The aim of the present paper is to offer a new analysis of the multifarious relations between mathematics and reality. We believe that the relation of mathematics to reality is, just like in the case of the natural sciences, mediated by instruments (such as algebraic symbolism, or ruler and compass). Therefore the kind of realism we aim to develop for mathematics can be called instrumental realism. It is a kind of realism, because it is based on the thesis, that mathematics describes certain patterns of reality. And it is instrumental realism, because it pays atten-tion to the role of instruments by means of which mathematics identifies these patterns. The article concludes by offering solutions to some famous semantic paradoxes based on the diagonal construction as corroboration for this claim., Cílem příspěvku je nabídnout novou analýzu rozmanitých vztahů mezi matematikou a realitou. Věříme, že vztah matematiky k realitě je, stejně jako v případě přírodních věd, zprostředkován nástroji (např. Algebraickou symbolikou, pravítkem a kompasem). Proto se druh realismu, který chceme rozvíjet pro matematiku, nazývá instrumentální realismus. Je to druh realismu, protože je založen na tezi, že matematika popisuje určité vzorce reality. A je to instrumentální realismus, protože věnuje pozornost roli nástrojů, pomocí kterých matematika tyto vzorce identifikuje. Článek uzavírá nabídku některých slavných sémantických paradoxů založených na diagonální konstrukci jako důkaz tohoto tvrzení., and Ladislav Kvasz
The paper reports on the determination of basic mechanical material parameters of several concrete and alkali activated concrete and fly ash mixtures intended for the construction of segmental lining used in TBM tunneling. The results of an extensive experimental program are discussed first. The principal attention is accorded to the experimental determination of specific fracture energy from a load-deflection curve, which, when compared to numerical simulations, shows certain inconsistency with the measurements of other material data. This is supported by teh derivation of the data from inverse analysis employing the elements of soft-computing. Dynamic simulation of crack propagation experiments is suggested to reconcile the essential differences and to identify the most important impacts affecting the results of experimental measurements. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The sustainable ecology belongs to the most important issues today. In this field a use of recycled materials is of great interest to people. Consequently, incorporation of industrial waste, concrete and brick scraps and other rubbish into products for civil engineering use is very important. Certain results from experiments carried out in laboratory on standard samples are emerged in this paper. Since the material is not yet enough approved, three main targets are addressed. The first involves the behaviour of fiber reinforced concrete based on aggregates from various recycled material. Then the influence of distance among two or more fibers is observed. For completeness the results from shear tests are presented in the end of this paper., Jiřina Trčková and Petr Procházka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Over the last decade or two, judging by the frequency and jubilance of its sundry invocations, “materialism” seems to have fi nally returned from discursive exile, having barely survived and only with aid from the most unlikely ally. Th at this new materialism is barely recognizable matters little, for the stories of conceptual adventure and the promise of a world beyond our wildest conceptual grasp are so captivating that most fail to notice that the human never appears in them. Th at is precisely the point. Under the guise of materialism, a redemptive nihilism has taken the place of the revolutionary hubris that once struck fear in ruling classes and ideas alike. How did it come to this? Th e stodgy old materialism did not so much lose to the imposter in some marketplace of ideas as it was systematically appropriated, its concepts expropriated, aspirations falsifi ed and entire traditions eff aced. A sustained philosophical and political eff ort to weaken the Left Hegelian tradition – the concept of alienation in particular – preceded today’s ontological restoration, enabling new “materialists” to maintain what is entirely an absurdity (materialism that resides solely and immanently in the object) and an obscenity (radical politics built on arch-conservative principles). Th is essay will identify a few points of ontological infi ltration and argue that critical social theory, for the sake of materialism and not against it, must recuperate the prohibitively idealist conceptual framework – one that is by no means foreign to it and that once went by the name of Reason in History.
In the paper we discuss material selectivity of magneto-optic ellipsometry to components of magnetic nanostructures. Magneto-optical angles (Kerr rotation and ellipticity) have different sensitivity to particular components of nanostructures. A method for separation of their magneto-optic signals using a linear combination of measured hysteresis loops is proposed. The method is supported using the model based on calculation of electromagnetic wave reflection from the nanosystems and experimentaly demonstrated on the structures of: (i) periodic multilayers consisting of NiFe and Co ultrathin films; (ii) magnetically hard nanoparticles in surface layer of amorphous FeNbB ribbons; and (iii) selforganized multiferroincs on basis of Bi- and Co-ferrite. and V článku je diskutována materiálová citlivost magnetooptických elipsometrických metod na dílčí složky magnetických nanostruktur. Magnetooptické úhly (Kerrova rotace a elipticita) vykazují odlišnou citlivost k jednotlivým komponentám nanostruktur. Je navržena metoda separace jejich magnetooptických signálů pomocí lineární kombinace měřených magnetizačních smyček. Princip separace je ověřen modelem založeným na výpočtu odrazu elektromagnetických vln od nanosystémů a experimentálně demonstrován na: (i) periodických multivrstvách obsahujících NiFe a Co ultratenké vrstvy; (ii) magneticky tvrdších nanočásticích v povrchové vrstvě amorfních pásků FeNbB; a (iii) samoorganizovaných multiferoikách na bázi Bi- a Co-feritů.
The newest generation of nuclear reactors (GEN IV) with a planned outlet temperature up to 500°C or even higher, require materials with higher radiation and thermal resistant than those used in current reactors. Some also require high corrosion resistance in different cooling media such as supercritical water, molten salt, etc. Research and development of materials for construction have run alongside the development of the reactors, however the final decision about the material for some components is still missing. This paper gives an overview of the most perspective materials for the GEN IV reactors., Jana Veterníková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article’s task is to bring information about building of optical laboratory at Tomas Bata University in Zlin to Czech research and scientific community. This optical laboratory continues on the work of Laboratory of terahertz spectroscopy at the Institute of Physic, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague. The optical laboratory in Zlin will concentrate on studying materials used for manufacturing optical elements for forming of terahertz beam, with focus on polymers which are a traditional area of research in Zlin. and Článek má za úkol informovat českou odbornou veřejnost o budování optické laboratoře na Univerzitě Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, která se prioritně bude zabývat aplikacemi terahertzové oblasti spektra a tím navazovat na Laboratoř terahertzové spektroskopie na Fyzikálním ústavu Akademie věd ČR, která byla vybudována za účelem základního výzkumu v dané oblasti. Optická laboratoř ve Zlíně bude studovat především materiály užité k výrobě optických prvků pro formování terahertzového svazku, se zaměřením na polymery (polymerní technologie jsou tradičně rozvíjeny na Univerzitě Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně).