Nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors that influence the development and growth in Drosophila. The food composition strongly affects their reproduction, welfare and survival, so it is necessary for flies to search for a mixture of macronutrients that maximizes their fitness. We have five D. melanogaster strains, which were reared for 13 years on five different substrates: standard cornmeal-agar-sugar-yeast medium and four substrates modified by adding tomato, banana, carrot and apple. This study was aimed at determining how such long-term rearing of flies on substrates with different protein content affects fitness traits (dynamics of eclosion, developmental time and egg-to-adult survival). Further, we determined how transferring flies reared on fruit/vegetable substrates to a standard laboratory diet affected their fitness. Results indicate that strains reared on the diet with the lowest content of protein and the highest C/N ratio had the slowest eclosion and developmental time, and lowest egg-to-adult survival (apple diet). The flies reared on the diet with the highest protein content and the lowest C/N ratio had the highest survival (tomato diet). Flies reared on the carrot diet, which is quite similar in protein content and C/N ratio to the standard cornmeal diet, had the fastest development. Transferring flies to the standard cornmeal diet accelerate eclosion and developmental time, but did not affect survival., Jelena Trajković, Vukica Vujić, Dragana Miličić, Gordana Gojgić-Cvijović, Sofija Pavković-Lučić, Tatjana Savić., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The kinetics of post-exercise heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (EPOC) was studied in 10 elite cyclists subjected to four laboratory cycle ergometer maximal exercises lasting 30, 90, 180 or 360 s. Heart rate and oxygen uptake (VO2) were recorded over a period of 6 min after the exercise. By applying the logit transformation to the recorded variables and relating them to the decimal logarithm of the recovery time, uniform single-phase courses of changes were shown for both variables in all subjects and exercises. This enabled computing half-recovery times (t½) for both variables. Half-time for VO2 negatively correlated with square root of exercise duration (within-subject r=-0.629, p<0.001), the total post-exercise oxygen uptake till t½ was thus constant irrespectively of exercise intensity. The method is simple and enables reliable comparisons of various modes of exercise with respect to the rate of recovery., R. Stupnicki ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Three species of cichlid fish, Tilapia brevimanus Boulenger, 1911, T. buttikoferi (Hubrecht, 1881), and T. cessiana Thys van den Audenaerde, 1968, from Guinea, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone (West Africa) were examined for gill parasites for the first time. Six species of Monogenea were found of which one, Cichlidogyrus digitatus Dossou, 1982, had been previously described. Five new species, all belonging to the genus Cichlidogyrus Papema, 1960, are described herein: C. albareli sp. n., C. hemi sp. n., C. nuniezi sp. n„ C. honhommei sp. n., and C. slembroucki sp.n.
An unusual combination of median nerve's variations has been encountered in a male cadaver during routine educational dissection. In particular, the median nerve was formed by five roots; three roots originated from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus joined individually the median nerve's medial root. The latter (fourth) root was united with the lateral (fifth) root of the median nerve forming the median nerve distally in the upper arm and not the axilla as usually. In addition, the median nerve was situated medial to the brachial artery. We review comprehensively the relevant variants, their embryologic development and their potential clinical applications. and K. Natsis, G. Paraskevas, M. Tzika
70letá pacientka s generalizovaným nádorem prsu (T4, N1–2, MX, G2) byla v rámci stagingu odeslána na scintigrafii skeletu. Vstupní první vyšetření s 99mTc-MDP (Obr. 1) prokázalo dvě patologická ložiska zvýšené kostní přestavby (lebka, žebro) a bylo interpretováno jako generalizace do skeletu. Pacientka byla léčena chemoterapií (4x EC, 9x TXT). Poté byla provedena mastektomie s exenterací axily a resekcí prsního svalu, následně byl nasazen Tamoxifen. Později byla provedena radioterapie hrudní stěny lineárním urychlovačem (25x, celkem 50 + 16 Gy). Léčbu absolvovala ve stabilizovaném stavu, subjektivně se cítila dobře, efekt terapie byl hodnocen jako velmi dobrý. Kontrolní druhá scintigrafie skeletu (Obr. 2) provedená půl roku po skončení radioterapie prokázala mnohočetná ložiska zejména v lebce, páteři a pánvi, nález byl hodnocen jako výrazná progrese. V léčbě byl přidán denosumab (XGEVA), který však byl po jediné aplikaci vysazen pro nekrózu dolní čelisti. Další kontrolní třetí scintigrafie skeletu (Obr. 3) provedená po 5 měsících prokázala výraznou regresi nálezu, nově se objevilo ložisko v dolní čelisti v důsledku její nekrózy. Nález na kontrolní druhé scintigrafii jsme zpětně hodnotili jako flare fenomén., x, Otto Lang, Ivana Kuníková, and Literatura
We measured energy substrates in haemolymph and flight muscles of the large blister beetle Mylabris oculata at rest and after tethered, lift-generating flight. Flight of 1 min duration at an ambient temperature of 38-42°C did not effect a change in the concentration of lipids in the haemolymph, whereas a small, significant decrease in the concentrations of carbohydrates and a 3-fold larger one in the levels of proline were noted, as well as a concomitant increase in alanine. In the flight muscles, glycogen and proline concentrations were diminished slightly but significantly upon flight, whereas alanine levels were increased. Two hours of rest after a flight of 1 min completely reversed the metabolic situation in haemolymph and flight muscles to pre-flight levels. We could isolate two neuropeptides from the corpora cardiaca of M. oculata, which by retention time and mass analyses are characterised as the decapeptide Del-CC (pGlu-Leu-Asn-Phe-Ser-Pro-Asn-Trp-Gly-Asn-NH2) and the octapeptide Tem-HrTH (pGlu-Leu-Asn-PheSer-Pro-Asn-Trp-NH2) previously fully identified from the corpora cardiaca of the blister beetle, Decapotoma lunata (Gäde, 1995). Subsequently, it was unequivocally demonstrated that low doses of Del-CC and Tem-HrTH elicited increases in the concentration of proline and carbohydrates in the haemolymph of D. lunata and M. oculata, but did not change the concentration of lipids in both species. In conclusion, the two endogenous peptides are hypertrehalosaemic and hyperprolinaemic, thus very likely regulating the mobilisation of the two important flight substrates of blister beetles, namely carbohydrates and proline., Gerd Gäde, Lutz Auerswald, and Lit