Over the last decade, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of projects and discoveries relating to Iron Age iron in the UK. These include the discovery of one of the earliest smelting furnaces at Messingham, North Lincolnshire, an extensive industry along the Thames Valley and finds of iron objects including swords and spearheads within the graves of the Arras culture of Eastern Yorkshire, for example at Pocklington. There has also been an encouraging increase of the number of PhD theses being undertaken in UK universities on early iron objects and their production and deposition, including those supervised and examined by the writer. This contribution will consider the origins of iron production in Iron Age Britain and the relationship between iron production, its uses and the deposition of iron artefacts within the landscape in the light of these recent discoveries. and Během posledního desetiletí došlo k výraznému nárůstu počtu projektů a objevů souvisejících se železem doby železné ve Velké Británii. Patří mezi ně objev jedné z nejranějších tavicích pecí v Messinghamu v severním Lincolnshiru, rozsáhlá výroba tradičních nástrojů podél údolí Temže a nálezy železných předmětů včetně mečů a hrotů kopí v hrobech arrasské kultury východního Yorkshiru, například u Pocklingtonu. Došlo také k povzbudivému nárůstu počtu doktorských prací realizovaných na britských univerzitách (některé pod autorovým vedením), zabývajících se nejstaršími železnými předměty a jejich výrobou a deponováním. Příspěvek se zabývá počátky výroby železa ve Velké Británii a vztahy mezi výrobou železa, jeho použitím a ukládáním železných artefaktů v krajině ve světle těchto nejnovějších objevů.
A modern seismological network with telemetric data transfer has been constructed in southern Bohemia. The network is made up of 5 stations equipped with Reftek DAS (Data Acquistion System) 130-01 Broadband Seismic Recorders and GeoSIG VE-53 triaxial velocity sensors with a natural frequency of 1 Hz. The network works at a sample rate of 250 Hz. The main purpose of this network is to monitor local seismicity in southern Bohemia with a special focus on seismic activity in the vicinity of the Temelin NPP. The sensitivity in the central part of the network is at least 0.0 ML. In addition to monitoring local tectonic movements it also monitors the effects of Alpine earthquakes in the area of southern Bohemia. For this reason one of the sites on the network is equipped with a GeoSIG AC-63 triaxial force balanced accelerometer., Vladimír Nehybka, Romana Hanžlová, Jan Otruba, Jan Švancara and Radim Vlach., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This contribution is focused on the analysis of dynamic behavior of elastic continuum moving in liquid. The method of solution is demonstrated on the non-stationatr movement of a bar in a real, incompressible liquid. The principle of the solution is based on the modal transformation of the bar and discrete process using the finite element method (FEM). The problem is in general non-linear. However, the method introduced in this contribution allows the solution which provides gradual separation of the movement of liquid and the movement of the bar. This substitution is entered analogously on the finite element and is dependent on the normal coordinates. The result is a tensor of additional effects. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper presents a variant of a mathematical model of continuum mechanics. Adaption of the model is focused on the unsteady term. The solution is based on the assumption of the zero value of the divergence vector, which can have a different physical meaning. and Obsahuje seznam literatury a názvosloví
The ‘Celts Beneath the Pálava Hills’ exhibition was installed at the end of the summer of 2020 at the Regional Museum in Mikulov. The museum prepared the exhibition in cooperation with the Moravian Museum and the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno. Along with other unique exhibits, an assemblage of 70 metal artefacts stored in Dolní Dunajovice in the study collection of the Research Centre for the Roman and Great Migration periods of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, was chosen to be displayed for this event. The article presents 47 small artefacts made of copper alloys, 18 coins and five glass artefacts from 17 cadastral units, which enriched the exhibition with a variety of characteristic LT C and D1 finds. They do not form a complete collection, as their common denominator is that they were found in 2011–2017 solely by metal detectorists working together with the archaeologists from the workplace where the finds are stored. These never-before-published artefacts and the qualities of each deserve to be presented both to the public and the professional community. These artefacts include finds which, in the context of the Late Iron Age of south Moravia, are unique objects (including two bronze figurines) that are significant contributions to the clarification and differentiation of the topography of the La Tène settlement structure in the studied region.
In this review the authors outline traditional antiresorptive pharmaceuticals, such as bisphosphonates, monoclonal antibodies against RANKL, SERMs, as well as a drug with an anabolic effect on the skeleton, parathormone. However, there is also a focus on non-traditional strategies used in therapy for osteolytic diseases. The newest antiosteoporotic pharmaceuticals increase osteoblast differentiation via BMP signaling (harmine), or stimulate osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells through Wnt/β-catenin (icarrin, isoflavonoid caviunin, or sulfasalazine). A certain promise in the treatment of osteoporosis is shown by molecules targeting non-coding microRNAs (which are critical for osteoclastogenesis) or those stimulating osteoblast activity via epigenetic mechanisms. Vitamin D metabolites have specific antiosteoporotic potencies, modulating the skeleton not only via mineralization, but markedly also through the direct effects on the bone microstructure., I. Zofkova, J. Blahos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
First-stage larvae of camallanid nematodes Procamallanus (Procamallanus) laeviconchus (Wedl, 1862) and Procamallanus (Procamallanus) sp. from naturally infected Distichodus niloticus (Hasselquist) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), respectively, from Lake Turkana, Kenya (new geographical records) are described, being for the first time studied by scanning electron microscopy. Larvae of both species are characterised by the presence of a dorsal cephalic tooth, four submedian cephalic papillae and a pair of amphids, and by the elongate tail with several terminal digit-like processes. The latter formations probably serve for the attachment of larvae to the substrate in water when the larvae attract copepod intermediate hosts by their movements; these structures, especially their numbers, may be of taxonomic importance in camallanid nematodes.
Examination of the type material of Progrillotia dollfusi Carvajal et Rego, 1983, and of new specimens recently collected off the coast of Argentina (including plerocerci from 10 species of teleosts and adults from Squatina guggenheim Marini), allowed a detailed redescription of this species and the evaluation of its current taxonomic status. The following characters that have been treated inconsistently by different authors have been herein corrected or confirmed: band of hooklets on external surface restricted to the base of the tentacle, external surface of metabasal region with 3-5 intercalary hooks arranged in a single row merging immediately to a cluster of 3-4 hooklets arranged in two rows; retractor muscle originating in the posterior third of the bulb, hollow hooks, and posterior margin of bothria notched. These features along with the presence of postovarian testes in the adults clearly confirm the placement of P. dollfusi in the genus Grillotia Guiart, 1927. In order to avoid the homonymy with Grillotia dollfusi Carvajal, 1971, a new name, Grillotia carvajalregorum nom. n., is proposed. This species differs from the 16 valid species in the genus in the combination of the following characters: number and morphology of hooks in principal rows in proximal metabasal region of the tentacle, number and distribution of intercalary hooks, presence of clusters of hooklets, extent of band of hooklets on external surface of basal armature, site of origin of the retractor muscle, and features of the terminal genitalia. The present study describes the plerocerci and adult worms, and provides detailed description of the microthrix pattern and histology of this species for the first time.
We consider partial abelian monoids, in particular generalized effect algebras. From the given structures, we construct new ones by introducing a new operation ⊕, which is given by restriction of the original partial operation + with respect to a special subset called . We bring some derived properties and characterizations of these new built structures, supporting the results by illustrative examples.
The nonimprovable sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of the problem u' (t) = l(u)(t) + q(t), u(a) = c, where l : C(I; R) → L(I; R) is a linear bounded operator, q ∈ L(I; R), c ∈ R, are established which are different from the previous results. More precisely, they are interesting especially in the case where the operator ` is not of Volterra’s type with respect to the point a.