The effectiveness of natural enemies in controlling pests may be determined by many traits linked to their ability to regulate the density of their prey. In this respect, the phenomenon of pseudoparasitism, in which female parasitoids reject a host after inserting their ovipositor into it, is fairly common among hymenopteran parasitoids. However, in spite of this its effect on hosts is rarely reported in entomological and biological control literature. For this reason, in the present study, the pseudoparasitism by the parasitoid Spalangia cameroni Perkins of the Mediterranean pest Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and its effect on several biological parameters of the host were studied under laboratory conditions. The results indicate that the percentage pseudoparasitism by S. cameroni of medfly in the laboratory is high, even slightly higher than host-feeding, which is commonly used to evaluate the potential of parasitoids as biological control agents. In addition, the adults that emerge from pseudoparasitized medfly pupae have a male-biased sex ratio, low levels of survival and are frequently damaged, which results in small adults and an inability to mate successfully. In conclusion, our results indicate that pseudoparasitism is common and enhances the effectiveness of S. cameroni attacking medfly, which highlights the importance of this phenomenon when selecting parasitoids to be included in a biological control programme., Luis De Pedro, Francisco Beitia, Josep D. Asís, José Tormos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A new monogcncan species, Pseudorhabdosynochus capurroi sp. n., is described from the gills of the black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey) (Serranidae), from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The new species can be differentiated from all other known species of Pseudorhabdosynochus Yamaguti, 1958 by being the largest one recorded until now (1162-1535 pm body length). Moreover, the vagina of P. capurroi has a small funnel-shaped opening with a non sclerotized vesicle from which a fine sclerotized duct leads proximally to a sclerotized seminal receptacle, and the testis is bilobate. The squamodiscs have 14 to 16 rows of rods, of which 3 to 5 rows are closed.
Pseudarhahdttsynachus yucatanensis sp. n. (Diplectanidae) is described from the gills of the red grouper, Epinephelus maria (Valenciennes, 1824) (Serranidae), from the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This new species is characterized by having both the ventral and the dorsal squamodiscs composed of 10-12 rows of rods, with 0-1 innermost row forming a closed circle. Furthermore, the vagina of P. yucatanensis has a non-sclerotized ampulla with a fine, sclerotized duct leading to a sclerot-ized seminal receptacle. Prevalence (percentage of infected fish) and abundance (mean number of worms per examined fish) were estimated for P. yucatanensis from 8 localities along the coast of Yucatan. Prevalence varies from 38% to 100%, while abundance was between 1.2 ± 0.6 and 43.2 ± 17.8 worms per ftsh. The lack of linear relationship between the host length and the number of monogcneans per fish (regression F, = 0.56. p = 0.45) was probably due to the fact that the sample was restricted to juvenile hosts.
Výzkum se dnes široce zabývá tématem společného výskytu kardiovaskulárních onemocnění a deprese. Zvažuje různé aspekty, mezi nimiž je i pátrání po tom, zda existuje příčinná souvislost mezi depresí a kardiovaskulárními onemocněními nebo zda má deprese vliv na horší rekonvalescenci pacientů po infarktu myokardu a na vyšší výskyt komplikací. Deprese je spojována s výskytem komorbidit, jako je metabolický syndrom nebo diabetes mellitus. Určitou roli může hrát také horší funkce autonomního nervového systému nebo nezdravý životní styl. Deprese se vyskytuje u pacientů po infarktu myokardu ve větší míře než u normální populace a je považována za rizikový faktor, který zhoršuje prognózu pacienta. Proto je důležité se zaměřit na skríning deprese a případně i anxiety u těchto pacientů, tyto u nich včas odhalit a zajistit optimální léčbu., Researchers currently focus on a wide range of aspects associated with coincidence of cardiovascular diseases and depression. These include a search for a possible causal link between depression and coexisting cardiovascular disorder as well as the association between depression and poorer recovery after myocardial infarction or higher complication rate. Major depression is connected with comorbidities such as the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. Impaired autonomous nerve system function and unhealthy lifestyle can also play their role. Depression is more frequent in patients with a history of myocardial infarction and is considered a major risk factor of poorer prognosis. It is undoubtedly important to screen this patient group for both depression and anxiety so that appropriate treatment can be initiated if needed. Key words: myocardial infarction – major depression – coronary artery disease The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and N. Hudáková, P. Kala, M. Šebo, L. Ustohal, T. Kašpárek, J. Kaňovský
Poruchy erekce jsou nejčastější sexuální dysfunkcí mužů. V diagnostickém a terapeutickém přístupu k této dysfunkci je třeba respektovat biopsychosociální povahu sexuálních poruch. Nejen u typicky psychogenních, ale též u organicky podmíněných poruch erekce je třeba uplatňovat psychoterapeutické postupy. Mezi nejčastější psychogenní příčiny poruch patří poruchy partnerských vztahů, deprese a komplexy méněcennosti. Doporučuje se zlepšovat schopnosti lékařů otevřeně se svými pacienty o jejich sexuálním životě hovořit., Erectile dysfunction is the most frequent sexual dysfunction in men. The diagnostic and therapeutic approach toward this dysfunction should respect its biopsychosocial nature. Psychotherapy is very important not only in psychogenic dysfunction, but also in organically caused dysfunction. The most frequent aetiological factors include partnership problems, depression and low self-esteem in men. It is recommended to improve the competence of physicians to be able to communicate openly with the patient about the patient’s sexual life., and Zvěřina J.