Úvod: Naše výsledky byly zhodnoceny za účelem posouzení bezpečnosti a efektivity endoskopické endonazální techniky v léčbě kraniofaryngeomů. <p align="">Materiál a metody: Od roku 2008 bylo endoskopicky endonazálně operováno14 pacientů s typickým supraselárním extraventrikulárním kraniofaryngeomem. Soubor se skládá z 11 mužů a 3 žen (věk 17–60 roků, průměrný věk 38 let). Jedenáct pacientů mělo předoperační deficit zorného pole v rozsahu od malého deficitu ve vnějším kvadrantu až k slepotě jednoho oka a těžkému deficitu druhého oka. Byla použita endoskopická endonazální technika čtyř rukou s peroperační 3,0 T MR. <p align="">Výsledky: V sedmi případech bylo dosaženo radikální resekce. Ve čtyřech případech byla provedena resekce subtotální, ve dvou případech resekce parciální. V jednom případě se jednalo o vypuštění kraniofaryngeomové cysty. V resekci po iMR bylo pokračováno ve třech případech. K úpravě zorného pole došlo v pěti případech. Pooperační diabetes insipidus se nově objevil ve třech případech. Reoperace pro únik mozkomíšního moku byla nezbytná ve třech případech. <p align="">Závěr: Endoskopické techniky v léčbě kraniofaryngeomu jsou bezpečné. Nicméně jsou spojeny s vyšším výskytem pooperačního úniku mozkomíšního moku ve srovnání s transkraniálními přístupy., Introduction: We reviewed our results in order to evaluate safety of endoscopic endonasal technique in the treatment of craniopharyngiomas. <p align="">Material and methods: Since 2008, endoscopic endonasal approach was used in 14 patients with typical suprasellar extraventricular craniopharyngioma. This cohort consisted of 11 males and three females (age 17 to 60 years, average age 38 years). Eleven patients had preoperative visual field deficit ranging from small deficit in the outer quadrant to blindness on one eye and a severe deficit of the second eye. Endoscopic endonasal four hands technique was used with intraoperative 3.0 T MRI. <p align="">Results: In seven cases, the radical resection was achieved. Subtotal resection was performed in four cases. The resection was partial in two cases. In one case, a cyst was drained. Resection after iMRI was performed in three cases. Visual field deficit improved in five cases. Postoperative diabetes insipidus developed in three cases. Reoperation for CSF leakage was necessary in three cases. <p align="">Conclusion: Endoscopic technique in the treatment of craniopharyngioma is safe. However, this approach is associated with a risk postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage., and V. Masopust, D. Netuka, V. Beneš
Společně s dynamickým rozvojem nového oboru digestivní endoskopie vznikla ve 2. polovině 20. století nutnost jednotného a jednoznačného názvosloví endoskopických nálezů. Profesor Zdeněk Mařatka ve spolupráci se členy OMED vypracoval první mezinárodně uznávanou terminologii pro digestivní endoskopii, která byla v plné šíři užívána bezmála 20 let. Technický pokrok následně přinesl endoskopy, umožňující zobrazit i do té doby často přehlížené ploché léze. Zpřesnění klasifikace povrchových lézí přinesla Pařížská klasifikace, vycházející ze zkušenosti japonských endoskopistů. Díky novým endoskopickým metodám zobrazení sliznice in vivo a klasifikaci pit-pattern a vascular-pattern můžeme v současné době s velkou přesností odhadnout biologickou povahu léze a zvolit tak optimální terapeutický postup., Along with the dynamic evolution of the new field of digestive endoscopy, the need of unified and unambiguous terms for endoscopic findings arose in the second half of the 20th century. In collaboration with the OMED members, professor Zdeněk Mařatka drew up the first internationally acknowledged terminology for digestive endoscopy which was used in the full range for a period of almost 20 years. The technical progress later brought with it endoscopes which made it possible to view flat lesions, frequently overlooked until then. The classification of the surface lesions was further specified by the Paris Classification which drew from the experience of Japanese endoscopists. Thanks to the new endoscopic methods of imaging mucosa in vivo and the pit-pattern and vascular-pattern classification, we can currently estimate the biological nature of lesion with great accuracy and therefore choose the best therapeutic procedure., and Miroslav Zavoral, Gabriela Vojtěchová, Štěpán Suchánek
Úvod: Klivus je centrální struktura baze lební v těsné blízkosti mozkového kmene a životně důležitých cév. K frakturám klivu dochází většinou při vysokoenergetických úrazech, jednou z nejčastějších komplikací bývá nazální likvorea. Kazuistika: Představujeme případ muže ve středním věku, u kterého se po běžném úrazu hlavy rozvinula nazální likvorea. CT vyšetření ukázalo masivní pneumocefalus a frakturu klivu v oblasti sinus sphenoidalis. Provedli jsme endoskopický endonazální výkon a defekt úspěšně uzavřeli. Diskuze: Pneumatizace sfenoidální dutiny vykazuje velkou interindividuální variabilitu. V našem případě se jedná o extrémně vzdušný sinus v kombinaci s gracilním klivem, což bylo predisponujícím faktorem pro zlomeninu. Traumatická likvorea představuje riziko likvorové hypotenze a vzniku meningitidy. Klasický chirurgický přístup je mikroskopický transnazální. Endoskopie je moderní miniinvazivní variantou. Závěr: Endoskopické endonazální ošetření traumatické likvorey u zlomenin baze lební v oblasti klivu je metodou volby. Klíčová slova: zlomenina baze lební – neurochirurgie – endoskopie, Introduction: Clivus is a central structure of the skull base located in the vicinity of the brainstem and vital brain vessels. Clival fractures are usually caused by a high-energy trauma. Cerebrospinal fluid leak is one of the most common complications. Case report: A middle-aged male sustained a mild head trauma, followed by a nasal cerebrospinal fluid leak. CT scan revealed the massive pneumocephalus and the fracture of the clivus in the posterior wall of the sphenoidal sinus. We performed an endoscopic endonasal surgery to seal the defect. Discussion: Pneumatization of a sphenoidal sinus shows high variability. In the presented case, extreme pneumatization of the sinuses was combined with the gracile clivus, which was the predisposing factor for fracture. Traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leak carries the risk of intracranial hypotension and meningitis. Microscopic transseptal management is the classical surgical approach, while endoscopy provides the modern miniinvasive option. Conclusion: Endoscopic endonasal treatment of traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leak is the treatment of choice for the clival fractures. Key words: skullbase fracture – neurosurgery – endoscopy, and M. Májovský, D. Netuka, V. Masopust, V. Beneš
Erektilní dysfunkce je definována jako neschopnost dosáhnout a udržet ztopoření dostatečné k realizaci uspokojivého sexuálního styku. Výskyt erektilní dysfunkce je běžný na celém světě. Erektilní dysfunkce může být první klinickou manifestací endoteliální dysfunkce. Erektilní dysfunkce představuje rizikový faktor kardiovaskulárních onemocnění a u mužů 30–60 let a u diabetiků jde o prediktor závažného kardiovaskulárního onemocnění v časovém horizontu 2–5 let., Erectile dysfunction is defined as an inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction incidence is common worldwide. Erectile dysfunction may be the first clinical manifestation of endothelial dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction shares risk factors with cardiovascular disease and is a predictor of a serious cardiovascular event in men who are 30–60 years of age and in diabetic patients over a period of two to five years., and Šrámková T.
In the present study we aimed to evaluate whether oxidative stress and inflammation induced by strenuous exercise affect glycocalyx integrity and endothelial function. Twenty one young, untrained healthy men performed a maximal incremental cycling exercise - until exhaustion. Markers of glycocalyx shedding (syndecan-1, heparan sulfate and hyaluronic acid), endothelial status (nitric oxide and prostacyclin metabolites - nitrate, nitrite, 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α), oxidative stress (8-oxo-2’- deoxyguanosine) and antioxidant capacity (uric acid, nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity) as well as markers of inflammation (sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1) were analyzed in venous blood samples taken at rest and at the end of exercise. The applied strenuous exercise caused a 5-fold increase in plasma lactate and hypoxanthine concentrations (p<0.001), a fall in plasma uric acid concentration and non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity (p<10−4), accompanied by an increase (p=0.003) in sVCAM-1 concentration. Plasma 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α concentration increased (p=0.006) at exhaustion, while nitrate and nitrite concentrations were not affected. Surprisingly, no significant changes in serum syndecan-1 and heparan sulfate concentrations were observed. We have concluded, that a single bout of severe-intensity exercise is well accommodated by endothelium in young, healthy men as it neither results in evident glycocalyx disruption nor in the impairment of nitric oxide and prostacyclin production., J. Majerczak, K. Duda, S. Chlopicki, G. Bartosz, A. Zakrzewska, A. Balcerczyk, R. T. Smoleński, J. A. Zoladz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induces pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension secondary to pulmonary fibrosis. Given that endothelial cells are the main source of ET-1 and ET-1 from other cells may encounter difficulty penetrating vascular compartments, we hypothesize that endothelial-derived ET-1 promotes vascular remodeling secondary to pulmonary fibrosis. We used vascular endothelial ET-1 knock-out (VEETKO) and Wild type mice for this research. They were given intratracheal bleomycin and euthanized at day 28. We quantified pulmonary fibrosis, measured lung ET-1 and its receptors’ expression, and assessed pulmonary vascular remodeling by calculating medial wall index, muscularization index, adventitial collagen and adventitial fibroblast and macrophage accumulation. Right ventricle remodeling was also assessed. Both VEETKO and Wild type mice developed comparable pulmonary fibrosis and similar fibrosis-related gene expression. Compared to Wild type mice, bleomycin-induced VEETKO mice had lower ET-1 peptide levels (15.4 pg/mg vs. 31.2 pg/mg, p<0.01). Expression of both ET-1 receptors mRNAs were increased in fibrosis models. Bleomycin-induced fibrosis VEETKO mice had significantly less muscularized arterioles, lower muscularization index and attenuated adventitial collagen, fibroblast and macrophage accumulation as compared to that of Wild type mice. Right ventricular pressure, hypertrophy and fibrosis did not increase both in VEETKO and Wild type mice despite the more enhanced vascular remodeling in Wild type. In conclusion, endothelialderived endothelin-1 promotes pulmonary vascular remodeling secondary to bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis., A. B. Hartopo, N. Arfian, K. Nakayama, Y. Suzuki, K. Yagi, N. Emoto., and Seznam literatury
