This paper deals with the quality of diffraction gratings. Diffraction gratings are widely used in many optical devices and an accuracy of those devices depends on the quality of used diffraction gratings. Our work performs a theoretical analysis of an influence of the change of diffraction grating constant on properties of the diffraction grating. and Článek se zabývá analýzou kvality difrakčních mřížek. Difrakční mřížky jsou často používané v různých měřicích optických zařízeních, přičemž přesnost těchto zařízení závisí na kvalitě použité difrakční mřížky. V této práci je analyzován vliv změny mřížkové konstanty na optické vlastnosti difrakční mřížky.
The use of Continuously Operating Reference Stations, both singly and as part of an active network, is widely employed in surveying, engineering and other geomatics applications, achieving high accuracy positioning even in real time. With an active network the measurements of the reference stations are processed jointly in order to model the errors and compute network RTK corrections. Due to distance dependent errors (ionospheric and tropospheric delays), single base RTK positioning accuracy decreases with increased baseline length. However, the network solution (NRTK) retains the accuracy and the time to fix ambiguities (TTFA) at a constant level. This study aims to contribute to the scientific research on real time positioning based on active networks. In Southern Spain, ERGNSS, a national CORS network that provides GNSS data for post-processing and real time single- b ased reference station corrections, shares territory with the Andalusian Positioning Network (RAP), a local active network. RAP provides network an d single-based RTK corrections. In order to analyze the quality of real time positioning based on both networks, several tests have been performed on a sample of test points. The reference frame, the time to fix ambiguity resolution, precision, accuracy and repeatability of RTK positioning are considered as the evaluation parameters. The results confirm that the RAP network complements the precise positioning services provided by the ERGNSS network, ensuring accurate real time positioning, full cove rage and reliable positioning services in the Andalusian Community., Mª Selmira Garrido, Antonio J. Gil and Rafael Gaitán., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
An overview is given on the fluorescence imaging of plants. Emphasis is laid upon multispectral fluorescence imaging in the maxima of the fluorescence emission bands of leaves, i.e., in the blue (440 nm), green (520 nm), red (690 nm), and far-red (740 nm) spectral regions. Details on the origin of these four fluorescence bands are presented including emitting substances and emitting sites within a leaf tissue. Blue-green fluorescence derives from ferulic acids covalently bound to cell walls, and the red and far-red fluorescence comes from chlorophyll (Chl) a in the chloroplasts of green mesophyll cells. The fluorescence intensities are influenced (1) by changes in the concentration of the emitting substances, (2) by the internal optics of leaves determining the penetration of excitation radiation and partial re-absorption of the emitted fluorescence, and (3) by the energy distribution between photosynthesis, heat production, and emission of Chl fluorescence. The set-up of the Karlsruhe multispectral fluorescence imaging system (FIS) is described from excitation with UV-pulses to the detection with an intensified CCD-camera. The possibilities of image processing (e.g., formation of fluorescence ratio images) are presented, and the ways of extraction of physiological and stress information from the ratio images are outlined. Examples for the interpretation of fluorescence images are given by demonstrating the information available for the detection of different developmental stages of plant material, of strain and stress of plants, and of herbicide treatment. This novel technique can be applied for near-distance screening or remote sensing. and C. Buschmann, G. Langsdorf, H. K. Lichtenthaler.
The gallmidge Aphidoletes aphidimyza is used commercially to control aphids infesting greenhouse crops such as sweet pepper and tomato. In this study we investigated several different ways of improving its use as a biocontrol agent. In the laboratory there was a very strong relation between the availability of spider's webs and successful mating. When mated in cages containing spider's webs a greater proportion of the females were mated and the females laid more eggs compared to the females in cages without spider's webs. As adults emerging from cocoons can crawl up through 15 cm of vermiculite it is possible to transport and release them from bottles, which can be placed open in a greenhouse instead of having to spread the material around the plants. Dispersal of adults from the bottles was measured by placing sentinel plants around a single release point. Eggs of the gallmidge were found on plants at distances up to 45 m from the release point. Intraguild predation of the eggs of the gallmidge by the mites Amblyseius degenerans and Amblyseius cucumeris was also assessed.
Traditionally in May, two major trade fairs have been held in conjunction with measuring technology, quality control, gauge building elements and test equipments. At the beginning of May the world's largest trade fair for quality control and measuring technology Control is in Stuttgart and less than a month after in Nuremberg the fair Sensor + Test, focused on gauge building elements and test systems. Control is mainly intended for metrologists and quality control staff for engineering companies, Sensor + Test for designers, developers and research workers with a focus on instrumentation. and V květnu se tradičně konají dva významné veletrhy s vazbou na měřicí techniku, řízení jakosti, stavební prvky měřidel a testovací zařízení. Začátkem května je to ve Stuttgartu největší světový veletrh měřicí techniky a řízení jakosti Control a necelý měsíc po něm v Norimberku veletrh Sensor + Test, zaměřený na stavební prvky měřidel a testovací systémy. Control je určen hlavně pro metrology a pracovníky řízení jakosti strojírenských podniků, Sensor + Test pak pro konstruktéry, vývojáře a výzkumné pracovníky se zaměřením na přístrojovou techniku.
Body size is a standard criterion of quality control in insect rearing and often assumed to correlate with fitness in parasitoid wasps, but various metrics of body size can be used. The purpose of this study was to determine which morphological feature provides the best correlation with body size and egg load in a thelytokous population of the parasitoid wasp, Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall), when reared on Aphis fabae Scopoli under standardized conditions in a growth chamber (21 ± 1°C, 60–70% RH, and 16L : 8D). Candidate metrics included head width, length and width of the pronotum, length and width of the right forewing, and length of the right hind tibia. In the first experiment, correlations were determined between these measurements and overall wasp body length. As head width and hind tibia length emerged as the most suitable proxies for total body length, the next experiment these two variables as proxies for egg load in females reared from different nymphal instars of the host aphid. There was a non-linear relationship between body size and egg load of wasps emerging from hosts parasitized in different nymphal instars. Egg load increased linearly with body size across all host growth stages, but the second nymphal instar was the most suitable stage for parasitism when speed of development was factored in. The results suggest that head width is a suitable morphometric for monitoring quality control in mass-reared cultures of this wasp., Mohammad Ameri ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury