V minulém roce byla na stránkách periodika Naše společnost publikována empirická stať s názvem „Náboženské vyznání v České republice z perspektivy inter a intragenerační transmise“ [Paleček, Vido 2014]. Tato práce představila možný metodologický postup, jehož prostřednictvím je možno zjišťovat míru úspěšnosti přenosu religiozity ve společnosti během neustálého procesu generační obměny. Je obecně známo, že současná ČR se v tradičních formách religiozity řadí mezi nejvíce sekulární nejen mezi zeměmi post-komunistickými, ale i v kontextu celé Evropy [Hamplová 2000; Lambert 2004; Meulemann 2004; Need, Evans 2001; Nešpor 2010a; Tomka 2010]. Avšak, i když je ČR pouze jednou ze zemí, jejichž historie byly poznamenány 40ti lety komunistické státní moci, přesto se mezi těmito zeměmi řadí k nejvíce sekulárním. Je možno uvažovat, zda se protináboženská politika v ČR lišila oproti této politice v dalších zemích s komunistickou totalitní mocí nebo se lidé v těchto zemích naopak lišily odolností vůči této politice. V náhledu výše citovaného metodologického postupu může otázka znít, zda a jak se lišila úspěšnost předávání tradiční religiozity mezi generacemi v ČR oproti dalším post-komunistickým zemím a jaké byly možné příčiny těchto rozdílů. Sledovanými formami tradiční religiozity budou v této práci deklarované náboženské vyznání a návštěvnost na bohoslužbách v kostelích., This paper is focused on changing rates of church affiliation and church attendance in the course of intergenerational and intragenerational transmission on the cases of four post-communist countries of central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is a generally accepted fact that the rates of traditional forms of religiosity in the Czech society declined continuously during the second half of the 20th century, while such an enormous decline was not indicated in other post-communist countries of Central Europe. These differences and their causes are main question for this analytical work. Contemporary religiosity is dependent on rates of its reproduction between generations. Inter- and intragenerational transmission was influenced by two basic factors: First, by an anti-religious policy, which varied between the communist regimes, and second by the resistance of some people and families against that concrete anti-religious policy. The rapid secularisation of Czech society was due to those two factors., Antonín Paleček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Lichens are characterized by the production of a large amount of secondary metabolites. Most of them are specific to these organisms. Lichenologists commonly use the metabolites to distinguish between phenotypically similar taxa. To achieve this aim, they use a plethora of detection methods, including spot reactions, chromatography, and microcrystalization tests. and Jiří Malíček.
Our aim was to assess the reaction of TNFα, resistin, leptin and adiponectin to lipid infusion. Eight healthy subjects underwent a 24-hour lasting infusion of lipid emulsion. Plasma concentrations and expressions of selected cytokines in subcutaneous fat were measured. TNFα plasma concentration did not change during the first 4 hours of hypertriglyceridemia, but a significant increase after 24 hours was detected (p<0.001 for 0; 30; 240 min vs. 24 h). Plasma concentration of resistin significantly increased at 30 min of infusion and remained elevated (p<0.01 for 0 min vs. 30; 240 min; p<0.001 for 0 min vs. 24 h). Plasma concentrations of leptin and adiponectin did not show any significant changes. Although the expression of resistin in the subcutaneous adipose tissue tended to increase, the change was not significant. Expressions of TNFα, leptin and adiponectin were unaffected. In conclusions, our results indicate that acutely induced hyperlipidemia could influence the secretion of TNFα and resistin., J. Kopecký ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
A detailed geomorphological mapping was performed in the valley of the Losenice R., which is situated on the NE slopes of the Šumava Mts. nearby the Kašperské Hory town. The dominant characteristics of the studied area are steep slopes of the deeply incised, narrow valleys, strong fragmentation of the bedrock composed of various types of gneisses and obvious structural influence on the valley network plan. Based on the analysis of the occurrence, parameters and relative position of selected landforms, which have significance for documenting certain processes, as well as other inputs, the relief of the studied area was divided into eight genetic types of relief segments: structural, erosional, erosional-structural, structuraldenudational and erosional-denudational slopes, flat denudational ridges and planation surface remnants and finally the valley floors with the floodplain., Filip Hartvich and Vít Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The study of ischemia/reperfusion injury included 25 patients in the acute phase of myocardial infarction (19 perfused, 6 remained non-reperfused as evaluated according to the time course of creatine kinase and CK-MB isoenzyme activity) and a control group (21 blood donors). Plasma level of malondialdehyde was followed as a marker of oxidative stress. Shortly after reperfusion (within 90 min), a transient increase of malondialdehyde concentration was detected. The return to the baseline level was achieved 6 h after the onset of therapy. The activity of a free radical scavenger enzyme, plasma glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reached its maximum 90 min after the onset of treatment and returned to the initial value after 18 h. The specificity of the GPx response was confirmed by comparing with both non-reperfused patients and the control group, where no significant increase was detected. The erythrocyte Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) did not exhibit significant changes during the interval studied in perfused patients, probably due to the stability of erythrocyte metabolism. In non-reperfused patients, a decrease of SOD was found during prolonged hypoxia. These results help to elucidate the mechanisms of fast activation of plasma antioxidant system during the reperfusion after myocardial infarction., V. Mužáková, R. Kanďár, P. Vojtíšek, J. Skalický, Z. Červinková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Effect of selenium on leaf senescence was studied in oilseed rape plants treated with 10 μM Na2SeO4 at a rosette growth stage. In addition to developmental senescence, N deficiency and leaf detachment were used for induction of senescence. Nonphotochemical quenching declined in old leaves as senescence became more advancing but rose progressively in the plants supplied by Se. The total carbohydrate and protein pools decreased with leaf age, while increased by the Se treatment. However, during senescence induced by N deficiency, Se did not change remarkably the C and N metabolism, but delayed senescence mainly through protection of plants from photoinhibitory effects. After detachment, untreated leaves became chlorotic and necrotic, while the Se-treated ones remained fairly green. Our results demonstrated that Se delayed leaf senescence by a maintaining or even improving photochemical activities. During developmental senescence, the Se effect on the extending life span of the leaves was additionally linked to the metabolic regulation of senescence., S. Rahmat, R. Hajiboland, N. Sadeghzade., and Obsahuje bibliografii