Hypertension in obesity is associated with increased insulin resistance, vascular mass and body mass index (BMI). The purpose of the study was to visualize endothelin-1 (ET-1) mediated constriction in arteries isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissue from obese hypertensive women previously operated by gastric bypass. Functional studies were conducted in a microvascular myograph. Expressed as percentage of contraction elicited by 124 mM KCl concentration-response curves for ET-1 were shifted leftward in arteries from obese hypertensive patients compared to healthy normotensive subjects. The vasodilator response to the ET-1 antagonist BQ123 (1 μM) was significantly higher in arteries from obese hypertensive patients (p<0.001). BQ123 induced relaxation was inhibited by NO synthase inhibitor L-NAME (0.1 nM). Preincubation with BQ123 enhanced the relaxation induced by acetylcholine (ACh; 0.1 nM - 0.1 mM) (p<0.001), but not that induced by NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP; 0.1 nM - 0.1 mM), in arteries from obese hypertensive patients. The present study show that hypertension yet prevail after gastric bypass surgery and the ETA receptor antagonist BQ123 may be a useful tool in reducing blood pressure in obese hypertensive patients., K. Gradin, B. Persson., and Seznam literatury
The global epidemic of diabetes is of significant concern. Diabetes associated vascular disease signifies the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. It is also the most rapidly increasing risk factor for cognitive impairment, a silent disease that causes loss of creativity, productivity, and quality of life. Small vessel disease in the cerebral vasculature plays a major role in the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment in diabetes. Endothelin system, including endothelin-1 (ET-1) and the receptors (ETA and ETB), is a likely candidate that may be involved in many aspects of the diabetes cerebrovascular disease. In this review, we took a brain-centric approach and discussed the role of the ET system in cerebrovascular and cognitive dysfunction in diabetes., W. Li, Y. Abdul, R. Ward, A. Ergul., and Seznam literatury
Diabetes increases the risk and worsens the progression of cognitive impairment. The hippocampus is an important domain for learning and memory. We previously showed that endothelin-1 (ET-1) reduced diabetes-induced inflammation in hippocampal neurons, suggesting a neuroprotective effect. Given that neurons and endothelial cells within the neurovascular unit depend on each other for proper function, we investigated the effect of ET-1 on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) synthesis, a key neurotrophin and prosurvival factor, in neuronal (HT22 hippocampal neurons) and brain microvascular endothelial (BMEC-5i) cells under normal and diabetes-mimicking (high glucose plus palmitate) conditions. Cells were treated with exogenous ET-1 or ET receptor antagonists including ETB receptor selective antagonist BQ788 (1 μM) or dual-receptor antagonist bosentan (10 μM). Mature (m)BDNF, proBDNF and caspase-3 levels were measured by Western blotting. Diabetic conditions reduced the prosurvival mBDNF/proBDNF ratio in both HT22 and BMEC-5i cells. Addition of exogenous ET-1 had no effect on the BDNF system in HT22 cells in diabetic conditions. Both HT22 and BMEC-5i cells had an increase in the mBDNF/proBDNF ratio when grown in diabetes-simulating conditions in the presence of endothelin receptor inhibition. These data suggest that blockade of ET-1 may provide neuroprotection to hippocampal cells through the modulation of the BDNF system., R. Ward, Y. Abdul, A. Ergul., and Seznam literatury
Endothelial cells (ECs) are primary targets of glucose-induced tissue damage. As a result of hyperglycemia, endothelin-1 (ET-1) is upregulated in organs affected by chronic diabetic complications. The objective of the present study was to identify novel transcriptional mechanisms that influence ET-1 regulation in diabetes. We carried out the investigation in microvascular ECs using multiple approaches. ECs were incubated with 5 mM glucose (NG) or 25 mM glucose (HG) and analyses for DNA methylation, histone methylation, or long non-coding RNA- mediated regulation of ET-1 mRNA were then performed. DNA methylation array analyses demonstrated the presence of hypomethylation in the proximal promoter and 5’ UTR/first exon regions of EDN1 following HG culture. Further, globally blocking DNA methylation or histone methylation significantly increased ET-1 mRNA expressions in both NG and HG-treated HRECs. While, knocking down the pathogenetic lncRNAs ANRIL, MALAT1, and ZFAS1 subsequently prevented the glucose-induced upregulation of ET-1 transcripts. Based on our past and present findings, we present a novel paradigm that reveals a complex web of epigenetic mechanisms regulating glucose-induced transcription of ET-1. Improving our understanding of such processes may lead to better targeted therapies., S. Biswas, B. Feng, A. Thomas, S. Chen, E. Aref-Eshghi, B. Sadikovic, S. Chakrabarti., and Seznam literatury