Mutant Lurcher mice represent an animal model of naturally
occurring cerebellar degeneration. A gene mutation causes the
demise of all Purkinje cells, as along with certain other types, as
well as the functional elimination of the cerebellar cortex.
Involvement in the research using this model of the C3H strain
began at the Department of Physiology, UCL in 1995/96.
It continued in scientific cooperation with other European
laboratories where we obtained Lurcher mice of the B6CBA
strain. The aim of the effort was first to identify the extent to
which the cerebellum is involved in the higher nervous activity,
i.e. cognitive and other functions. In that research, use was
made of an entire array of methodological procedures to examine
learning, memory, motor functions and emotional behavior.
It was completed with an electrophysiological examination of the
brain and special microscopic procedures. The results
demonstrated that the cerebellum (aside from its traditional
tasks) does in fact play a significant role in cognitive function,
emotions, etc. It was further found that the neurodegenerative
processes also affected the immune and endocrine functions,
confirming the concept of the unity of the psychoneuroendocrine-immune system. Surprisingly, despite their
neurological impairment, the affected animals were able to learn
to some extent and, make progress with physical training,
improving not only their motor skills but also learning and
memory, including deferring of signs of aging. These particular
findings may prove useful for human medicine.
In the paper, I distinguish between the semantic and the ''direct'' approach to event ontology. The first approach, employed by D. Davidson, starts with logical analysis of natural language. This analysis uncovers quantification over the domain of events. Thus, we have ontological commitment to events and, at the same time, also a suggestion of how to view their nature. The second approach, used by J. Kim and D. Lewis, deals with events ''directly'', i.e. not by analyzing language first. Events are postulated because they are useful in other theories (of causation, explanation, etc.) and their nature is adjusted to the needs of these theories. In the paper, I analyze both approaches and outline their problems and advantages. I conclude that we should conditionally prefer the latter approach on methodological grounds. This preference is based on the assumption that submitting hypotheses to tests seems to be a crucial part of metaphysical methodology. Since the ''direct'' approach to event ontology allows for more testing, it should be preferred over the semantic approach., V příspěvku rozlišuji mezi sémantickým a ,,přímým'' přístupem k ontologii událostí. První přístup, který používá D. Davidson, začíná logickou analýzou přirozeného jazyka. Tato analýza odhaluje kvantifikaci v oblasti událostí. Máme proto ontologický závazek k událostem a zároveň i návrh na to, jak se dívat na jejich povahu. Druhý přístup, který používají J. Kim a D. Lewis, se zabývá událostmi ,,přímo'', tj. Ne analýzou jazyka jako první. Události jsou postulovány, protože jsou užitečné v jiných teoriích (příčin, vysvětlení atd.) A jejich povaha je přizpůsobena potřebám těchto teorií. V příspěvku analyzuji oba přístupy a nastiňuji jejich problémy a výhody. Závěrem konstatuji, že bychom měli z metodických důvodů upřednostňovat druhý přístup. Tato preference je založena na předpokladu, že předložení hypotéz k testům se zdá být klíčovou součástí metafyzické metodiky. Protože ,,přímý'' přístup k ontologii událostí umožňuje více testování, mělo by být upřednostňováno před sémantickým přístupem., and Eugen Zeleňák
Among the many characterizations of the class of Baire one, Darboux real-valued functions of one real variable, the 1907 characterization of Young and the 1997 characterization of Agronsky, Ceder, and Pearson are particularly intriguing in that they yield interesting classes of functions when interpreted in the two-variable setting. We examine the relationship between these two subclasses of the real-valued Baire one defined on the unit square.
We establish two new norm convergence theorems for Henstock-Kurzweil integrals. In particular, we provide a unified approach for extending several results of R. P. Boas and P. Heywood from one-dimensional to multidimensional trigonometric series.
We prove an extension theorem for modular functions on arbitrary lattices and an extension theorem for measures on orthomodular lattices. The first is used to obtain a representation of modular vector-valued functions defined on complemented lattices by measures on Boolean algebras. With the aid of this representation theorem we transfer control measure theorems, Vitali-Hahn-Saks and Nikodým theorems and the Liapunoff theorem about the range of measures to the setting of modular functions on complemented lattices.
Let SP be the set of upper strongly porous at 0 subsets of \mathbb{R}^{+} and let Î(SP) be the intersection of maximal ideals I\subseteq SP. Some characteristic properties of sets E \in Î(SP) are obtained. We also find a characteristic property of the intersection of all maximal ideals contained in a given set which is closed under subsets. It is shown that the ideal generated by the so-called completely strongly porous at 0 subsets of \mathbb{R}^{+} is a proper subideal of Î(SP). Earlier, completely strongly porous sets and some of their properties were studied in the paper V.Bilet, O.Dovgoshey (2013/2014)., Viktoriia Bilet, Oleksiy Dovgoshey, Jürgen Prestin., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Let $q$ be a positive integer, $\chi $ denote any Dirichlet character $\mod q$. For any integer $m$ with $(m, q)=1$, we define a sum $C(\chi, k, m; q)$ analogous to high-dimensional Kloosterman sums as follows: $$ C(\chi, k, m; q)=\sum _{a_1=1}^{q}{}' \sum _{a_2=1}^{q}{}' \cdots \sum _{a_k=1}^{q}{}' \chi (a_1+a_2+\cdots +a_k+m\overline {a_1a_2\cdots a_k}), $$ where $a\cdot \overline {a}\equiv 1\bmod q$. The main purpose of this paper is to use elementary methods and properties of Gauss sums to study the computational problem of the absolute value $|C(\chi, k, m; q)|$, and give two interesting identities for it.
Archaeometallographic data suggest that there were two technological models in Eastern Europe as early as the Bronze Age–Early Iron Age transition period (9th–7th centuries BC). We link their development to two routes via which knowledge of use of ferrous metals diffused from Anatolia. The first route reached the North Caucasus, the second route passed through Greece and the Balkans to Central and Eastern Europe. and Archeometalografická data naznačují, že již v přechodu mezi dobou bronzovou a ranou dobou železnou (9.–7. stol. př. n. l.) existovaly ve východní Evropě dva technologické modely zpracování železa. Jejich rozvoj spojujeme se dvěma trasami, kterými se znalosti užívání železných kovů z Anatolie rozšířily. První trasa překročila Zakavkazsko, druhá trasa vedla přes Řecko a Balkán do střední a východní Evropy.