during T. spiralis gut infection are discussed.
The sequences of 10 conservative regions (CR) of minicircles of 6 selected isolates of freshwater fish try-panosomes have typical organization of this region with high degree of sequence conservation. The comparison with CRs of other trypanosomatids showed that freshwater fish trypanosomes represent a compact separate group within the genus Trypanosoma. The alignment of all sequences obtained revealed, however, the existence of 2 types of CRs in sequenced minicirclcs, with the differences concentrated in a short region. Taxonomic consequences of these results arc discussed.
The study concentrates on analysis of heterogeneous rock mass deformations in the final years of underground coal extraction and during the revitalisation period after the end of mining. The research has been carried out in the Walbrzych Coal Basin where underground mining ceased at the end of the 20th Century. In the paper results of initial stages of ground deformation studies on a fragment of the Walbrzych mining grounds concerning analysis of benchmark height changes in a selected levelling line has been described. The results indicate ground subsidence in the period immediately after end of coal extraction and change to a steady uplift of the ground a few years later (2000-2008). Abnormal changes of heights in tectonic fault zones have also been observed. These could be related to heterogeneous rock mass reaction during the revitalisation period., Jan Blachowski, Stefan Cacoń and Wojciech Milczarek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
GPS permanent stations KRAW, KATO and ZYWI are part of so called Active Geodetic Network which covers entire area of Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland and forms precise reference frame for geodetic and geodynamic applications. Moreover the above mentioned stations belong to EUREF Permanent Network. The stations, as datum points, play important role in precise positioning and geoid determination in area of USCB. The study of the stability of these points is one of the main components in precise monitoring of ground deformation in mining areas. The analysis of stability of permanent GPS stations KRAW, KATO and ZYWI are based on the coordinate time series obtained from the EUREF weekly solutions. The relative coordinate time series of weekly solutions for the vectors KRAW - KATO, KRAW - ZYWI , KATO - ZYWI are presented. The consistency, linearity, seasonal variations and jumps in the relative coordinate time series are discussed., Władysław Góral and Jacek Kudrys., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) is an obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasite and can infect warmblooded animals and humans all over the world. Development of effective vaccines is considered the only ideal way to control infection with T. gondii. However, only one live vaccine is commercially available for use in sheep and goats. Thus more effective antigenic proteins are searched for. In the present study we report a novel protein by secreted T. gondii termed Myc regulation 1 (MYR1). The physical and chemical characteristics, epitopes, hydrophilicity and functional sites of MYR1 were analysed by multiple bioinformatic approaches. The 3D models of MYR1 proteins were constructed and analysed. Furthermore, liner B-cell epitopes and T-cell epitopes of MYR1 protein and SAG1 were predicted. Compared to SAG1, MYR1 with good B-cell epitopes and T-cell epitopes had a potentiality to become a more successful vaccine against T. gondii. The bioinformatics analysis of MYR1 proteins could laid the foundation for further studies of its biological function experimentally and provide valuable information necessary for a better prevention and treatment of toxoplasmosis., Jian Zhou, Gang Lu, Shenyi He., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Using GNSS method, fixed points of an observation network were repeatedly surveyed on the surface of the undermined area. Below the surface, at the depth of c. 1 km, there were four mining panels exploited subsequently. The main reaction of the surface points to the changes in the rock massif and the movement of the points were different, according to their surface position, local geo-mechanical conditions etc. This paper analyses the time-dependence of the surface points mining subsidence and horizontal movements on the progress of the exploitation., Hana Doležalová, Vlastimil Kajzar, Kamil Souček and Lubomír Staš., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy