iH026a is a formulation containing a biochemical class of plant growth regulator that modulates glycoconjugation through the plant lectin cycle. While lectins are common to vascular plants, we observed, consistent with reversible binding of sugars from lectins, enhancements of quantities and qualities of various features, including significant enrichment of Brix soluble sugars compared to controls in cherry, grape, and melon in trials conducted in Arizona and California, USA., A. M. Nonomura, A. Pedersen, D. P. Brummel, L. Loveless, A. Lauria, B. Haschemeyer, M. S. McBride, and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Tato studie pojednává o rané fázi mikroskopického zkoumání přírody, které ve svém díle Micrographia (1665) představil Robert Hooke (1635–1703). Vzhledem k obsáhlosti díla se zaměřuje na pasáže, které Hooke věnoval výzkumu hmyzu. Předmětem analýzy je především metodologie Hookova výzkumu: způsob, jakým tento experimentátor využíval mikroskop ke zkoumání mravenců, much, komárů a jiného hmyzu. Dále je pozornost věnována způsobu, jakým Hooke představoval výsledky svého pozorování, tedy popisům a ilustracím hmyzu. A konečně, příspěvek se také pokouší vyložit vybrané záznamy mikroskopických pozorování v Micrographii a objasnit jejich vazbu na filosofickou a náboženskou interpretaci přírody sedmnáctého století., The aim of the study is to discuss the early microscopic examination of nature, introduced by Robert Hooke (1635–1703) in his work Micrographia (1665). Considering the complexity of his work, the paper focuses on passages concerning Hooke’s research of insects. The object of analysis is above all Hooke’s methodology of research: the way in which the experimenter used the microscope to study ants, flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Attention is also paid to the way in which Hooke presented the results of his observation, i.e. to his descriptions and illustrations of insects. Finally, the study also tries to interpret selected records of microscopic observations in Micrographia and clarify their relation to philosophical and religious interpretations of nature in seventeenth century., and Monika Bečvářová.
Anthropogenic activities and improper uses of phosphate fertilizers have led to an increase in cadmium concentrations in agricultural soils. Brassinosteroids are steroid hormones that are rapidly assimilated and metabolised with beneficial roles in physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Our aim was to ascertain whether exogenous treatment with 24-epibrassinolide (EBR) can mitigate the Cd toxicity, and whether this substance can reduce the Cd accumulation in plant tissues. Furthermore, the dose response to EBR was determined following exposure to Cd in Vigna unguiculata. The experiment was a completely randomised factorial design with two concentrations of Cd (0 and 500 μM) and three concentrations of EBR (0, 50, and 100 nM). Spraying plants exposed to Cd with EBR significantly reduced the concentrations of Cd and increased nutrient contents in all tissues. The EBR treatment caused significant enhancements in leaf, root, and total dry matter. Foliar application of EBR reduced the negative effects of Cd toxicity on chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange parameters. Pretreatment with EBR also increased contents of pigments in plants exposed to Cd, compared with the identical treatments without EBR. Cd elevated contents of oxidant compounds, inducing cell damages, while EBR significantly decreased the concentrations of these compounds. We confirmed that EBR mitigated the negative effects related to Cd toxicity, reduced the absorption and transport of Cd, and increased the contents of essential elements. In plants exposed to Cd, the most apparent dose response was found for 100 nM EBR, with beneficial repercussions on growth, gas exchange, primary photosynthetic processes, and photosynthetic pigments, which were intrinsically connected to lower production of oxidant compounds and cell damage., L. R. Santos, B. L. Batista, A. K. S. Lobato., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ján Čaplovič. (V článku je uveden i propouštěcí dopis Ladislausu Farkasovi od ředitele Fritze Habera ; z němčiny přeložil Josef Bednarčík.) and Obsahuje bibliografii