Exemplář ve Vědecké knihovně v Olomouci (sign. 33.449) s paralelním titulním listem., Knihovna Národního muzea Praha CZ 46 C 39 adl. 24, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 113 adl. 13, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 132 adl. 23, Metropolitní kapitula u sv. Víta v Praze Praha CZ F. b. 36 adl. 3, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 65 E 4183, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 46 C 183 adl. 11, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XVI H 9 adl. 3, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XVI H 6 adl. 43, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XV G 4 adl. 17, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TF 347 adl. 27, Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ 33.449, and BCBT40881
Calcium cycling is a major determinant of cardiac function. S100A1 is the most abundant member of the calcium-binding S100 protein family in myocardial tissue. S100A1 interacts with a variety of calcium regulatory proteins such as SERCA2a, ryanodine receptors, L-type calcium channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, thus enhancing calcium cycling. Aside from this major function, S100A1 has an important role in energy balance, myofilament sliding, myofilament calcium sensibility, titin-actin interaction, apoptosis and cardiac remodeling. Apart from its properties regarding cardiomyocytes, S100A1 is also important in vessel relaxation and angiogenesis. S100A1 potentiates cardiac function thus increasing the cardiomyocytes’ functional reserve; this is an important feature in heart failure. In fact, S100A1 seems to normalize cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Also, S100A1 is essential in the acute response to adrenergic stimulation. Gene therapy experiments show promising results, although further studies are still needed to reach clinical practice. In this review, we aim to describe the molecular basis and regulatory function of S100A1, exploring its interactions with a myriad of target proteins. We also explore its functional effects on systolic and diastolic function as well as its acute actions. Finally, we discuss S100A1 gene therapy and its progression so far., S. Duarte-Costa, R. Castro-Ferreira, J. S. Neves, A. F. Leite-Moreira., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The saccadic eye movement related potentials (SEMRPs) enable to study brain mechanisms of the sensorimotor integration. SEMRPs provide insight into various cognitive mechanisms related to planning, programming, generation and execution of the saccadic eye movements. SEMRPs can be used to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms of several disorders of the central nervous system. Here we shortly summarize basic findings concerning the significance of SEMRP components, their relationship to the functional brain asymmetry and visual attention level as well as changes related to certain neuropsychological disorders., F. Jagla, M. Jergelová, I. Riečanský., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy