Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in different plant species and having numerous health-promoting properties in animals and humans. However, its protective action against deleterious effects of ethanol is poo rly elucidated. In the present study, the influence of resveratrol (10 mg/kg/day) on some hormones and metabolic parameters was determined in rats ingesting 10 % ethanol solution for two weeks. Blood levels of insulin, glucagon and adiponectin were affecte d by ethanol, however, resveratrol partially ameliorated these changes. Moreover, in ethanol drinking rats, liver lipid accumulation was increased, whereas resveratrol was capable of reducing liver lipid content, probably due to decrease in fatty acid synt hesis. Resveratrol decreased also blood levels of triglycerides and free fatty acids and reduced γ-glutamyl transferase activity in animals ingesting ethanol. These results show that resveratrol, already at low dose, alleviates hormonal and metabolic changes induced by ethanol in the rat and may be useful in preventing and treating some consequences o f alcohol consumption., K. Szkudelska, M. Deniziak, P. Roś, K. Gwóźdź, T. Szkudelski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Neonatal exposure to hyperoxia alters lung development in mice. We tested if retinoic acid (RA) treatment is capable to affect lung development after hyperoxic injury and to maintain structural integrity of lung. The gene of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) is one of the RA-responsive genes. Newborn BALB/c mice were exposed to room air, 40 % or 80 % hyperoxia for 7 days. One half of animals in each group received 500 mg/kg retinoic acid from day 3 to day 7 of the experiment. At the end of experiment we assessed body weight (BW), lung wet weight (LW), the wet-to-dry lung weight ratio (W/D) and the expression of mRNA for VEGF-A and G3PDH genes. On day 7 the hyperoxia-exposed sham-treated mice (group 80) weighed 20 % less than the room air-exposed group, whereas the 80 % hyperoxic group treated with RA weighed only 13 % less than the normoxic group. W/D values in 80 and 80A groups did not differ, although they both differed from the control group and from 40 groups. There was a significant difference between 40 and 40A groups, but the control group was different from 40 group but not from 40A groups. The 80 and 80A groups had mRNA VEGF-A expression lowered to 64 % and 41 % of the control group. RA treatment of normoxic and mild hyperoxic groups increased mRNA VEGF-A expression by about 50 %. We conclude that the retinoic acid treatment of newborn BALB/c mice exposed for 7 days to 80 % hyperoxia reduced the growth retardation in the 80 % hyperoxic group, reduced the W/D ratio in the 40 % but not in the 80 % hyperoxic group. Higher VEGF-A mRNA expression in the 80 % hyperoxic group treated with RA was not significant compared to the 80 % hyperoxic group., M. Zimová-Herknerová, J. Mysliveček, P. Potměšil., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) is a novel adipokine which might be involved in the development of insulin resistance. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of RBP4 mRNA in subcutaneous and visceral fat depots and the relationship between RBP4 plasma and mRNA levels relative to indices of adiposity and insulin resistance. In 59 Caucasian women (BMI 20 to 49 kg/m2 ) paired samples of subcutaneous and visceral fat were obtained for RBP4, leptin and GLUT 4 mRNA analysis using reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and computed tomography scans were performed. RBP4 mRNA levels as well as GLUT 4 mRNA and leptin mRNA levels were lower (P<0.001, P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively) in visceral compared to subcutaneous fat. No differences were found in RBP4 mRNA expression in the two fat depots or in RBP4 plasma levels between subgroups of non-obese subjects (n=26), obese subjects without metabolic syndrome (n=17) and with metabolic syndrome (n=16). No correlations between RBP4 mRNA or plasma levels relative to adiposity, glucose disposal rate and GLUT 4 mRNA expression in adipose tissue were found. There was a weak positive correlation between plasma RBP4 and plasma triglycerides (r = 0.30, p<0.05) and between plasma RBP4 and blood glucose (r = 0.26, p<0.05). Regardless of the state of adiposity or insulin resistance, RBP4 expression in humans was lower in visceral than in subcutaneous fat. We found no direct relationship between either RBP4 mRNA or its plasma levels and the adiposity or insulin resistance. and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Pojem „personalizovaná medicína“ sa v posledných rokoch spomína čoraz častejšie v súvislosti so snahami čo najlepšie prispôsobiť medikamentóznu, ale aj režimovú liečbu potrebám a požiadavkám jednotlivých pacientov. Personalizácia antidiabetickej liečby prekonala svoj vývoj v kontexte nárastu poznatkov týkajúcich sa cukrovky. Od úrovne empirickej sa posunula na úroveň fenotypickú, ktorá umožnila rozlišovanie medzi jednotlivými typmi diabetu. V rámci diabetu 2. typu sa od 60. rokov minulého storočia aplikovala patogenetická personalizácia, ktorá vychádzala z predpokladov, že u niektorých pacientov prevažuje inzulínová rezistencia a u iných deficit sekrécie inzulínu. Bioštatistická personalizácia (medicína dôkazov) viedla k dôkazom, na základe ktorých bol metformín zaradený do odporúčaní pre liečbu diabetu 2. typu ako liek prvej voľby. Randomizované štúdie v prvom desaťročí 21. storočia síce nedokázali superioritu žiadnej z iných liečebných modalít ako prídavnej liečby k metformínu, ale viedli k individualizácii cieľov glykemickej kompenzácie. V súčasnej dobe sa personalizácia posúva na úroveň farmakogenetickú, od ktorej môžeme v najbližších rokoch očakávať individualizáciu liečby v zmysle výberu liekov prvej, druhej a tretej voľby v závislosti od panelu kľúčových génových polymorfizmov charakterizujúcich citlivosť jedinca na konkrétne antidiabetiká. V konečnom dôsledku by mala byť „liečba ušitá na mieru“ vybratá na podklade syntézy patogenetických, bioštatistických a farmakogenetických poznatkov, čo bude reflektovať transláciu výsledkov základného biomedicinískeho výskumu do klinickej praxe. Kľúčové slová: diabetes 2. typu – farmakogenetika – medicína dôkazov – patogenéza – personalizovaná liečba, In recent years, the term “personalized medicine“ has been increasingly mentioned in relation to the endeavours to tailor the pharmaceutical as well as regimen therapy to the needs and requirements of individual patients. The personalization of antidiabetic treatment has undergone a dramatic advancement in relation to the expansion of knowledge about diabetes. From the empirical it moved forward to the phenotypic level which made it possible to differentiate between individual types of diabetes. The pathogenetic personalization which began to be used within Type 2 diabetes in the 1960s, was based on the assumption that while insulin resistance predominates in some patients, others are mainly affected by insulin secretion deficit. Biostatistics-personalized medicine (evidence based medicine) gathered evidence based on which metformin was included in recommendations on the therapy for Type 2 diabetes as a first-line drug. Although randomized studies during the first decade of the 21st century did not prove superiority of any other treatment modality as an adjunctive therapy used with metformin, they brought with them individualization of the goals of glycemic control. At present, personalization is heading towards the pharmacogenetic level that will enable in the near future individualized therapy in terms of choice of first-, second- and third-line drugs depending on the panel of key gene polymorphisms which characterize sensitivity of an individual to specific antidiabetics. Finally, the “tailor-maded therapy“ should be chosen based on a synthesis of pathogenetic, biostatistic and pharmacogenetic knowledge that will reflect the translation of results of the basic biomedical research into the clinical practice. Key words: evidence based medicine – pathogenesis – personalized therapy – pharmacogenetics – type 2 diabetes, and Ivan Tkáč
The concept of vena contracta space reduction in tricuspid valve position was tested in an animal model. Feasibility of specific artificial obturator body (REMOT) fixed to the right ventricular apex and interacting with tricuspid valve leaflets was evaluated in three different animal studies. Catheter-based technique was used in three series of experiment in 7 sheep. First acute study was designed for evaluation if the screwing mode of guide wire anchoring to the right ventricular apex is feasible for the whole REMOT body fixing. Longer study was aimed to evaluate stability of the REMOT body in desired position when fixing the screwing wire on its both ends (to the right ventricular apex and to the skin in the neck area). X-ray methods and various morphological methods were used. The third acute study was intended to the REMOT body deployment without any fixing wire. In all of 7 sheep the REMOT was successfully inserted into the right heart cavities and then fixed to the ri ght ventricular apex area. When the REMOT was left in situ more than 6 months it was stable, induced adhesion to the tricuspid valve leaflet and was associated with a specific cell invasion. Releasing of the REMOT from the guiding tools was also successfully verified. Deployment of the obturator body in the aim to reduce the tricuspid valve orifice is feasible and well tolerated in the short and longer term animal model. Specific cell colonization including neovascularization of the obturator body was observed., J. Sochman ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The Prague Hereditary Hypercholesterolemic (PHHC) rat is a model of hypercholesterolemia. In previous experiments, it was found to be completely resistant to the development of atherosclerosis. It was assumed that the reverse transport of cholesterol (RCT) might be the reason for this resistance. In this study, RCT was measured in vivo by cholesterol efflux from macrophages to plasma, using previously established methods for RCT in mice (Rader 2003), optimized for measurements in rats. Primary cell culture of macrophages was labeled with 14Ccholesterol and then injected intraperitoneally into rats. Plasma and feces were collected at 24 and 48 h. The plasma 14Ccholesterol levels at both 24 and 48 h were significantly higher in male PHHC rats compared to control Wistar rats. The PHHC rats excreted less 14C-cholesterol in feces in 24 and 48 h compared to Wistar rats. The largest pool of 14C-cholesterol was found in the adipose tissue of PHHC rats and in contrast lower levels of 14Ccholesterol were measured in the liver and muscle tissues of PHHC rats compared with Wistar rats. Increasing release of 14Ccholesterol efflux from macrophages demonstrates accelerated RTC and leads to prevention of atherogenesis in PHHC rats., M. Schmiedtova, M. Heczkova, J. Kovar, I. Kralova Lesna, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Úvod: Reverzný, liver-first prístup je alternatívou pre pacientov s komplikovanými synchrónnymi pečeňovými metastázami, kde by progresia v pečeni viedla k inoperabilite, alebo pre pacientov s lokálne pokročilým nálezom v malej panve, kde by komplikácia resekcie primárneho tumoru mohla ohroziť včasnú resekciu pečeňových metastáz. Metódy: Retrospektívna unicentrická analýza 32 pacientov liečených reverzným prístupom v období rokov 2011−2015. Reverzný prístup bol v tomto období indikovaný na základe konsenzu členov multioborovej onkologickej komisie ako preferovaný u všetkých pacientov s iniciálne, alebo potenciálne resekabilným synchrónnym izolovaným metastatickým postihom pečene pri adenokarcinóme kolorekta. Výsledky: 26 pacientov (81,3 %) úspešne absolvovalo kompletnú resekciu nádorovej masy (resekciu pečeňových metastáz a resekciu primárneho tumoru), ale iba 16 pacientov (50 %) absolvovalo kompletný onkochirurgický liečbený plán (hepatektómia, resekcia primárneho tumoru a plánovaná dávka a dĺžka perioperačnej, alebo adjuvantnej onkologickej liečby). Medián prežívania bol 50,5 mesiacov, trojročné prežívanie v súbore bolo 83,7 %. U 20 pacientov (62,5 %) došlo počas sledovania k progresii ochorenia s mediánom do progresie 21,6 mesiaca. Najčastejším miestom progresie bola pečeň, nasledovaná pľúcami (65 resp. 20 % všetkých rekurencií nádorového ochorenia). Záver: Aj keď reverzný, liver-first prístup umožňuje kompletné odstránenie masy tumoru u väčšiny pacientov, iba polovica z nich absolvuje kompletný onkochirurgický liečebný plán. Najproblematickejším aspektom reverzného postupu je načasovanie a dĺžka perioperačnej (bio)chemoterapie. Dôkladné zváženie rizika progresie metastatického procesu počas liečby ako aj rizika kompletnej rádiologickej odpovede by malo viesť k uváženej indikácii perioperačnej (bio)chemoterapie najmä u pacientov s iniciálne resekabilnými pečeňovými metastázami., Introduction: Reverse, liver-first strategy is an alternative for patients with complicated liver metastases where disease progression would prove inoperable, or for patients with locally advanced pelvic disease where postoperative complications after primary tumour resection may lead to delayed treatment of metastatic disease. Methods: Retrospective unicenter analysis of 32 patients approached liver-first approach between 2011 and 2015. During this period reverse strategy was considered a preferred approach for all initially or potentially resectable synchronous colorectal liver metastases based on multidisciplinary team consensus. Results: 26 patients (81.3%) completed their surgical plan (hepatectomy and primary tumour resection) but only 16 (50%) completed their oncosurgical plan (hepatectomy, primary tumour resection and full dose and length of perioperative or adjuvant systemic (bio)chemotherapy). Median overall survival was 50.5 months with the survival rate of 83.7% at 3 years. 20 patients (62.5%) progressed during the follow-up with median time to progression of 21.6 months. The liver was the most common site of recurrent disease followed by the lungs (65% and 20% of all recurrences, respectively). Conclusion: While reverse strategy may allow complete tumour removal in the majority of patients, only half of them complete their oncosurgical plan even with the liver-first approach. The most problematic aspect of the liver-first strategy is the timing and length of perioperative (bio)chemotherapy. When deciding on preoperative chemotherapy in up-front resectable lesions one should take into account the risk of disease progression while on chemotherapy as well as the risks of complete radiologic response., and M. Straka, M. Migrová, R. Soumarová, L. Burda, I. Selingerová
everal myxosporean parasites are of importance in fisheries and aquaculture in British Columbia. The PKX organism and Ceratomyxa shasta Noble, 1950 cause disease and mortality, Kudoa thyrsiles (Gilchrist, 1924) and Henneguya salminicola Ward, 1919 are of importance because they infect somatic muscle, cause unsightly cysts and soft flesh, and thus reduce the market value of the fish. Myxobolus arcticus Pugachev et Khokhlov, 1979, an apparently non-pathogenic species, along with H. salminicola, is used as a biological tag in fishery management. Myxobolus arcticus has also been used in our laboratory as a model for the study of myxosporean life cycles. Other myxosporeans that have been found in salmonids in British Columbia include Myxobolus squamalis (Iverson, 1954), Myxobolus insidiosus Wyatt et Pratt, 1963, Myxidium truitae Léger, 1930, Myxidium salvelini Shuhnan et Konovalov, 1966, Chloromyxum sp., ľarvicapsula sp., and Sphaerospora sp.
In the present study, we critically revised the recently proposed classification of the subfamily Leishmaniinae Maslov et Lukeš in Jirků et al., 2012. Agreeing with erection of the genus Zelonia Shaw, Camargo et Teixeira in Espinosa et al., 2017 and the subgenus Mundinia Shaw, Camargo et Teixeira in Espinosa et al., 2017 within the genus Leishmania Ross, 1908, we argue that other changes are not well justified. We propose to: (i) raise Paraleishmania Cupolillo, Medina-Acosta, Noyes, Momen et Grimaldi, 2000 to generic rank; (ii) create a new genus Borovskyia gen. n. to accommodate the former Leptomonas barvae Maslov et Lukeš, 2010 as its type and only species; (iii) leave the subfamily Leishmaniinae as originally defined, but establish two infrafamilies within it: Leishmaniatae infrafam. n. and Crithidiatae infrafam. n., Alexei Y. Kostygov, Vyacheslav Yurchenko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A revisionary study revealed two species of monogeneans, Dactylogyrus crucis Rogers, 1967 and Dactylogyrus lythruri sp. n., parasitising Lythrurus Jordan (formerly a subgenus of Notropis Rafinesque, 1818). New records and updated taxonomy of seven of 12 known minnows of the genus of Lythrurus are provided for D. crucis. A record of Dactylogyrus attenuatus Mizelle et Klucka, 1953 (syn. Dactylogyrus umbratilus [Kimpel, 1939], nomen nudum) on Lythrurus umbratilis (Girard) is referrable to D. crucis. Dactylogyrus lythruri is described from eight species of Lythrurus. It most closely resembles Dactylogyrus beckeri Cloutman, 1987, but is distinguished by having a smaller base of the male copulatory organ (MCO) and lacking a ventral enlargement of the distal end of the basal process. Previous reports of Dactylogyrus banghami Mizelle et Donahue, 1944 and Dactylogyrus cf. beckeri Cloutman, 1987 from Lythrurus atrapiculus (Snelson) and Lythrurus bellus (Hay) from Alabama, and Dactylogyrus confusus Mueller, 1938 from L. umbratilis in Illinois are herein relegated to D. lythruri. Four species of Lythrurus appeared not to be infected with Dactylogyrus., Donald G. Cloutman, Andrew B. Adrian, Chris T. McAllister, Bruce W. Stallsmith, Thomas J. Fayton and Henry W. Robison., and Obsahuje bibliografii