Using the concept of $\mathcal {I}$-convergence we provide a Korovkin type approximation theorem by means of positive linear operators defined on an appropriate weighted space given with any interval of the real line. We also study rates of convergence by means of the modulus of continuity and the elements of the Lipschitz class.
In this paper, a learning algorithm for a novel neural network architecture motivated by Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model (IFN) is proposed and tested for various applications where a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network is conventionally used. It is observed that inclusion of a few more biological phenomenon in the formulation of artificial neural networks make them more prevailing. Several benchmark and real-life problems of classification and function-approximation are illustrated.
In this paper, a local approach to the concept of g-entropy is presented. Applying the Choquet`s representation Theorem, the introduced concept is stated in terms of g-entropy.
In this paper we establish a new local convergence theorem for partial sums of arbitrary stochastic adapted sequences. As corollaries, we generalize some recently obtained results and prove a limit theorem for the entropy density of an arbitrary information source, which is an extension of case of nonhomogeneous Markov chains.
This paper presents a design tool of impedance controllers for robot manipulators, based on the formulation of Lyapunov functions. The proposed control approach addresses two cha\-llen\-ges: the regulation of the interaction forces, ensured by the impedance error converging to zero, while preserving a suitable path tracking despite constraints imposed by the environment. The asymptotic stability of an equilibrium point of the system, composed by full non\-li\-near robot dynamics and the impedance control, is demonstrated according to Lyapunov's direct method. The system's performance was tested through the real-time experimental implementation of an interaction task involving a two degree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot.
Philosophy of technology was not initially considered a consolidated field of inquiry. However, under the influence of sociology and pragmatist philosophy, something resembling a consensus has emerged in a field previously marked by a lack of agreement amongst its practitioners. This has given the field a greater sense of structure and yielded interesting research. However, the loss of the earlier “messy” state has resulted in a limitation of the field’s scope and methodology that precludes an encompassing view of the problematic issues inherent in the question of technology. It is argued that the heterodox disunity and diversity of earlier philosophy of technology was not a mark of theoretical immaturity but was necessitated by the field’s complex subject matter. It is further argued that philosophy of technology should return to its pluralistic role as a meta-analytical structure linking insights from different fields of research. and Filosofi e techniky nebyla zpočátku považována za ucelenou oblast bádání. Pod vlivem sociologie a pragmatické fi losofi e se však postupně začal utvářet určitý konsensus, který dal fi losofi i techniky větší strukturovanost a nová témata k výzkumů. Ztráta dřívějšího „chaotického“ stavu však vedla k omezení rozsahu a metodiky tohoto oboru a znesnadňuje komplexní pohled, který je pro zkoumání technologie nezbytný. V tomto článku budeme zastávat pozici, že heterodoxní nejednotnost a rozmanitost dřívější fi losofi e techniky nebyla známkou teoretické nezralosti, ale nutným důsledkem složitosti zkoumané oblasti. Filosofi e techniky by se dle nás měla vrátit ke své pluralitní roli metaanalytické struktury, která spojuje poznatky z různých oblastí výzkumu.
Let $(H,\alpha )$ be a monoidal Hom-Hopf algebra and $(A,\beta )$ a right $(H,\alpha )$-Hom-comodule algebra. We first introduce the notion of a relative Hom-Hopf module and prove that the functor $F $ from the category of relative Hom-Hopf modules to the category of right $(A, \beta )$-Hom-modules has a right adjoint. Furthermore, we prove a Maschke type theorem for the category of relative Hom-Hopf modules. In fact, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the functor that forgets the $(H, \alpha )$-coaction to be separable. This leads to a generalized notion of integrals.
In this paper a model for the recovery of human and economic activities in a region, which underwent a serious disaster, is proposed. The model treats the case that the disaster region has an industrial collaboration with a non-disaster region in the production system and, especially, depends upon each other in technological development. The economic growth model is based on the classical theory of R. M. Solow (1956), and the full model is described as a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations.
In this paper we show that the measure generated by the indefinite Henstock-Kurzweil integral is $F_{\sigma \delta }$ regular. As a result, we give a shorter proof of the measure-theoretic characterization of the Henstock-Kurzweil integral.