Cílem článku je podat přehled o problematice archivace sociologických dat. Článek se zabývá archivací z několika úhlů pohledu. Rozebírá její význam pro vědeckou práci a místo archivů v „cyklu oběhu dat“. Následně se věnuje přípravě dat pro archivaci - nárokům, které z toho plynou jak pro výzkumníky, tak i pro pracovníky archivů. V další části je rozebrán standard DDI jakožto nástroj vhodný pro popis (nejen) sociologických dat., Martin Vávra., 1 schéma, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Early consequences of lithium-pilocarpine convulsive status epilepticus (SE) were studied six days after this status had been induced in rat pups at the age of either 12 or 25 days. Studies of spontaneous EEG activity demonstrated the presence of epileptic phenomena (isolated spikes) in both hippocampus and cortex (cortical spikes were more expressed in the older group). There were no marked behavioral correlates of spikes and transition into the ictal phase was exceptional. The motor performance on a rotorod and a horizontal bar was the same in experimental and control rats of both ages. Behavior in the open field was changed in a reverse manner in the two age groups: the locomotor activity of rats with induced seizures at the age of 12 days was significantly lower than that of their control siblings, whereas animals undergoing status at the age of 25 days were hyperactive. In addition, they also exhibited increased exploratory activity (rearing) and their habituation to the open field was deranged. Nissl-stained brain sections demonstrated extensive brain damage in the older group in contrast to the negative findings in younger animals. EEG, behavioral and morphological changes induced by status epilepticus in developing rats persisted for 6 days after the status. They markedly differed according to the age of animals., L. Suchomelová, H. Kubová, R. Haugvicová, R. Druga, P. Mareš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The use of Continuously Operating Reference Stations, both singly and as part of an active network, is widely employed in surveying, engineering and other geomatics applications, achieving high accuracy positioning even in real time. With an active network the measurements of the reference stations are processed jointly in order to model the errors and compute network RTK corrections. Due to distance dependent errors (ionospheric and tropospheric delays), single base RTK positioning accuracy decreases with increased baseline length. However, the network solution (NRTK) retains the accuracy and the time to fix ambiguities (TTFA) at a constant level. This study aims to contribute to the scientific research on real time positioning based on active networks. In Southern Spain, ERGNSS, a national CORS network that provides GNSS data for post-processing and real time single- b ased reference station corrections, shares territory with the Andalusian Positioning Network (RAP), a local active network. RAP provides network an d single-based RTK corrections. In order to analyze the quality of real time positioning based on both networks, several tests have been performed on a sample of test points. The reference frame, the time to fix ambiguity resolution, precision, accuracy and repeatability of RTK positioning are considered as the evaluation parameters. The results confirm that the RAP network complements the precise positioning services provided by the ERGNSS network, ensuring accurate real time positioning, full cove rage and reliable positioning services in the Andalusian Community., Mª Selmira Garrido, Antonio J. Gil and Rafael Gaitán., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy