Samples of bottom ash and fly ash coming from the combustion of lignite with the addition of limestone, from the cocombustion of lignite and wood residue with limestone and from co-combustion of lignite, wood residue, biological sludges from the waste water treatment plant and municipal waste as well with the addition of limestone were examined. Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalyser were used for study of morphology and chemical composition of ash particles. The results were compared with average composition of bottom ashes, fly ashes and input materials found by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and with phase composition found by X-ray diffraction method. There were proved no significant differences in the character and the structure of individual samples coming from various regimes of combustion., Vladimír Tomášek, Ondřej Šustai, Jana Seidlerová, Zdeněk Klika, Martin Stach, Zdeněk Weiss and Václav Roubíček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mezinárodní fyzikální soutěže mají již tradici po několik desítek let a účastní se jich soutěžící z mnoha zemí světa. Kromě toho postupně vznikly i tzv. zonální fyzikální soutěže, mezi něž patří např. Iberolatinskoamerická fyzikální soutěž a Asijská fyzikální olympiáda, určená pro soutěžící z Asie a Oceánie., Ivo Volf, Jan Kříž., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Člověk trpí méněcenností ve vztahu k mocným zvířatům, která ho předstihují silou a rychlostí. Dokladem toho je i paleolitická soška, na které je zobrazena lví hlava s lidským tělem. Pokrok představují egyptské sfingy, kde z obrazu člověka zůstává alespoň hlava, sídlo jeho svébytnosti. Nejrůznější zvířecí motivy, jako chiméry, se podařilo pomíchat až Řekům. Tak jako v Evropě kraloval lev a orel, na Dálném východě - zvláště v posledním století - nastoupil tygr coby představitel útočnosti a vítězství. Příkladem uveďme japonského císařského generála, který pronikl Malajskem, a byl proto vzýván jako malajský tygr, než bídně zhynul při americké invazi na jednom z tichomořských atolů. and Jan Svoboda.
In this paper I have introduced one case of modification of articulation at the word-boundary, i. e. the assimilation, which regularly takes place in Dutch, but is impeded in Czech. In Dutch the assimilation of [s] in front of [j] is the result of coarticulation, applied in order to reduce the articulatory effort. It is, however, not an isolated phenomenon, but it is connected with the not clearly defined phonological and phonetic opposition of [s] and [š]. In Czech, despite the presumption that the coarticulation of the [s] in front of [j] also is possible, it is not audible for the speakers as modification, and - most importantly - it does not yield assimilation of the former to the latter, i. e. the realization of [š]. In our opinion the constraints are complex, in the first place we should point to the distinctive role of the /s/ and /š/ in the whole system. The perceptual segmentation in Czech, moreover, is ruled by the distribution of word-stress at the initial syllable of the word (after a pause); this brings about the hyperarticulation of the syllable, so that no need is felt to reduce the articulation. Because of the typological difference between Czech and Dutch, as respectively inflective and not-inflective languages, the phonetic phenomena at the word-end can be very significant and should be examined further.
Metformin is the first line therapy of type 2 diabetics, but continued reduction of their life expectancy warrants further investigation into alternative treatment strategies. This study reports on the combinational use of metformin with aspalathin, a C-glucosyl dihydrochalcone with known glucose lowering and antioxidant properties, as an effective hypoglycemic therapy in a type 2 diabetic (db/db) mouse model. When tested as a monotherapy, a low dose of aspalathin (13 mg/kg) showed no effect, while a high dose (130 mg/kg) has already displayed a better potential than metformin in protecting against diabetes associated symptoms in db/db mice. Thus, it remains of interest to determine whether this dihydrochalcone can improve the efficacy of metformin. The results showed that this combination therapy was more effective than the use of metformin as a monotherapy in ameliorating diabetes associated symptoms, including abnormal raised fasting plasma glucose levels, impaired glucose tolerance, as well as excessively increased body weights and fat content. The treated mice also had reduced food and water consumption when compared to untreated controls, with a pronounced effect evident in the last week of treatment. Therefore, this study supports further investigations into the ameliorative effect of combination therapy of metformin and aspalathin against diabetes associated symptoms., P. V. Dludla, K. B. Gabuza, C. J. F. Muller, E. Joubert, J. Louw, R. Johnson., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Comparative scanning electron microscopical studies were carried out on Chonopeltis australis Boxshall, 1976 collected from different localities in the Orange-Vaal River System in South Africa and on material of Chonopeltis minutus Fryer, 1977 and Chonopeltis australissimus Fryer, 1977 on loan from the Albany Museum, Grahamstown. This elucidates the fine structure of morphological features, which are of taxonomic importance and illustrates the significance of the copulatory structures on the legs as a taxonomic tool. It was also concluded that C. australissimus is the same as C. minutus, with C. australissimus the junior synonym.