The paper relects on the gender speciic nature of private and public spheres as discussed in feminist discourses in European and American contexts. Its aim is to explore the potential of the concepts of public and private in analysing the issue of reconciliation of work and family, connected with women’ presence in the public sphere, with the hierarchy between the public and private and with the gender power asymmetry. he public and private as analytical constructs are helpful in moving beyond the individual level and understanding the social-political structure and historical context. These categories characterize diferent value systems with a hierarchical relation connected with the construction of ‘two genders’ and gendered division of work. he paper also focuses on the concept of women’s emancipation, its justiication and understanding of equality, and concrete changes in women’s life. Women’s experience of their ‘double existence’ in the public and private life is thematized as a question of reconciliation of work and family with some period particularities. Diferences in forming men’s and women’s identiies during modernity depending on their experience in the two diferent worlds are shown as relevant., Zuzana Kiczková., Poznámky na s. 23, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt anglicky
Pavel Machonin byl bezesporu jednou z největších osobností píšících současné sociologické dějiny a jeho odchod znamená obrovskou ztrátu nejen pro vědeckou, ale také pro laickou veřejnost. Jeho životním krédem bylo, že „posláním sociologa je poznávat skutečné sociální vztahy mezi lidmi, nikoliv podléhat módním ideologiím.“ Ve své celoživotní práci se proto snažil co nejrealističtěji vypovídat o sociální skutečnosti a zabývat se reálnými otázkami a výsledky, ke kterým dospěl, psát co možná nejsrozumitelnějším jazykem. and Jana Šípová.
The aim of this study is to find out which characteristics affect the age identity of individuals. The main question is: What determines whether the people in the Czech Republic find themselves young, middle aged or old? Two alternative hypotheses were tested: a) the age identity is mainly influenced by person's family and working roles; b) the age identity is primarily a function of person’s chronological age and his health. While the second hypothesis understands the age identity as an ordinal variable, the first hypothesis views values of youth, middle age and old age as three different nominal constructs. The question is answered by analysis of quantitative data from European Social Survey Round 4. The sample contains 1864 respondents aged 20-95. Author uses binary logistic regression to find models for adopting age identities in different age categories. The second hypothesis of age identity being primarily an effect of age and health is proved. The influence of some family and working roles on age identity are, however, also discussed., Romana Trusinová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
a1_The prosopographical (collective biographical) study set out in this article is based on data published in the Who’s Who of Contemporary Czech Sociology and Related Disciplines (2011). Due to the fact that Czech sociologists rarely retire, this intellectual sub-group is comprised of both veteran researchers born during the interwar period and their younger colleagues. Czech sociologists are mostly men, although this gender imbalance has declined. The demographics explain to some extent why the prosopography of Czech sociologists and the workings of the academic community in general are still profoundly influenced by the discontinuous and occasionally turbulent development of Czech sociology under the communist regime (1948-89); and its former ideological concerns and power interventions. This study shows that (a) sociologists often marry other sociologists, (b) a majority of Czech sociologists were born in university cities: places where they completed all of their academic education and thereafter embarked on a career and settled down. Unsurprisingly, there is a relatively low level of career movement among Czech sociologists: a trend which has only recently begun to change with increased opportunities for mobility through foreign fellowships. The academic interests of Czech sociologists are broad: tens of dozens of scholars are active in 45 subfields of research, and 10 other related academic disciplines. However, half of all Czech sociologists works in 8 sub-disciplines, including (in descending order) political sociology, gender studies, empirical research, social stratification, theoretical sociology, economic sociology, sociology of religion, and sociological methodology. One third of sociologists simultaneously work for two employers. Nevertheless, the community has not been overly active in terms of publications., a2_Every sixth sociologist has yet to publish a book; and half of them, including the holders of the very highest degrees have only one to three books to their names. The writing of the younger scholars is slightly more extensive, but this may well be the result of a “sampling error” and they – as well as other scholars today – prefer to write their own books or participate in edited proceedings to undertaking academic translations., Zdeněk R. Nešpor., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Psychoanalytický výklad politiky není zdaleka výjimečný. Poměrně populární jsou sychoanalytické výklady života a činnosti velkých politických vůdců – viz Valenty, Feldman [2001] či Post [2003]. V praktické politické činnosti pak někteří psychoanalytici vidí sublimaci sexuálních pudů (freudisté), kompenzaci komplexu méněcennosti (adlerovci), projev určitých kolektivních mýtů (jungovci) apod. Cílem příspěvku je prozkoumat možnost aplikace psychoanalýzy pro výklad politických fenoménů blíže., Classical Psychoanalysis and Politics. The article is concerned with psychoanalysis and its application to politics. First part focuses on social thinking of Sigmund Freud. Second part examines political insights of Carl Gustav Jung. Third part examines the social theory of Erich Fromm. Forth part calls attention to political opinions of Herbert Marcuse. The article highlights a traditional Freudian approach to society and politics., and Marek Loužek.
This article outlines how different types of survey response reliability are estimated and used within the social sciences. Implementing the Classical Test Theory’s concept of reliability in a panel survey exploring opinions and attitude crystallization in a Czech town. Estimates of the test-retest reliability of respondents’ political orientation are estimated using four different approaches. Political orientation is measured using a standard 10 point left-right scale. It also estimates the ‘true score’ of a respondents’ political orientation; and shows the implications of measurement precision for the estimation of this individual level trait. Inter-item reliability is calculated using a 4 item scale composed of dichotomous indicators. This analysis reveals that the estimated reliability of the political orientation scale depends on the number of items used to construct the scale. More concretely the 10 point left-right political orientation scale exhibits a satisfactory level of test-retest reliability demonstrating its validity in making inferences about the target population. The analyses presented in this study were estimated using the R statistical programming language and LISREL - a specialized software package for estimating structural equation models., Jan Schubert., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The article represents a probe to the godparenting ties in the parish Hlinsko (former region of Chrudim) at the middle of the seventeenth century from the social-religious point of view. On the basis of the analysis of the register of baptisms from the years 1645 to 1650 and the subsequent combination with the Register of subjects according to their religion from the year 1651 it was possible to ascertain the social position of godparents, their religious affiliation (as contrasted to the denomination of parents of the child), the frequency of participation of godparents in baptisms and other facts that contributed to the functioning of the confessionally divided Czech village society of the Early Modern Era., Ladislav Nekvapil., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The text introduces basic concepts of cohort analysis – age, period and birth cohorts. The author shows the role of birth cohorts in explanation of social processes and deals with a cohort replacement as a matter of social change. From the methodology point of view the author presents the standard cohort table, introduces an identification problem and shows two ways how to solve it using the data on birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007. The first solution is presented for population data, the second one is presented for microdata in the form of a series of repeated cross-section sample surveys. The results of both analyses show, that identification of age, period and cohort effects is important for interpretation trends in birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007., Tomáš Katrňák., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy