Recenzent důkladně rozebírá monografii věnovanou vývoji etnických vztahů v Makedonii od počátku devadesátých let. Autor sice podle něj pracoval s rozsáhlou pramennou základnou a podnikl seriózní badatelskou přípravu, výsledek tomu ale příliš neodpovídá. Recenzent poukazuje na řadu výkladových i faktografických chyb a nepřesností, které vycházejí většinou z nedostatečného porozumění širšímu historickému kontextu složitých problémů etnického vývoje ve studovaném regionu., The reviewer thoroughly analyses this publication, which is devoted to the development of ethnic relations in Macedonia since the beginning of the 1990s. Though the author, according to the reviewer, has worked with a large base of sources and has done serious research, the result does not really reflect that effort. The reviewer points out a number of mistakes in interpretations and facts, as well as imprecision stemming from a general lack of truly understanding the wider historical context of the complicated problems of ethnic development in this region., [autor recenze] Jan Pelikán., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Let $S^{\prime }$ be the class of tempered distributions. For $f\in S^{\prime }$ we denote by $J^{-\alpha }f$ the Bessel potential of $f$ of order $\alpha $. We prove that if $J^{-\alpha }f\in \mathop {\mathrm BMO}$, then for any $\lambda \in (0,1)$, $J^{-\alpha }(f)_\lambda \in \mathop {\mathrm BMO}$, where $(f)_\lambda =\lambda ^{-n}f(\phi (\lambda ^{-1}\cdot ))$, $\phi \in S$. Also, we give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that the Bessel potential of a tempered distribution of order $\alpha >0$ belongs to the $\mathop {\mathrm VMO}$ space.
Early mouse neural stem cells (NSCs) first appear in embryonic day E5.5 and express pluripotency markers Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and early neural marker Sox1. Early NSCs are a good model for understanding the role of various pathways that control initial neural commitment. However, a protocol for differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into early NSCs by adherent monolayer culture has not yet been established. Hence, in this study, we identified the combination of growth factors and small molecules that differentiated mouse ESCs into early NSCs and supported their proliferation. Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was the first factor to be tested and it was found that ESCs can differentiate into early neurogenic lineage in the presence of LIF. However, we found that the induction is weaker in the presence of LIF as compared to cells differentiated in its absence. GSK-3 inhibitor, along with BMP and TGF-β pathway inhibitor (dual SMAD inhibition), are commonly used to sequentially direct ESCs towards NSCs. However, when we used this combination, mouse ESCs failed to differentiate into early NSCs. We observed that by adding Wnt inhibitor to the combination of GSK-3 inhibitor, BMP inhibitor, TGF-β inhibitor and LIF, it was possible to differentiate ESCs into early NSCs. qRT-PCR analysis of early NSCs illustrated that they expressed key pluripotency genes Oct4 and Nanog, albeit at levels lower than non-differentiated ESCs, along with early neural markers Sox1 and Pax6.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with increased fracture risk; the underlying mechanism remains unexplained. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between body composition and bone and glucose metabolism in postmenopausal women wit h T2DM. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition. A total of 68 postme nopausal women with T2DM and 71 controls were eligible for the study. In contrast to normal BMD in T2DM, a similar prevalence of low-trauma fractures was observed in both groups. T2DM women had significantly higher Trunk fat% and A/G ratio and significantly lower Legs LM% and Legs FM%. Legs LM% was significantly lower in fractured T2DM group and negatively correlated with glycaem ia and HbA1c (p<0.01). Serum osteocalcin was significantly lower in T2DM and inversely correlated with FM%, Trunk FM% and A/G ratio (p<0.01) and positively correlated with Legs FM% and total LM% (p<0.05). In conclusion, abdominal obesity and decrease in mu scle mass may contribute to low bone formation in T2DM women. Further research is needed to unravel underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and to determine whether maintenance of muscle mass, especially in the lower extremities and/or reduction of centra l fat mass can prevent fractures., I. Raška Jr., M. Rašková, V. Zikán, J. Škrha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie otevírá téma fungování expertního prostředí psychodisciplín (psychiatrie, psychologie, psychoterapie apod.) v socialistickém Československu, a to nikoli ve smyslu jejich vnitrooborového vývoje, nýbrž proměny jejich společenské a kulturní funkce a vztahu k politické moci. Autorka sleduje oborové společenství psychoterapeutů od šedesátých let, jeho polooficiální institucionální a vzdělávací platformy, prosazování psychoterapie v systému socialistického zdravotnictví, její vztah k ostatním psychodisciplínám a komunikaci s odbornými trendy na Západě. V centru její pozornosti je zejména první vzdělávací psychoterapeutický systém v Československu označovaný jako SUR (jde o akronym utvořený z iniciál příjmení tří zakladatelů - Jaroslava Skály, Edmunda Urbana a Jaromíra Rubeše), který fungoval od roku 1967 a jímž do konce osmdesátých let prošlo na dva tisíce účastníků. Vyznačoval se především sebezkušenostním principem výcviku, kdy na sebe terapeuti aplikovali stejné metody a režim jako na pacienty. Po roce 1989 zažil obor obrovský rozkvět a psychoterapeutické přístupy k mezilidským vztahům i vlastnímu „já“ se staly nejen módní záležitostí a dobrým obchodním artiklem, ale též hlubší součástí každodenního života. Tuto proměnu autorka konfrontuje s literaturou věnovanou takzvané psychoterapeutizaci společnosti v západní Evropě. Uzavírá, že Michelem Foucaultem inspirované analýzy psychodisciplín jako opory expertního vládnutí (Nikolas Rose) jsou sice lákavé i pro výklad období neoliberální dominance v českých zemích, avšak pomíjejí specifický historický kontext subverzivnosti psychoterapie v pozdním socialismu, využívání zdrojů socialistického zdravotnictví i jejich výpadku po roce 1989., a1_The study opens the topic of the functioning of the expert environment of psychic disciplines (psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, etc.) in socialist Czechoslovakia; not in the sense of their intradisciplinary evolution, but rather with a view to transformations of their social and cultural function and relationship to political powers-that-be. The authoress monitors the professional community of psychotherapists since the 1960s, its semi-official institutional and educational platforms, promotion of psychotherapy in the socialist system of medical care, relation of psychotherapy to other psychic disciplines, and communication with professional trends in the West. She focuses maily on the first educational psycho- therapeutic system in Czechoslovakia known as SUR (it is an acronym consisting of the initials of its three founders - Jaroslav Skála, Edmund Urban and Jaromír Rubeš), which was in use since 1967 and which some 2,000 participants passed through by the end of the 1980s. It was characterized by a self-experience training principle, with therapists applying the same metods and regimes to themselves as to patients. Since 1989 the discipline has experienced a tremendous boom and psychotherapeutic approaches to interpersonal relations and to the "ego" have become not just an "in" thing and a good business, but also a deeper part of everyday life. The authoress confronts the transformation with literature dedicated to the so-called psychotherapization of society in Western Europe., a2_She concludes that analyses of psychic disciplines as tools of expert rule (Nikola Rose), which were inspired by Michel Foucault, while potentially tempting as an interpretation tool of the period of neo-liberal dominance in the Czech Lands, ignore the specific historical context of the subversive nature of psychotherapy during the period of late socialism, utilization of resources of the socialist medical care system, and their failure after 1989., Adéla Gjuričová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy