The main objective of this paper is to explain how the application of various interpolation methods influence the determination of vertical crustal movements at any given point. The paper compares several methods of interpolation and verifies their suitability, including kriging, minimum curvature, nearest neighbor, natural neighbor, polynomial regression, inverse distance to a power, and triangulation with linear interpolation. The calculations show that the chosen interpolation method has significant influence on the final result of the study. Nearest neighbor method was chosen to be the best., Kamil Kowalczyk, Jacek Rapinski and Marek Mroz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Event history modelling techniques have become increasingly widespread in the social sciences over the last few decades and the range of applications includes demographic and sociological analyses, labour market studies, mobility and migration studies, as well as analyses within political science. In principle, event history analysis represents an extension of the statistical techniques connected with the life table method and can be defined as an analysis of the duration of the non-occurrence of a given event during a risk period. This article devotes attention to the concept of event history analysis in terms of data considerations, basic principles and methods of analysis. In order to discuss the basic methods and their potential to interpret results, the author applied the event-history approach to an analysis of the process of leaving the parental home using data from the Czech Generations and Gender Survey [2005]. The final part of this study discusses some key issues involved in using the event history approach when analysing socio-demographic topics within the Czech context., Anna Šťastná., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
1_ Analysis of chipped stone industry from Kopčany and Brehov (Slovakia). The fl ake stone assemblages (and other assemblages) which were discovered during the excavation of two archaeological sites in Eastern Slovakia – Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov were analysed. Seventeen stone artefacts were found in object No. 24A-D/1974 at Zemplínske Kopčany. Obsidian stone, which is a local raw material, occurs at a higher frequency than imported raw materials – Jurassic fl int “G” and basalt. With the exception of two blanks (cores), the assemblage consists of fi nished tools, most of which were made on blades. Other tools present include two fl ake scrapers and a blunt drill made of Jurassic fl int “G”. One obsidian core is lightly reduced and the second obsidian core has a pyramidal shape. The remainder of the Zemplínske Kopčany assemblage includes ten fi nished products made of local (sedimentary rocks) and imported raw material (amphibolite?). Whetstones are most common and axes are less numerous. The assemblage also includes a wedge, a fragment of an axe-hammer, a globular pestle and conical byproducts from axe-hammer production., 2_ Local raw materials were used at Brehov. The local obsidian dominates and other stone materials are present in small proportions. The typological character of the fl ake industries is also different. Flakes account for 68 % of the artefacts and blades 25 %. Specifi c artefacts are the „łuszcznie“ (“Splitter” in German) though to have been used as chisels or cutting tools. The cores are very small and lightly reduced. One pebble with negative scars and one drill (borer) are also present. Other artefacts include a shaft of a fl at axe made of local hornstone and a fragment of an unfi nished granodiorite axe-hammer with a hole drilled in the middle (possibly originating from the High Tatras?). The analyzed assemblages are compared with assemblages from other Baden Culture sites in Slovakia and in particular to those from the Malopolskie Voivodship. The analyzed artefacts from Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov correspond to two phases in the development of the Baden Culture. The older phase has stronger affi nities to the Funnel Beaker Culture, and in the case of the Brehov site, to a younger phase, which is parallel with the Pleszow-Zesławice group in the Malopolskie Voivodship., Marián Soják., and Obsahuje seznam literaruty
Je známo, že pro analýzu reliability testů, které se užívají pro měření v psychologické diagnostice, je k dispozici velice silná a podrobně rozpracovaná metodologie. V diagnostice se však vyskytují i rozličné klasifikační procedury, kdy observovaná proměnná má pouze nominální charakter. U takových klasifikací se informace o jejich reliabilitě vyskytuje velice vzácně. Jedním z důvodů je samozřejmě fakt, že pro nominální klasifikace není k dispozici tak vypracovaná metodologie, jako u testového měření. Analýza spolehlivosti je v těchto případech většinou založena na Cohen-Fleissově kappa koncepci, tedy analýze konkordance při dvou, nebo více replikacích klasifikace. Cílem této stati je prezentace nové, netradiční metody analýzy reliability klasifikačních procedur, jejímž