This paper presents bees algorithm (BA) for null steering of linear antenna arrays by controlling only the element positions. The BA is an optimization algorithm inspired by the natural foraging behavior of honey bees to find the optimal solution. To show the versatility and flexibility of the proposed BA, several examples of Chebyshev array pattern with the imposed single, multiple and broad nulls are given. It is found that the nulling technique based on BA is capable of steering the array nulls precisely to the undesired interference directions. For practical consideration, the sensitivity of the produced patterns due to small variations of the element positions is also examined by rounding the element position values to the second decimal position.
Chronology of the bloomery fields of the Iron Age is a very complex and interesting subject. Usually it can be established by radiocarbon analysis of the organic debris, mainly charcoal fragments, found at the bottom of slag-pit furnaces or by dating archaeological material collected from the sites during excavations. Both methods however, based on very limited material, often provide only broad time frames for the occupation of the sites. In Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy, where several large bloomery fields were located very close to or even within the Iron Age settlements, frequently a number of slag-pit furnaces were recorded in stratigraphic relations with other archaeological features. The chronology of those features could be established more precisely by analysing their archaeological contents. The aim of this paper will be to discuss the chronological implications for the slag-pit furnaces found in such relations. The results of this assessment will be compared with series of radiocarbon measurements from the Mazovian Centre which haven’t been published so far. and Chronologie železářských hutí doby železné je složité téma. Obvykle ji lze stanovit radiokarbonovou analýzou organických zbytků, zejména úlomků dřevěného uhlí ze dna zahloubených nístějí nebo datováním dalšího archeologického materiálu. Obě metody, založené na velmi omezeném materiálu, však často poskytují velmi široký časový rámec osídlení lokality. V Mazovském metalurgickém centru, kde bylo několik velkých železářských hutí umístěno velmi blízko, nebo dokonce v prostoru sídlišť doby železné, bylo často zaznamenáno mnoho pecí se zahloubenou nístějí ve stratigrafických vztazích sjinými archeologickými objekty. Chronologii těchto objektů lze přesněji stanovit analýzou jejich archeologického obsahu. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je diskutovat dopady na chronologii železářských pecí nalezených v takovýchto souvislostech. Výsledky tohoto hodnocení budou porovnány sřadou dosud nezveřejněných radiokarbonových měření z Mazovského centra.
Introduction: Prominences are well suited for investigating the energy balance, radiative transfer, and complex interchange of mass between the solar photosphere, chromosphere and corona. They are still a subject of interest in solar physics. The spectral analysis and morphological properties of prominences usually provide us with an important information on the dynamics, radiative transfer, and stability of the prominences. Of a great interest are the prominences with centrál reversal in their Hα profile since they may display appreciable variations in activity. Such observations
have also been included in our scientific programme with the
Stará Lesná spectrograph because a long series of Hα profiles of prominences can be recorded.
This article is focused on research of interaction and interpenetration of Christian and archaic mythologies and revealing of beliefs’ traits of another folks in the etiological legends concerning Moon spots. To solve this problem the following issues are considered to systematization and classification of the complex of etiological legends concerning Moon spots; detection of archaic origins and Christian elements presented in the Moon spots legends; comparative analysis of Belarusian Moon spots legends with such legends of other folks to show genesis and relations of some legends. We used for analysis this sources: ethnographic material from the 19th and 20th century, digital Polesie archive, “field”-materials collected by the author and another researchers in 2005–2008. As a result we show that some Moon spots legends could migrate to Belorussia region from Poland, Russia and Lithuania. Also archaic origins in the legends were revealed.