A new lecanicephalidean genus is erected for cestodes previously recognised as "New Genus 12" (Polypocephalidae) in a phylogenetic analysis of the interrelationship of members of this order. Examination of the cestode fauna of the mangrove whipray, Urogymnus granulatus (Macleay) (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) from the Solomon Islands and northern Australia revealed the existence of specimens representing two new species, consistent in morphology with "New Genus 12." Corollapex gen. n. is unique among the 24 valid lecanicephalidean genera in its possession of an apical organ in the form of an external retractable central disk surrounded by eight concave muscular, membrane-bound pads and an internal heterogeneous glandular component. The two new species described herein, Corollapex cairae sp. n. (type species) and Corollapex tingoi sp. n., differ from one another in overall size and number of mature and immature proglottids, and are noted to demonstrate a differential distribution between mature and juvenile host individuals. Additional species diversity in the new genus, beyond C. cairae sp. n., C. tingoi sp. n., and "New Genus 12 n. sp. 1" of Jensen et al. (2016) is suggested. Corollapex gen. n. appears to be restricted to dasyatid hosts in the Indo-West Pacific region., Kaylee S. Herzog, Kirsten Jensen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cathodoluminescence is a phenomenon of some materials which is generated by electron beam interaction with a luminescence matter. The result of this interaction is production of the photons of infrared, visible and ultraviolet parts of electromagnetic spectrum. The technique to release the photons from luminescence materials can be applied to semiconductors, grains of minerals, chemical substances providing fluorescence; or specific labels bound to biological samples. The method serves for their deeper ultrastructural analysis. This presented study is focused on cryo-system which is a part of scanning electron microscope and its utilization in measurement of cathodoluminescence, especially the dependence of its spectrum on temperature of samples. and Katodoluminiscence je jev, který vzniká interakcí elektronového svazku s materiálem generujícím luminiscenci. Jeho výsledkem je produkce fotonů v infračervené, viditelné a ultrafialové oblasti elektromagnetického spektra. Metodika emise fotonů z luminiscenčních materiálů může být aplikována na polovodiče, zrna minerálů v horninách, chemické látky poskytující fluorescenci nebo specifické značky vázané na biologické vzorky a slouží k jejich hlubším analýzám. Předkládaná práce je zaměřena na využití systému chlazení vzorků v rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu a určení závislosti katodoluminiscenčního spektra na teplotě vzorku.
Samples of bottom ash and fly ash coming from the combustion of lignite with the addition of limestone, from the cocombustion of lignite and wood residue with limestone and from co-combustion of lignite, wood residue, biological sludges from the waste water treatment plant and municipal waste as well with the addition of limestone were examined. Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalyser were used for study of morphology and chemical composition of ash particles. The results were compared with average composition of bottom ashes, fly ashes and input materials found by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and with phase composition found by X-ray diffraction method. There were proved no significant differences in the character and the structure of individual samples coming from various regimes of combustion., Vladimír Tomášek, Ondřej Šustai, Jana Seidlerová, Zdeněk Klika, Martin Stach, Zdeněk Weiss and Václav Roubíček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The study of natural materials, a creating of their similarities from the point of view of constructions, structures and materials is relatively new and a perspective field connecting results of scientific research of biologists, chemists, physicists, material engineers, constructors and designers. At present day a lot of these results were transferred into the industry application. How we can see natural materials could become a source of inspiration on a field of materials, technologies and constructions as well as on the field of nanotechnologies. and Studium přírodních materiálů, vytváření jejich analogií z hlediska konstrukcí, struktur i materiálů je relativně novým a neobyčejně perspektivním oborem, který dokáže spojovat výsledky bádání biologů, chemiků, fyziků, materiálových inženýrů, konstruktérů a designérů. V současné době řada výsledků těchto výzkumů dosáhla i svých průmyslových aplikací. Jak je postupně zjišťováno, přírodní materiály se nám mohou stát zdrojem inspirace v oblasti materiálů, technologií a konstrukcí stejně tak jako v oblasti nanotechnologií.