základem je pravděpodobnostní model chyby v klasifikaci. Tento model je založen na analogickém principu jako „true-error“ model klasické teorie testů., It is known that there is a very powerful and detailed methodology for a reliability analysis of tests that are used for the measurement in psychological diagnostics. However, there are also various diagnostic classification procedures in which observed variable is measured only on a nominal scale. For such classifications, the information about their reliability is available very rarely. Of course, one reason for this is the fact that there is no sufficiently developed methodology for the nominal classification, unlike for the test measurements. The analysis of reliability in these cases is usually based on the Cohen-Fleiss kappa conception, i.e. the concordance analysis of two or more replications of classification. The aim of this paper is to present new, innovative methods of the analysis of reliability of classification procedures, based on a probabilistic model of error in classification. This model is based on analogous principles as the „true-error“ model of classical test theory., Petr Boschek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article on the Romani migration from Slovakia to the territory of the Czech Republic is based on the field research realized by the organization „Člověk v tísni" (People in Need) in
the year 2003. Analysis of this probe has shown that the non-asylum Romani migration was in the year 2003 much stronger than the migration of asylum seekers; that in the case of non-asylum migration this was in the first place an innovation migration, while in the case of
asylum seekers it was a so called survival migration. The non-asylum migration was usually a chain migration either of individuals or families and utilises family relations in the country of
origin as well as in the country of final destination. The information is being handed on not only through families, but also in settlements; some of them even specialize in some kind of
migration. The migration of Romani between the Czech Republic and Slovakia is bid-irectional, but more Romani migrate into the Czech Republic then to Slovakia, due to better economic situation there. Romani migration is a dynamic phenomenon and because of its character, based on close family relations of Romani residents on Czech and Slovak territory, it will for sure continue in future.
Tome I: Ostéologie -- Tome II: Myologie -- Tome III: Névrologie -- Tome IV: Angiologie -- Tome V: Splanchnologie et embryotomie -- and par Jules Cloquet
Recenzent označuje publikaci, která je věnována dějinám komunistického hnutí v západních Čechách v letech 1945 až 1948 s přesahem do konce čtyřicátých let, za průkopnickou. Vznikala totiž už před deseti lety, kdy by některé její závěry byly pro českou historiografii převratnější než dnes. Nejde o úzce zaměřenou regionální studii, autor se snaží na základě bohaté empirie regionální provenience odhalit obecnější faktory, které mohou být při pohledu z mocenského ústředí snadno přehlédnuty, případně se nejeví jako klíčové. Zkoumá poválečný přerod Komunistické strany Československa v masovou stranu, analyzuje vývoj jejího členstva a personální proměny regionální stranické hierarchie. Dospívá přitom ke zjištění, že pro její volební vítězství v roce 1946 byly podstatné vnitropolitické faktory, především pružně uplatňovaná taktika a umírněný program. Recenzent však pokládá za zjednodušující tezi o existenci dvojí poválečné KSČ - strany funkcionářů a strany členů, která si nepřála diktátorský režim a po uchopení moci se cítila podvedená., In the opinion of the reviewer, the work The Cheated Party: The birth of the mass Communist movement in the Plzeň region, its disciplining, centralization and bureaucratization (1945-1948) dedicated to the history of the Communist movement in West Bohemia from 1945 to 1948, with an overlap into the late 1940s, is groundbreaking. As a matter of fact, it originated a decade ago, when some of its conclusions would have been even more revolutionary for the Czech historiography than today. It is not just a regional study with a narrow focus: using rich empirical regional information, the author attempts to reveal more general factors which might be easily overlooked or not regarded as important from the power center. He examines the post-war transformation of the communist party into a mass organization, analyzes the development of its membership, and personal changes in the party hierarchy. He comes to a conclusion that its victory in the 1946 elections was primarily influenced by internal political factors, in particular a moderate programme and flexible tactics. However, the reviewer regards the proposition of the existence of two post-war Communist Parties of Czechoslovakia - one of party functionaries, the other of members who did not wish a dictatorship and felt cheated after the party had usurped power - as overly simplifying., [autor recenze] Matěj Bílý., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy