This experiment tested the effects of an intracerebroventricular injection of prostaglandin E1 on the sympathetic activation and the thermogenic changes in rats with ibotenate lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus. Under pentobarbital anesthesia, twelve Sprague-Dawley male rats were lesioned bilaterally in the ventromedial hypothalamus with an injection of ibotenic acid (30 nmol into each side). Sham lesions were carried out in other twelve control rats. After 48 h, all animals were anesthetized with ethyl-urethane. The firing rate of the sympathetic nerves innervating the interscapular brown adipose tissue and the colonic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures were monitored before and after an intracerebroventricular injection of prostaglandin E1 (500 ng) or saline. Prostaglandin E1 induced an increase in the firing rate of sympathetic nerves and the colonic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures. These effects were reduced by the ventromedial hypothalamic lesion. Since ibotenic acid destroys cell bodies, the findings indicate that neurons of the ventromedial hypothalamus play a considerable role in the control of sympathetic activation and the thermogenic changes during prostaglandin E1 hyperthermia., M. Monda, A. Sullo, V. De Luca, A. Viggiano., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The tenth in a series of successful workshops dedicated to high energy astrophysics and supporting ground-based experiments (e.g., robotic telescopes) was held in Karlovy Vary on April 22-25. Originally, the IBWS (INTEGRAL/BART) workshops focused on the work of the High Energy Astrophysics Group at the Astronomical Institute of the ASCR and relevant international collaborators from the field, with extensive student participation. The workshops now promote regional collaboration in high-energy astrophysics emphasizing interface between satellite projects and ground-based experiments (also in robotic telescopes). and Martin Blažek.
Je tomu již 12 let, co se ze skromného setkání studentů z Astronomického ústavu AV ČR v Ondřejově stala tradiční konference s mezinárodní účastí. INTEGRAL & BART Workshop (IBWS 2015) se zpočátku jako hlavním tématem zabýval pozorováním gamma záblesků vesmírnou družicí Evropské kosmické agentury INTEGRAL, jejichž optické protějšky se snažil na Zemi detekovat robotický dalekohled BART. Zaměření se v astronomii ukázalo jako aktuální, a tak letos v Karlových Varech prezentovalo své příspěvky na 40 inženýrů, vědců a studentů z České republiky, Německa, Itálie, Maďarska a Španělska. and Martin Blažek.
Theronts of the ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Fouquet) with up to 4 micronuclei were recorded in populations from two different parasite isolates, maintained as primary infections in juvenile carp through 2 and 10 cycles, respectively. The largest number of multimicronucleate forms occurred within the older isolate (10 cycles) following cyst incubation at 20"C. Tro-phonts were induced to emerge from the host epidermis following incubation of the fish in Eagles MEM for 10-15 min at 20"C. This provided for the first time a technique to recover trophonts in all stages of development; observations were made on the transition from theront to trophont, with respect to nuclear events, the organelle of Lieberklihn, and phagocytosis of host cells. On re-exposure of carp already carrying a two-day primary infection, recently entered trophonts were found in various stages of fusion with established parasites. Results are discussed with respect to conjugation, anisogamy and senescence.
Článek přináší informace o vývoji a současném stavu ichtyofauny ve vodách pražské aglomerace. Celkem zde bylo zaznamenáno přes 50 druhů mihulí a ryb. Skladba zdejší fauny byla a je ovlivňována příslušností k labskému říčnímu systému (výskyt anadromních druhů) a rybářským obhospodařováním (vysazování násad, obhospodařování rybníků a sportovní rybolov). Z hlediska skladby ichtyofauny 8 druhů vymizelo, 15 druhů náleží mezi nepůvodní labské faunistické prvky, které se zde vyskytují přičiněním člověka. Do pražských vod je vysazováno rybáři cca 25 druhů a nejvíce jsou sportovními rybáři loveni kapr obecný, cejn velký, okoun říční, karas stříbřitý, štika obecná a candát obecný. Celkem 37 druhů je klasifikováno v různých kategoriích Červeného seznamu, pět druhů je chráněno zákonem., The development and present state of the ichtyofauna in flowing and stagnant waters in Prague are presented. In total, over 50 species of lampreys and fishes were found in the waters of the Prague conurbation. The ichtyofauna diversity in Prague waters is influenced by the location of the Elbe River system and angling activities (angling and fisheries stocking). In total, 8 species can be classified as extinct, and 15 species are nonnative. The following species are most frequently angled: Cyprinus carpio, Abramis brama, Perca fluviatilis, Carassius gibelio, Esox lucius and Sander lucioperca. Two fishes are classified as invasive aliens, namely Carassius gibelio and Pseudorasbora parva. Generally, about 25 fish species are stocked - the majority of them comes from artificial breeding. In total, 37 native species are classified into various categories of the Red List of Czech ichtyofauna and 8 species are protected by the law., and Lubomír Hanel, Jiří Vostradovský.
The XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), a traditional conference with a remarkably long history, took place on 15 to 20 July 2007 in Prague. It explored not only the fundamentals of all kinds of plasmas and disarges, but also many applications such as plasma semiconductor processing, surface treatment and thin film technology, light sources and gaseous lasers, environmental protection and pollution control, sterilization and tissue engineering. and Milan Šimek.
The purpose of the workshop, which took place in 8-15 June 2008, was to train scientists to manage and exploit large EST datasets as well as compare whole genome sequences, with the aim of faciliting the application of genomic technologies to ticks and tickbornepathogens. The course provided an overview of the mehods used to sequence, assemble, and annotate tick borne disease related genomes and EST datasets. and Libor Grubhoffer.