The present scanning electron microscopy study describes the development of Lecanicillium muscarium, strain DAOM 198499, on the surface of diverse hosts, including Sphaerotheca fuliginea, a fungal host, and Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Aphidius nigripes, insect hosts. The hosts were sprayed with a conidial suspension of L. muscarium (107 conidia/ml). The specimens used in the SEM investigation were collected at particular periods after spraying and prepared for scanning using standard methods. Germination tubes developed twenty-four hours after applying L. muscarium conidia to each host. Hyphae were attached to the host by a thin mucilaginous matrix. Seventy-two hours after spraying, hyphae of S. fuliginea had collapsed and were encircled by the parasite, and primary sporulation of L. muscarium was observed. On the aphid host, colonization started with adherence of the conidia to the host cuticle, followed by conidial germination and growth of mycelium on the surface of the insect's integument. After 48 to 72 h, post colonization, the first sporulation was observed on the cuticle, particularly at articulations. The mode of parasitism of A. nigripes by this fungus was similar to that of the aphid. Development of L. muscarium was observed on both mummified aphids (containing the pupae of parasitoids) and adult parasitoids.
V tomto článku je prezentováno využití mikroskopie magnetické síly při studiu vlastností záznamových prostředí pevných disků. Kromě matematické formulace tohoto problému jsou zde uvedeny snímky získané pomocí mikroskopu Accurex II L, které ukazují rozložení signálu úměrně magnetické intenzitě v různých výškách nad povrchem studovaných vzorků. Dále je zde nastíněn postup při výpočtu měřeného signálu a interpretace získaných snímků. V závěru článku jsou popsány možnosti využití mikroskopie magnetické síly v oblasti záznamových médií i mimo ni., Martin Šiler, Ivan Ohlídal, Petr Klapetek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The external morphology of two bucephalid digenean parasites of Conger conger (Linnaeus) (Congridae, Anguilliformes) caught northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1905 and P. aculeatus Odhner, 1905, were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM techniques elucidated new external morphological details, mainly relating to the tegument and protruding organs, such as, in P. crucibulum, a papilla-like structure associated with the pharynx and, in P. aculeatus, the cirrus. The tegument bears scale-like spines, which in both species are arranged quincuncially. The spines of P. crucibulum are wider than long and cover the major part of the body and rhynchus. However, no spines were found in either the central apical depression of the rhynchus or in the middle of the ventral indentation. Also, spines were rarely seen on the tegument around mouth, around the genital aperture or close to the excretory pore. P. aculeatus has spines of a different shape, as wide as they are long and with a rounded margin. They cover the whole body and almost the entire rhynchus, but none were found in the middle of the rhynchus or on its neck region.
Xerophytic stomatal traits may help plants maintain photosynthetic rates under water deficit; however, such adaptations are not well understood. A pot experiment was conducted with two winter wheat cultivars (Pubing 143, Zhengyin 1) during the grain-filling period. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) and chlorophyll (Chl) content were significantly less affected by water deficit in Pubing 143 than that in Zhengyin 1, and the variation in both PN and Chl content were more stable in spikes compared to flag leaves. At 18 days after anthesis, stomatal conductance of spikes in Pubing 143 were 28% lower than that of the control, while transpiration rate was 34% lower in Zhengyin 1 under water deficit. We provided the first evidence of amphistomatous stomata on the lemma of winter wheat spikes through scanning electron microscopic observations. The finding of the amphistomatous stomata is an important contribution to stomatal distribution and may help explain how wheat spikes can maintain high photosynthetic rates even under drought conditions., H. Ding, D. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Li, J. Kang, J. Lv, G. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Práce se zabývá přímým pozorováním atomárních procesů, které se uplatňují během růstu tenké vrstvy stříbra na zrekonstruovaném povrchu Si(111)7×7. Rastrovací tunelový mikroskop umožňuje atomární rozlišení v reálném prostoru. Snímáním série obrázků z jedné oblasti povrchu je navíc možné zachytit dynamiku procesů. Uveden je vliv rekonstrukce na povrchové procesy. Pozorovány byly základní procesy migrace atomu, vznik a rozpad zárodku, interakce s poruchami. Analýzou středních dob pobytu atomů v půlcelách povrchové rekonstrukce byly získány difuzní parametry. Uvádíme problémy vznikající při dynamických měřeních a jejich řešení., Pavel Sobotík, Pavel Kocán, Ivan Ošťádal., and Obsahuje seznam literatury