The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among Czech dentists and to analyze the factors that affect these disorders. Information was gathered through questionnaire completed by 581 physicians. The questionnaire ascertained general information about physicians including their work habits and the characteristics of their work environment along with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems as well as their intensity. In the past year the occurrence of at least mild difficulties associated with the locomotive system was reported by 96.9% of dentists surveyed (n = 557), with 66.3% of respondents (n = 381) reporting difficulties ofa moderate or major nature. Most respondents of both sexes indicated neck pain. A statistically significant correlation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints of medium and major intensity was demonstrated for the following factors: sex, age, running a private practice, past injury or musculoskeletal diseases, and the perception of work as psychologically demanding. Musculoskeletal disorders in dentists in Czech Republic are relatively frequent and serious health problem. The causes of these diseases must be identified and appropriate preventive interventions undertaken that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of these problems. and Z. Sustová, L. Hodacová, M. Kapitán
This work presents a summary of current knowledge on the laboratory diagnosis of periodontitis. It focuses on the theoretical foundations and is supplemented with new knowledge. It subsequently describes specifically the laboratory diagnosis methods of periodontitis: the protein expression of inflammation, oral microbiology and molecular diagnostics. Periodontitis is a serious disease worldwide and its confirmed association with systemic diseases means its severity is increasing. Its laboratory diagnosis has the potential to rise to the level of clinical and diagnostic imaging. The transfer of diagnostic methods from laboratory to clinical use is increasingly used in the prevention and monitoring of the exacerbation and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as of its impact on systemic disease. and B. Bolerázska, M. Mareková, N. Markovská
Evropa je regionem s nejvyšším výskytem neinfekčních onemocnění hromadného výskytu. Kardiovaskulární onemocnění patří mezi hlavní příčiny nemocnosti a úmrtnosti. Interakce mezi skladbou stravy, životním stylem a metabolizmem lipidů významně ovlivňují rozvoj aterosklerózy a jejích komplikací. Mortalita na ischemickou chorobu srdeční (ICHS) se v poslední dekádě 20. století výrazně snížila. Významné a pozitivní změny ve stravovacích návycích, zejména snížení příjmu nasycených mastných kyselin a jejich záměna za polynenasycené, přispěly ke snížení sérové hladiny cholesterolu v populaci. Pokles mortality na ICHS významně souvisel s vývojem tohoto rizikového faktoru, který nelze vysvětlit rozvojem farmakoterapie. Česká republika není jedinou zemí, v níž byly podobné změny stravovacích návyků ve vztahu k úmrtnosti na ICHS zaznamenány. Zlepšení stravovacích návyků se zdá být jednou z nejdůležitějších strategií v prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění., Europe is a region, which is most severely affected by non-communicable diseases. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disability and death. Complex interactions between diet, lifestyle, and lipoprotein metabolism significantly contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and its complications. Role of diet in prevention of coronary heart disease becomes sometime underestimated in comparison with pharmacological treatment. Coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality has declined substantially in the Czech Republic in the last decade of the 20th century. Significant and positive dietary changes, mainly reduction of saturated fatty acids intake and its replacement by polyunsaturated fatty acids, contributed to decline of the average serum cholesterol level in population. Fall in CHD mortality was attributable to reduction in this major cardiovascular risk factor and not driven by pharmacological intervention. The Czech Republic is not the only country where similar trends have been recorded. Improvements in dietary habits seem to be one of the most important strategies in cardiovascular disease prevention, and Jiří Brát, Michal Vrablík, Otto Herber