Three species of planktonie crustaceans, Cyclops strenuus and Macrocyclops alhidus (Copcpoda) and Notodromas monacha (Ostracoda), were experimentally infected with the eggs and second-stage larvae of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus originating from eels from Neusiedler Lake in Austria. At 20-22°C, third-stage larvae of the parasite developed in all these invertebrate hosts within 16-20 days p.i. Ostracods harbouring the nematode third-stage larvae (33 days p.i.) were fed to small eels (Anguilla anguilla), while infected copepods (20 days p.i.) to seven other fish species. By these experiments, the larvae from ostracods proved to be infective for the definitive host and the ostracod was thus confirmed as a true intermediate host of Anguillicola crassus. Notodromas monacha represents a new experimental intermediate host of A. crassus and the second known invertebrate other than a copepod in which the larval development of this nematode up to the infective stage takes place. Five species of fish, cyprinids Tinca tinea, Alhumus alburnus, Gobio gobio and Albumoides bipunctatus (the latter representing a new host record), and guppy, Poecilia reticulata, were found to serve as experimental paratenic hosts for A. crassus, in which the live nematode infective larvae were recorded 49 days p.i.
About Lehmer’s number, many people have studied its various properties, and obtained a series of interesting results. In this paper, we consider a generalized Lehmer problem: Let p be a prime, and let N(k; p) denote the number of all 1\leqslant a_{i}\leq p-1 such that a_{1}a_{2}...a_{k}\equiv 1 mod p and 2 | ai + āi + 1, i = 1, 2, ..., k. The main purpose of this paper is using the analytic method, the estimate for character sums and trigonometric sums to study the asymptotic properties of the counting function N(k; p), and give an interesting asymptotic formula for it., Han Zhang, Wenpeng Zhang., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek přistupuje k problematice aktuálního členění větného z hlediska překladatelského. Na srovnání tří českých překladů jednoho literárního textu jsou demonstrována překladatelská úskalí způsobena rozdílnou hierarchizací jednotlivých indikátorů AČV v angličtině a češtině. Pozornost je věnována především primární roli kontextu v rámci jednotlivých prostředků AČV a tomu, jak tuto tezi překladatelé v praxi respektují. Naznačen je i problém záměrného porušování zákonitosti AČV v literárním textu.
Studie se zabývá novými zjištěními v případě uvedených rukopisů a možností, že jako autora antifony Da Pacem je možno určit Costanza Festu., Wojciech Odoj., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 132, anglický abstrakt na s. 115
In this work, the set of procedures to prepare the GPS vector solutions time series (VSTSGPS) to spectrum analyses is presented. This preparation is shared on two stages. In the first stage, the breaks filling was processed. This stage was achieved in two steps. Firstly, the breaks filling was computed on the base of time series of other vectors. Secondly, the breaks filling was computed using the interpolation or extrapolation methods. The next stage of VSTSGPS preparing implicated the time series smoothing to remove the impulse noises. After breaks filling and smoothing the VSTSGPS were tested for admission to further analyses., Daniel Jasiurkowski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Among the programmes aimed at developing a standard model for properties and state of the Earth’s crystalline crust, those dealing with drilling the Kola (SG-3), Ural (SG-4) and German (KTB) superdeep boreholes yielded the most interesting results. No marked depth dependence of rock volume density and seismic wave velocities was observed in the sections of SG-3 and SG-4. A new result of the investigations is the discovery of strongly anisotropic rocks in the SG-3, SG-4 and KTB sections. In the massifs of the Kola and German superdeep boreholes such rocks constitute the majority of the drilled sections. The presence of the velocity anisotropy as well as the complex structure of the rocks composing crystalline metamorphosed sequences greatly hamper the interpretation of the results obtained from the seismic survey conducted at the surface., Felix F. Gobratsevich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We study some properties of generalized reduced Verma modules over $\mathbb{Z}$-graded modular Lie superalgebras. Some properties of the generalized reduced Verma modules and coinduced modules are obtained. Moreover, invariant forms on the generalized reduced Verma modules are considered. In particular, for $\mathbb{Z}$-graded modular Lie superalgebras of Cartan type we prove that generalized reduced Verma modules are isomorphic to mixed products of modules., Keli Zheng, Yongzheng Zhang., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This paper deals with the so-called transitional phase B2/C1, the nature of which is still being debated in the archaeological literature. The heart of the discussion is in its archaeological relevance, the dating, and its cultural, ethnic and social background. THe general consensus is that it dates to the time of Marcomannic wars. On the basis of new archaeological evidence and an analysis of some diagnostic forms found on the datable sites north of the Danube, it is suggested that the Late Roman phase C1a overlaps to a large extent with the so-called transitional B2/C1 phase, which began shortly before AD 180. A question arises of how to define the subsequent phase C1a and whether both phases in question can be seen as separate stages with separate chronological sequences. Controversy surround the proposed detailed division of the transitional phase between Early and Late Roman Period into two phases and therewith also a sharp chronological diffrentiation of the archaeological material from the late 2nd century and approximatively the first third of the 3rd century. The emergence of a specific archaeological milieu relatin to the transitional phase probably has an ethnic and socio-cultiral background. It shows strong infuences from the Roman provinces. Its characteristic features may be considered as a reflection of wars and their aftermath., Jaroslav Tejral., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Let R be a commutative ring. The annihilator graph of R, denoted by AG(R), is the undirected graph with all nonzero zero-divisors of R as vertex set, and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if ann(xy) \neqann R(x)\cup annR(y), where for z \in R, annR(z) = {r \in R: rz = 0}. In this paper, we characterize all finite commutative rings R with planar or outerplanar or ring-graph annihilator graphs. We characterize all finite commutative rings R whose annihilator graphs have clique number 1, 2 or 3. Also, we investigate some properties of the annihilator graph under the extension of R to polynomial rings and rings of fractions. For instance, we show that the graphs AG(R) and AG(T(R)) are isomorphic, where T(R) is the total quotient ring of R. Moreover, we investigate some properties of the annihilator graph of the ring of integers modulo n, where n>1., Mojgan Afkhami, Kazem Khashyarmanesh, Zohreh Rajabi., and Obsahuje bibliografii